It didn't take long for the door of the inner court's Dan Dao League branch to slam open, and hundreds of teenagers dressed in the Dan Dao League costumes rushed out angrily. You handed it in, why are you still making trouble?" His words were full of humiliation, and it was the first time in thousands of years that the dignified Dao Alliance had to pay someone else a protection fee.

Zi Yan's big eyes flashed and hummed: "It's just that you guys from the Dan Dao League have provoked my eldest sister, and this account will also be counted on your head. Now you have two choices, or quit the Dan Dao League. , or leave the inner courtyard!"

The leading boy almost burst into tears and said loudly, "Who is your eldest sister?"

"The gentleman's party ice and fire supervisor Zhang Ruren!" Zi Yan raised her snow neck proudly.

"Zhang Ruren?"

All the youths of the Alchemy Alliance couldn't help but change their faces. They naturally received Mu Yuntian's ban on pills, and they were asked to forbid alchemy for the members of the Gentlemen's Party.

Xiong Lifeng's bear eyes glared, strode forward, and shouted: "Make a decision now, quit the inner court or quit the Pill Dao League? Otherwise, don't blame the uncle's iron fist to serve you!"

Wu Di also took a step forward, shaking his head and said: "Don't think about playing tricks, the eldest sister has a black killing order from the Law Enforcement Palace, it is useless for you to come over to the Law Enforcement Palace!"

At first he was subdued by Zi Yan, and he was still a little aggrieved, but after getting used to it, he found that his power seemed to be greater, it was just under one person, over ten thousand people, much better than before. It is also convincing. 19th Floor Literature

The teenagers of the Dan Dao League wanted to cry but had no tears. This was simply a dictatorship. There was no place to complain. Everyone looked at each other. In the end, more than [-]% of the people chose to quit the Dan Tao League. After all, this is where they really are. 's residence.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ziyan showed satisfaction, turned around again, faced the younger brothers, and said loudly: "The people of the Dan Dao League will not give my eldest sister alchemy, so from now on, our inner courtyard will be People, don't use the pills of his alchemy alliance, if anyone is discovered by me in violation of the order, hum, the consequences are very serious!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a commotion, and a young man with a big head and a big head said boldly: "Boss, this is too hard for a man to do. Most of us come to Tianshen Academy because there are many alchemists here, and we don't seek alchemy from the alchemy alliance. , how do we cultivate!"

"Yes, boss, you can't do it without a panacea!" All the younger brothers said one after another.

Zi Yan stared at her big beautiful eyes and said, "Who said there is no elixir? You can go to Xiaozhufeng's alchemist to make alchemy! Whoever does well, I can ask the second sister to concoct alchemy for him!"

"Who is the eldest's second sister?" Several younger brothers asked curiously.

"Little Bamboo Peak Dan Kui Zhang Yuxin! Have you heard of it?" Zi Yan became even more energetic.

"Dan Kui Zhang Yuxin? Is that Zhang Yuxin who made the ten-pattern Phoenix Yuan Pill and the Nine-pattern Destiny Pill?"

A group of students exclaimed that the name Zhang Yuxin has been popular in the college recently.Her achievements such as refining a ten-patterned elixir, a seven-pattern and eight-pattern spiritual pill, and a robbery pill that enables a warrior of the eighth level of the transcendent realm to directly break through to the half-step legendary realm, etc., made her extremely dazzling. Make a panacea.

The students of the Dan Dao League branch of the inner courtyard collectively withdrew from the alliance.

The students in the inner courtyard collectively rejected the alchemist of the alchemy alliance, and turned to Xiaozhufeng alchemist to make alchemy.

These two heavy news detonated the academy again.As a gathering place for the children of wealthy families, the inner courtyard is also a group of young people who are not deeply involved in the world. They have always been the easiest group to make money. Now that they have lost a large piece of fat, even the alchemy alliance will be greatly damaged.

When this happened, there were many complaints in the Pill Dao Alliance, and many people began to secretly complain about Mu Yuntian's reckless actions, false public and private interests.

"Give me a warning to all those who have objections! This time, no one can stop me, Mu Yuntian!" In the hall of the Alchemy Alliance headquarters, Mu Yuntian's face was ashen and angrily roared.

A hidden valley in the East Wasteland is covered with huge magic circles everywhere, but most of these magic circles are dull, but it can also be seen that this was once a very powerful ancient land.

At this moment, a violent aura surged into the sky, causing the void to roar.

The door of a secret room burst open, Ji Feixue strode out, the aura on her body was as terrifying and unpredictable as the ancient abyss, the beautiful eyes that seemed to contain divine thunder stared at the maid who came to speak, and said solemnly:

"You said just now that someone in the academy is going to be detrimental to Senior Zhang's daughter?" ,, .

Chapter 154 This is the good fortune that Senior Zhang gave me

The maid was attacked by Ji Feixue's powerful aura, she only felt that she was in a terrifying battlefield where the armor was broken and the blood was stained with blood. Miss, it is said that Senior Zhang's eldest daughter offended Mu Yuntian, the leader of the Dan Dao Alliance, and now the Dan Dao Alliance has issued a ban on pills against Zhang Ruren's gentleman's party, and the whole academy is in a frenzy."

"Alchemy Alliance, Mu Yuntian." Ji Feixue murmured, a cold look flashed in her eyes.

After a while, more than a dozen escaping lights flew over from all directions, and as soon as it was settled, the middle-aged man at the head said excitedly: "Feixue, you really awakened the blood of my distant ancestor of the Ji clan, the god of war, and you have such a strong bloodline. The power of qi and blood, the revival of the Ji clan is just around the corner!"

Another white-haired old man also excitedly said: "The senior that Feixue met is really the great benefactor of my Ji clan, and the "Great Wilderness Battle Nerve" you sent back is not only of rank, but also unimaginably powerful. , is more suitable for the cultivation of our clansmen, everyone's cultivation is advancing by leaps and bounds. Even your father and I have each broken through the double realm! I even have a feeling that it will take a long time to break through to the semi-holy realm! "

Ji Feixue's heart was shocked. Her father and Seventh Uncle were the middle-level and high-level kings of the legendary realm respectively. It took a lot of effort to advance each level. Now they have broken through two levels in just one month, and even have to break through. In the semi-sage, if this matter spreads out, it will definitely shake the entire Eastern Wilderness!

But thinking about what Zhang Tian said before, Ji Shen, if that is really his distant ancestor, let alone breaking through to the semi-sacred, even if it is a supreme saint and an immortal emperor, it is nothing.

Thinking of this, Ji Feixue's expression suddenly calmed down, and she said slowly: "Father, Seventh Uncle, although "The Great Wilderness Battle Nerve" is our Ji Clan's practice, outsiders will inevitably covet it, so don't be too much. It’s better to make a statement, the current Ji clan is nothing in the Eastern Wasteland.”

The white-haired old man nodded and said: "Feixue is right, I have discussed with your father, starting today to close Jigu, all the clansmen will all retreat to comprehend "The Great Wilderness War Nerve", until one of your father and I break through to the supreme Until the great sage. If there is a great sage in charge, my Ji family can be regarded as a real comeback."

"Close up Jigu? This is a good idea, but I must rush back to the academy now, because the people from the Dan Dao Alliance have to deal with Senior Zhang's daughter, and I must go back to help." Ji Feixue said calmly.

"What? Someone dares to be detrimental to Senior Zhang's daughter? It's just courting death! This headband is the treasure of my Ji family. It is said that it is stained with the blood of gods and demons. Although it is not a holy soldier, its power is not there. Under the holy soldiers of the extreme way, you will also bring this treasure with you, Senior Zhang is the great benefactor of my Ji clan, and his daughter, my Ji clan, should guard her with all her might."

Ji Feixue's father said solemnly, took out a bronze-colored headband and handed it out. This headband is full of ancient atmosphere. At a glance, it can be seen that it has existed for a long time. After feeling Ji Feixue's momentum, it actually emits a faint fluorescence. , flew out directly and landed on Ji Feixue's head, adding a bit of solemnity to her.

At the headquarters of the Hundred Flowers League, countless Yingying and Yanyan gathered together, happily chatting about various gossip and anecdotes.

At this moment, Ji Feixue walked in from outside, and a powerful aura swept the audience, as if a peerless god of war had returned from the battlefield.She, who has continuously broken through the realm, has not waited to fully control this power.

All the members of the Hundred Flowers League couldn't help showing a look of astonishment, and they all stood together. An enchanting woman sitting in the first place was even more surprised: "Half-step legend... No, Junior Sister Ji, you have broken a profound entrance of life and death!" Nine Take a look at

Another True Inheritance student in the legendary realm was shocked: "It's more than a life-and-death profound entrance. With this powerful qi and blood fluctuation, I thought it was an immemorial relic who came in."

The rest of the members nodded one after another. Although Ji Feixue's cultivation base fluctuated strongly, what really shocked them was the terrifying fluctuation of qi and blood. You must know that there is even a legendary woman in the Hundred Flowers League. Banshee King, but no one can compare with Ji Feixue in terms of qi and blood.

If they didn't look at Ji Feixue's face, anyone would think that it was an immemorial relic or even a pure-blooded immemorial beast!

Ji Feixue said calmly: "I have awakened the blood of the distant ancestors."

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar, but it also showed a sudden color.Although the Emperor Buried Heaven killed all the gods and demons and suppressed all the gods and demons back then, these descendants of gods and demons still lived in the nine mountains and seas, so that in ancient times, many human race powerhouses contained gods and demons blood in their bodies. They took Ji Feixue's blood for granted. The distant ancestors were also regarded as such characters.

The enchanting woman at the head said solemnly: "I didn't expect Junior Sister Ji's family to inherit such a powerful bloodline of gods and demons. Now that the bloodline has returned to its ancestors, it will not be difficult to think of it as a strong man in the Great Sacred Realm in the future. Congratulations to Junior Sister Ji."

The rest of the people also followed to congratulate, and their eyes were full of awe and envy. This is the blood of the gods and demons, which is more precious and powerful than the blood of some ancient beasts of the demon clan.

Another True Inheritance student asked curiously, "Since Junior Sister Ji's bloodline has returned to her ancestors, why didn't she retreat in the family, why did she come back to the academy?"

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