"Zhang Ruren, you are deceiving people too much!"

Mo Qianye's anger bulged with blue veins on his forehead. This kind of ignorance was simply the greatest humiliation. How could he, who has always prided himself on being extraordinary, accept it, but when he saw Zhao Cangyu with a cold and arrogant expression, he still managed to hold back his anger. After all, it was a gentleman's party, and he didn't dare to really fight.

After taking two deep breaths, Mo Qianye calmed down the anger in his heart. Thinking of the purpose of coming here, he turned his eyes to Shangguanlong and said arrogantly: "You are from the Dan Dao League, go back and tell Mu Yuntian, the elixir of your Pill Dao Alliance, I have packaged it with the Zhetian Alliance. Later, a batch of elixir will be shipped to the Pill Dao Department, no matter how many elixir you make, I will accept all of them according to the order!"

"Really?" Shangguanlong immediately showed ecstasy.

Mo Qianye squinted his eyes and said, "This is the meaning of the crown prince. Do you dare to believe what he said?"

"Prince Zhetian?" Shangguanlong took a deep breath and said quickly: "Trust, believe, Prince Zhetian is the number one person in the academy. How dare the villain not believe his words. The villain will go back and tell Senior Brother Mu."

"Hmph! You are acquainted."

Mo Qianye finally found a sense of superiority in Shangguanlong, raised his neck high, and said proudly: "In addition, tell Mo Qianye that Prince Zhetian appreciates him, and let him come to Zhetian League in person." www.ffxss.com

"Yes, yes, I will inform Senior Brother Mu when I go back."

Shangguan Long nodded again and again. Not only was he not ashamed, but he was proud of it. Although many ignorant students in the academy liked to treat the crown prince Ye Bufan and Mu Yuntian as equals, he knew that in front of world-shattering talents like Ye Bufan, Mu Yuntian is nothing at all.

This time Shangguanlong also became angry, looked up at the ruthless man, and said loudly: "Let's continue to wait and see, at the Qifeng Dan meeting, Senior Brother Mu will entertain Lingmei well."

A cold light flashed in Ruthless Man's eyes, and he said indifferently: "If I remember correctly, the leader of the Dan Dao Alliance is not fixed, but the first place in the Seven Peaks Dan Association every year. Can he, Mu Yuntian, keep this? The position is still between the two, if you really keep it, it's not too late for you to be arrogant."

Zhao Cangyu felt the wrath of the ruthless man, and immediately looked straight at Shangguanlong with a cold brow, pressing one hand on the hilt of the sword, as if he was going to shoot at any time.

Shangguanlong's heart shrank, and he didn't dare to be arrogant any more, and immediately ran out in despair. Anyway, with Zhetianmeng taking over, his mission was completed.

Mo Qianye originally wanted to give the Ruthless Man a disgrace, but he didn't expect to be blocked by a little-known and unknown soldier.

Unexpectedly, just as he walked out of the gentleman's party, he ran into a stern beauty with a headband, and the blood on his body fluctuated like a storm.

When she glanced at him, Mo Qianye felt cold all over his body, as if he was being stared at by a pure-blooded ancient beast, and even the blood in his body seemed to stop flowing.

"You... who are you?" Mo Qianye felt that this woman was not good, and couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Hundred Flowers League, Ji Feixue. No matter who you are, if you dare to harm Senior Zhang's daughter, I will kill you!" Ji Feixue said coldly and turned away.

Mo Qianye frowned slightly, looking at Ji Feixue's back, a fierce look suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he secretly said in his heart: "Damn, one by one, really when I, Mo Qianye, can't be bullied, when the academy competes. , you are optimistic!"

A few days passed in the blink of an eye, and the Cold War between the Alchemy Alliance and the Gentleman's Party continued, and everyone could see that the real decisive battle would definitely break out during the college competition, when both sides were secretly accumulating strength.

Before the college competition came, the date of the Scarlet Trial came quietly. The scale of this trial was unprecedented, because the entrance of Scarlet Cave was in the Eastern Wasteland, countless powerful tribes, ancient sect holy places, and even ancient tribes. The aristocratic families have all sent teams to escort the arrogance of the clan, and the entire Eastern Wilderness is surging.

On the day of the trial, a loud dragon roar resounded throughout the city of freedom. In the small courtyard of the Zhang family, the huge six-winged dragon finally broke through the shackles after swallowing and digesting the corpse of the ancient relic Huo Yunfeng. Evolved into a frost dragon comparable to the legendary king!

In the small courtyard, Zhang Tian looked at the giant frost dragon soaring into the sky, and said with a smile: "The bloody cave is closed today, and now you can leave with peace of mind."

After he finished speaking, he rolled up his three daughters and flew directly to the back of the giant frost dragon.

Xiao Ziyan was lying in Zhang Tian's arms, and her mouth was close to his ear and said coquettishly, "Dad, come in and help Zi Yan this time."

Zhang Tian's eyes showed a touch of pampering. He didn't speak. He only tapped the Bing Ling bracelet on Zi Yan's wrist, and a faint blue light flashed away.

"Dad is the best!" Xiao Ziyan shouted and kissed Zhang Tian's cheek heavily, causing Ruthless and Yu Xin to look over suspiciously. , , .

Chapter 157 Younger Ling Shuangxue, Greet Seniors

The vast city is the only place to enter the bloody cave.

At this time, countless powerful teams gathered here, looking at the vast mist under the city, hazy and ethereal, as if they were in the sky.

Suddenly, like a stone falling into the lake water, all the mists swayed with layers of ripples, and there were countless tyrannical auras faintly.

"A new batch of powerhouses have arrived!"

The hearts of everyone in the vast city were awe-inspiring, and when they looked around, they saw a huge lotus platform flying from the sky, and out of it came a girl with a graceful figure. Wearing a pale pink veil, people can't see the sky.

Seeing the woman in charge, many people whispered, "It's Yun Xianyun from the ancient Xianling Sect, she actually came in person."

"It is said that Yun Xianyun has been cast into a flawless holy body and is one of the leading figures in the Southern Wilderness. The ancient Xianling Sect was revived because of her."

"In the next wild battle, she will definitely be the main force in the Southern Wilderness."

Everyone is still talking about it here, and a large number of flying warhorses appear in the sky, led by a woman with white hair like snow, a ribbon on her forehead, wearing silver armor, holding a silver gun, her body is like a rainbow, with a Stocks of great momentum.

"It's a member of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. The leader of the team turned out to be the Holy Son Ling Shuangxue. She broke through to the semi-holy realm!"

"Terrorist, Ling Shuangxue was a legendary nine-transformation a year ago, but now he has broken through to a semi-sacred, a semi-sacred in his twenties, enough to rank the mainland! Even more amazing than the law enforcement Tianzun and Yun Xianyun of the Deity Academy! "

"This woman must have obtained the heaven-defying good fortune, and her future achievements are limitless!"

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

A burst of beast roars came from the depths of the cloud and mist, and everyone knew that it was the powerhouse of the monster clan.Sure enough, one after another terrifying figure came out of the sky, one-horned thunder rhinoceros, flamingos, Jinzhan Dapeng, red-armored earth dragon, giant peak dragon... They are powerful races in the demon clan.

The arrogance of these demon tribes walked out, one by one, with their qi and blood soaring into the sky, competing with the arrogance of the human race such as the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, the Ancient Xianling Sect, and others.

However, this situation was quickly broken. There was a huge roar from the deep cloud and fog, which was louder than any previous sound. It shook the sky and the ground. Howling sound.

Everyone in the vast city was startled, feeling that the breath was getting closer and closer, only to feel that an ancient god was about to break through the sky, and all of them stretched their necks, looking into the depths of the turbulent mist.


All the mist rose as if it had boiled, and many terrifying figures appeared.First Literature Network www.cnd1wx.com

Some people with vision in the vast city immediately exclaimed: "This is the golden lion clan among the thirteen holy clans of the demon clan, no wonder it has such a terrifying aura."


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