Mu Yuntian stepped back and looked at 'Yu Xin' as if he was looking at a god and demon. At this moment, the god and demon also looked at him and shouted with supreme coercion:

"Kneel down!" ,, ..

Chapter 152 The Battle of the Prosperous Age of the Shake Academy

This drink, earth-shattering, resounded throughout the Deity Academy.

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, Mu Yuntian, together with the students of the entire Alchemy Alliance, knelt down in front of Xiaozhufeng Yuxin's small courtyard, embarrassed and lost his dignity.

This matter spread across the entire Deity Academy at the speed of light, no matter the various departments or peaks, it seems that everyone is talking about it. There is no other reason. Mu Yuntian is really too famous.

The Deity Academy is huge, with dozens of internal Martial Dao departments, Pill Dao departments, and Instrument Dao departments. The intersections between them are not the same. There are only a handful of people who can pass on the name of the whole academy. , and then the leader of the Alchemy Alliance, Mu Yuntian.

Thanks to this, two more people were added to the list of personnel of the Zhen Academy: Zhang Ruren, the superintendent of Ice and Fire of the Gentleman's Party, and Zhang Yuxin, the leader of the Dan Dao Department.

However, everyone knows that with Mu Yuntian's status, this matter will never be let go.

Sure enough, on the second day, the Dan Dao League released a very shocking news: "Use a ban on pills that has not been used for hundreds of years against the Gentleman's Party!"

The ban on pills, as the name suggests, is to prohibit the supply of medicinal pills. With the authority of the Dan Tao Alliance, once this order is issued, it basically means that the entire Dan Tao system will not provide elixir to the target of the ban on pills.

This is the biggest killer of the Dan Dao League!

If it is said that which department communicates most frequently with other departments in the Deity Academy, it must be the alchemy department, because whether you study martial arts, artifact or animal control, you need the assistance of spiritual pills, and in the East where alchemists are very scarce It is very difficult to buy suitable elixir from the outside world, so basically they prepare elixir by themselves and go to the alchemist of the alchemy department to refine.

Under such circumstances, no one wants to offend the alchemist, let alone offend the alchemy alliance, the representative of the alchemy system!

Now that the ban on pills is issued, it means that nearly [-] students from the gentleman's party will directly cut off the aid of the pills. For these arrogances who are racing against time, it is like a bolt from the blue.

For a time, countless members of the Gentleman's Party protested, and some even more radically proposed to quit the Gentleman's Party.

This is a battle of prosperous times, not only within the Gentleman's Party, but the entire academy was shaken. Almost everyone concluded that the Gentleman's Party would not last long under the ban on pills.

In the inner hall of the Gentleman's Party, the ruthless man sat on the main seat with a grim expression, while Zhao Cangyu stood at the bottom like a faithful guard.

Since the beginning of the Ban Dan scandal, Su Ziming, in order to express his full support for Ruthless Man, defied all opinions and temporarily handed over the power of the Gentleman's Party to Ruthless Man, while he took several other inspectors out to explore the ruins.

At this moment, Fang Lin and the others walked in quickly, and said anxiously: "Inspector, there is another group of students gathered outside, there are hundreds of them, most of them are members of the outer courtyard, they urgently need spiritual pills to expand Lunhai, Fortunately, this competition strives for the opportunity to become elite students, and it is said that if the ban on pills is not lifted, they will quit the gentleman's party."

The ruthless man took a sip of his tea and said softly, "The order goes on. From now on, anyone who wants to quit the Gentleman's Party can just leave."


Fang Lin and the others changed their expressions.

Li Ming frowned and said: "It's better to be cautious about this matter. Although these students are only students from the outer courtyard, they will be the backbone of the gentleman's party in the future, so let's calm them down first."

"Humph! When you encounter such a small setback, you shout to quit the Gentlemen's Party, and you still expect them to become the backbone? Don't worry about such swaying villains. The big waves wash away the sand, and the rest is gold, just do as I say. !" The ruthless ordered coldly.

"As ordered!"

Fang Lin, Su Ziyue and others were familiar with the character of ruthless people, and they no longer insisted on it, and immediately took orders to leave.

Ruthless stood up in awe, and said softly to Zhao Cangyu, "Follow me to the Hall of Law Enforcement."

At the same time, on the Xiaozhu Peak.

Fairy Yunxia gathered a group of alchemists to talk about the ban on pills. Ever since the chief of Chiling Peak made things difficult for Xiaozhufeng, the alchemists of the entire Xiaozhufeng have basically cut a clean break with the alchemy alliance and formed a system of their own, especially It was after Yu Xin came to prominence that she reunited the broken hearts. Now it can be said that the entire Xiaozhufeng is united.

Only one alchemist said angrily: "This Mu Yuntian is really unscrupulous, how many years have the alchemy alliance been established, and he has never issued a ban on pills to major parties such as the Gentleman's Party, and now he is dispatched because of his own selfish desires. Forbidden pills, I think the Pill Dao Alliance will be defeated by him sooner or later."

Yu Xin sat on the left and said softly: "My eldest sister is in trouble, I must not sit back and ignore it. If Mu Yuntian dares to issue a ban on pills, I will also issue a ban on pills. I will never make alchemy for the students of alchemy masters, and if anyone resells the elixir that I have concocted to such people, I will also not concoct alchemy for them."

This sound was slow and slow, but hearing it in the ears of all the alchemists made them all gasp. This was a complete break with the alchemy alliance, forcing other students to fight with the rain in the alchemy alliance. Choose between Xin.

If the alchemist next to him said these words, he would definitely be laughed at as a shameless statement.But now Yuxin has this prestige, and when this ban on pills is issued, many people will inevitably be shaken.

Fairy Yunxia's eyes drooped slightly, and she said calmly, "Yuxin's meaning is also the meaning of this seat. The ban on pills of the Ruodan Taoist Alliance will not be cancelled. From now on, Xiaozhufeng and the Dan Taoist Alliance can only choose one! Do you have an opinion?"

A group of alchemists looked at each other, and said in unison, "Follow the orders of the peak master!"

Xiaozhufeng's public declaration of war, especially Yuxin's ban on pills, once again fueled a fire in this prosperous battle, and the previously one-sided public opinion fluctuated slightly.Because this is equivalent to involving all innocent students, if the Dan Dao League's ban on pills continues, they will undoubtedly lose their interests.

For a time, students from various colleges and departments protested one after another, and the calls for the Dan Dao League to lift the ban on pills became louder and louder.

However, the attitude of the Dan Dao League is also very firm, and they directly turn a blind eye to this part of the voice, but they don't know that this is just the beginning. , , .

Chapter 153 Someone is going to be detrimental to Senior Zhang's daughter?

The inner courtyard of the Deity Academy occupies hundreds of peaks and is incomparably vast.

This inner court is not an inner court belonging to the martial arts department, but a system of its own, and it is the second largest department after the martial arts department.

All students who can enter the inner courtyard, either the emperor is smart or the background is prominent, they are the true cradle of the strong in the Tianshen Academy. In the future, they can break through to the transcendent realm and can freely choose which department to study.

Because of this, almost all parties have branches here, and they spend a lot of money to win over the arrogance of the inner court.

Originally, everyone was in peace, but because of this prosperous battle, the branch of the Alchemy Alliance was facing a very severe test.

I saw a group of students from the inner courtyard outside the Dan Dao League branch of the inner courtyard, the three circles inside and the outer three circles were blocked, making a loud noise.

The first person is Xiao Ziyan. She is basically the overlord of the entire inner courtyard. Her right-hand man is Wu Di and the bear hunter of the earth-violent bear clan. These two people are the leading figures of the human clan and the demon clan in the inner courtyard. , they were all surrendered, and the rest naturally did not dare to be disobedient to Zi Yan.

In the prominent family of the students of the inner courtyard, no matter how strong Zi Yan is, it is difficult to bring them together. What they are really afraid of is Zhang Tian behind Zi Yan, who is an invincible great sage, their family Can't compare them together.

With Zhang Tian as a father, Xiao Ziyan has no fear at all. On the first day she came to the inner courtyard, she beat Wu Di twice until he was obedient. As the chief elder of the inner courtyard, Wu Qingquan, but Don't dare to stop it at all.

Even the elders of the inner courtyard couldn't sanction Zi Yan, and the rest of the students could only succumb to her coercion, secretly named her a 'little devil king', hoping day and night that she could break through soon , it is better to go to other faculties to scourge.

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