This group of golden lion powerhouses set foot on the vast city, and the leader is the Amethyst Lion King. I saw him turn into a lion-headed human body, and one arm was broken at the same root, and it did not waste blood essence to recover. Makes him look even more fierce.

Feeling the prying eyes around him, the Amethyst Lion King snorted coldly, and a purple flame of more than ten meters suddenly erupted from his body, destroying the void and burning out the countless protruding consciousness.

With such strength, all the powerhouses could not help but sigh in their hearts, but what shocked them even more was that the lion clan genius standing next to the Amethyst Lion King, but seeing his hair covered in gold, he looked boundless and mighty. , the god-like aura that everyone felt before was emanating from him.

"The pupils are red gold, this is the appearance of the ancestors, the golden lions actually produced a arrogance of the ancestors!"

"The golden lions are descendants of the ancient emperor lions. They are powerful beasts comparable to gods and demons. No wonder they have the aura of gods. The real pure-blooded ancient emperor lions are definitely not under the power of gods and demons!"

"What a powerful breath, is this still in the Lunhai Realm? How can a warrior in the Lunhai Realm possess such a terrifying aura."

"Haha, my Emperor Shi'er has finally waited for this day. Today, I will step on the corpses of countless Tianjiao and reach the top!"

Emperor Shi'er stepped out with arrogant strides, like a born king. Wherever he goes, the fire spirit energy will attach to his back, with the power to look down on the world and swallow up the power of the eight wastes, will be present at the scene. The momentum was all suppressed.

In addition to the secret struggle of Tianjiao, those powerhouses are also facing each other faintly in the air. The one-armed amethyst lion king is the great sage of the demon clan, and directly aimed at Yun Xianyun of the ancient fairy spirit. The explosion caused the entire vast city to be covered under their pressure.

In addition, Ling Shuangxue of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect was also very powerful. He used his own power to suppress several old-fashioned semi-sages of the demon clan. His strength was so strong that all the powerhouses looked at him.

At this moment, a loud roar of a giant dragon came from the sky, and a young girl's cheerful voice faintly said: "Little lion, my war servant, come and see the master soon!"

As soon as he heard this voice, the originally majestic Emperor Shi'er's face turned green. He deliberately dragged him to the end, just to avoid Zi Yan, the little witch, but he was caught, and immediately showed the demeanor of a strong man. He didn't care, and directly plunged into the turbine of the blood-colored cave.

This shocking change made everyone look stunned. Emperor Shi'er, whose bloodline had returned to his ancestors, would be so afraid of a young girl.

Out of curiosity, everyone looked up at the sky with their necks raised, and saw a huge frost dragon roaring, bringing with it a terrifying power of frost and snow, and crashing down onto the vast city.

A petite and lovely girl dressed in white jumped off the back of the giant dragon, patrolled around, and said in surprise, "Where's the little lion? I clearly felt his breath just now?"

The powerhouses became more and more amazed. They didn't know who this young girl was, but she dared to call 'little lion' in front of a group of golden lion powerhouses. This was simply an insult to Hong Guoguo.But what shocked them even more was that the previously incomparably overbearing Amethyst Lion King was silent at this time.

Seeing Zhang Tian walking down from the back of the Frost Dragon, Ling Shuangxue's icy-cold face suddenly burst into a splendid look, she flew straight up, landed on Zhang Tian, ​​and saluted respectfully. : "Junior Ling Shuangxue, say hello to the senior. I was enlightened by the senior before, and I was able to use it infinitely. I was able to break through to the semi-holy realm. I can see my senior's true face again. I am lucky to have three lives."

Chapter 158 You are also worthy of being this emperor?


There was a collective uproar in the vast city. Ling Shuangxue was a peerless genius of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect. She was only in her twenties and reached the realm of a semi-sage. The person who could be called a senior by her must at least be a great sage.

Especially the phrase 'enlightened by the seniors', it made everyone think about it, and it inspired a legendary nine-transformation king to break through to the semi-holy realm. Even the ordinary supreme saint can never do it. It can be seen that this person is likely to be the supreme among the great saints.

For a time, most people looked at Zhang Tian with awe. A strong man in the Great Holy Land, whether it is the ancient holy land of the human race or the holy tribe of the demon race, must show the least respect to him. , not to mention that this is likely to be a supreme saint who covers the continent.

But there are also some people who have doubts in their eyes. Every Supreme Christmas will make a sensation in the whole continent. There are very few people who are unknown, let alone the Supreme Sage. These people have no impression of Zhang Tian. Looking at him, there is no aura fluctuations in him, and there is no strong proof.

Zhang Tian was stunned when he saw Ling Shuangxue standing in front of him, and then he remembered what happened in the Demon Emperor Ruins. He just did it casually, but he didn't expect Ling Shuangxue to be so grateful, so he nodded slightly and said, "You have a good understanding. , this blessing can protect you for three years, and the extent to which you can reach it in the end depends on your good fortune."

Ling Shuangxue's expression was even more excited. When she returned to the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect from the Demon Emperor Ruins, she noticed that whenever she entered meditation practice, there would be a power of the Great Dao manifesting in her mind, various laws were clearly visible, and her realm improved. Feiju, now that she learned that this effect would last for three years, how could she not be ecstatic.

"Senior is here today. Could it be that there is also a junior who wants to enter the blood-colored cave?" Ling Shuangxue's beautiful eyes flickered, and she asked cautiously.

With that kind of expression, the arrogances of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed that Ling Shuangxue, who has always been known for her coldness, would show such a charming girl's side.

Even the powerhouses of other races were fascinated by Ling Shuangxue's dazzling smile, secretly thinking that whoever could take Ling Shuangxue as a Taoist companion would really be envious of men in the world.

Zhang Tian nodded with a smile and pointed to Xiao Ziyan.

At this moment, there was a roaring sound from the left and right, and the momentum was not under the Amethyst Lion King, which shook the void and the clouds and mist trembled.

Ling Shuangxue was stunned in her heart, she bowed to Zhang Tian again, jumped back to the ranks of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, and looked into the distance.I saw that the cloud and mist on the left broke first, and it turned out to be a huge palace. It was made of profound ice, and it was hundreds of feet long. It came from the sky, and even the space was frozen with countless ice crystals.

"This is the most treasured Frozen Throne of the Bingjue Holy Land. It is said that this treasure is made of the bones of a supreme demon saint, condensing the coldest air in the world. , the power is endless, and even killed a great holy realm powerhouse!"

Everyone in the vast city was talking about it, with horror in their eyes, but it seemed that they were not expected. In this blood-colored trial, an immortal temple was born, which is related to the inheritance of the luck of all the sect holy places. , as expected by many.


As soon as the Frozen Throne landed on land, all the land within a hundred miles was covered with a layer of frost, which was extremely terrifying.

A Tianjiao young man named Ice Absolute Holy Land walked out of it, all like ice for ten thousand years, without the slightest emotion on his face, his white clothes squeaked under the mountain wind, exuding a cold atmosphere.

In the center of the throne, sat a terrifying figure of Lingtian Jedi, with white hair and a shawl, as if he was the incarnation of ice.Even if he is the king of the legendary realm, when he glances at him, he feels that the blood in his body is about to be frozen. It is the contemporary suzerain of the Ice Absolute Holy Land, known as the 'Ice Emperor', who once froze one hundred thousand in a rage. Li Dachuan, even among the Great Sages, is a terrifying figure.

Naturally, the dignified Ice Emperor will not come to such a place in person. This is just his incarnation of ice, but he is an extraordinary sage.Search e-book

"Xiaolong, what's wrong with you?"

Zi Yan retreated to Zhang Tian's side, and she couldn't help showing curiosity when she saw her frost dragon crawling on the ground and trembling constantly.


The Frost Dragon couldn't speak, but kept mourning at the frozen throne in the Frozen Holy Land. His eyes were full of fear, but there was also a faint desire.

It turns out that this frozen throne is not only made of the bones of the supreme demon saint, but the top of the throne is inlaid with the demon core of this demon saint, which contains terrifying blood power, not only the frost dragon, but all the demon races present felt the horror blood pressure.

Zi Yan found the problem, immediately widened her eyes, and shouted at the Ice Emperor: "White-haired old demon, put away this broken palace, it scared my little dragon!"


As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden breath of cold air around, and Zi Yan was daring, knowing that the people in this Frozen Holy Land are not pure human races.In particular, the Ice Emperor is a ruthless character who freezes a hundred thousand miles of river in anger.

"Those who blaspheme this emperor should be punished."

The ice emperor who was sitting on the frozen throne turned into a majesty and opened his mouth, grabbed Zi Yan with one hand, and suddenly the power of infinite frost swept the audience, forming an ice dragon whistling towards Zi Yan.

The power of this ice dragon seems to cover the world, making all the powerhouses pale. Such a fierce attack clearly used the power of the Frozen Throne. Even the ordinary great sage powerhouse dare not shake it hard, obviously not targeting Zizi. Yan, but for the powerhouse who brought Zi Yan over.

For a time, everyone focused their attention on Zhang Tian.

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