Just as the ice dragon was approaching, Zhang Tian said in a low voice, "Suppression!"

As soon as the two words came out, the vast Emperor Might rose into the sky, sweeping across ten directions, the ice dragon in the sky was directly frozen in the void, and a very vivid expression of fear appeared on his face.

In the next moment, the ice dragon, which was condensed with countless icy qi, exploded, and the cold qi rolled back, condensing into a huge icy handprint, as if it contained the power of heaven, breaking through the sky, pressing down, and directly sealing the frozen throne. Together with the Ice Emperor, he was imprisoned in his hands.

"Do not!!!"

The Ice Emperor showed an extremely horrified expression. He was the Ice Emperor and controlled the laws of the ice system, but at this time, he could not shake the frozen cage at all.

"With you, are you also worthy of the title of this emperor?"

Zhang Tian showed a strong disdain on his face, and with a wave of his hand, the Frozen Throne and the Ice Emperor avatar burst into pieces, turning into countless ice crystals, destroying both body and spirit. , , .

Chapter 159 Little Lion King, Where's My War Servant?


Infinite fear spread throughout the vast city.

Almost all the strong men subconsciously took two steps backwards, facing the calm Zhang Tian, ​​their faces full of horror.

The more profound a person is, the more powerful he can feel the incarnation of the Ice Emperor and the Frozen Throne.It is no exaggeration to say that the combination of these two can easily suppress ordinary powerhouses in the Great Sacred Realm.

However, such a terrifying existence disappeared in an instant, and even how it was suppressed, everyone did not see clearly, only to see an ice dragon transformed by the Ice Emperor, which turned into a frozen handprint in an instant, and then reversed. Imprisoned the Ice Emperor.What kind of absurdity is this?Unheard of at all!

Supreme Sage!

Absolutely the Supreme Being!

This time, everyone showed a very positive look. Only the Supreme Sage, who has participated in the creation of good fortune, can make such terrifying actions so easily and freely.

The Amethyst Lion King subconsciously touched his severed arm, as if remembering what happened at the Deity Academy that day, and felt that he was very lucky to survive.Compared to the Golden Feather Clan God Emperor and Ice Emperor, he was much luckier.

"Wow, Dad is amazing!" Zi Yan patted her fleshy little hand and came to Zhang Tian's side, her cute little face full of admiration.

Zhang Tian smiled slightly, spread his palm, and a demon core the size of a baby's fist appeared in his palm.It is the demon core of the Supreme Demon Saint embedded in the Frozen Throne, and it is also the most valuable part of the Frozen Throne.

I saw that this demon core has been polished to be very round and crystal clear, and the surface is engraved with many runes. It is precisely because of these runes that the blood of the demon holy spirit in this demon core has not dissipated, but it has continuously absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. , becoming more and more aggressive.

Zhang Tian glanced at it, and the power of the runes on the surface of the demon core instantly dissolved, and an extremely violent blood force burst out, as if a sleeping ancient dragon was awakened.

In an instant, all the monsters, including the Frost Dragon, crawl to the ground, trembling, as if they were visiting the emperor.Even the demon powerhouses who were psychic felt a palpitation, and their strength was greatly reduced. This was the coercion originating from the bloodline.

At the same time of fear, these demon eyes are also full of greed. This is the demon core of a supreme demon saint who is infinitely close to the immortal realm. The power and dignity of blood essence are unimaginable.Even a demon saint like the Amethyst Lion King couldn't help but show a fiery look. If he could swallow this demon core, he would at least be able to improve his realm by two turns.

"Hey... that smelly demon core!"

Zi Yan covered her nose and took a few steps back, with a look of disgust on her face, because this demon core contained a trace of the blood of the ancient dragon, which made her a little instinctively repulsive.

Zhang Tian was stunned for a moment, seeing that Zi Yan didn't like it, and he didn't care at the moment, and threw the demon core to the frost dragon who was looking at him.


The Frost Dragon immediately showed ecstasy, opened its big mouth, and swallowed the demon core. The two dragon eyes were immediately covered with blood, exuding an astonishing dragon might, like a stormy sea, one level was higher than the other, and in the blink of an eye, After breaking through three small ranks, the Linjiao on the two wings turned directly into golden color, which was a vision brought by the evolution of the bloodline. 877 Haoshu www.877haoshu.com

All the demon clan powerhouses cried out their regrets in their hearts, it was a waste of time to waste a precious demon core so easily.If this treasure is used properly, it can completely create a powerful demon saint.


At this moment, the cloud and mist on the right also rolled to the extreme, burst open, and rushed out of a chariot full of ancient atmosphere.But seeing that this chariot is hundreds of feet in size, it was held up by a dozen huge alien powerhouses, and it broke through the air.These alien giants, each of which is like a rainbow, has a size of more than ten feet, and actually used pure brute force to hold up this hundred-zhang chariot.

When they got closer, everyone could see it more clearly. They saw that the chariot was decorated very luxuriously. Always take shape.

"Four-clawed blue dragon, this is the chariot of King Zhennan!"

"It is rumored that King Zhennan has a pearl in the palm of his hand. He is sixteen years old. I didn't expect to come to participate in the blood test."

"King Zhennan is only one woman, and she really likes it so much that she even uses her own car. This is a shock. Whoever dares to move this little county master is an enemy of the entire royal family of the Holy Ancestor!"

The surrounding powerhouses were talking a lot, looking at the huge chariot with awe in their eyes.

In a sense, this county master is more noble than many princesses. After all, there are many daughters of the saints, and there are many princes. Unless the maternal power is very strong, the status of the princess is not high.

But King Zhennan only has this one daughter. She will inherit the entire [-] million li territory of the Southern Region and the military power of millions of powerful troops. The dignity of her status can be imagined.

Beside Zhang Tian, ​​Yu Xin asked curiously: "This chariot is so majestic, it dares to use the black yellow as the base and the four-clawed blue dragon as the flag. Could it be a member of the royal family?"

There was a strange look in the eyes of the ruthless man, and he whispered: "This chariot belongs to King Zhennan. King Zhennan is also the younger brother of the current Saint Ancestor, one of the most powerful masters of the Saint Ancestor royal family, who sits in the southern region. , the power is monstrous, but the light is completely blocked by the emperor, not known to ordinary people. The person in this carriage should be the only daughter of King Zhennan, the famous Princess Jidu."

During the conversation, the roller blinds of the black-yellow carriage had been lifted, and a beautiful girl walked out. Her skin was as smooth as snow, as if it would glow. She was wearing a purple robe that was obviously a treasure, perfectly outlined. She was born with the aura of heaven and earth, and she has a beautiful outline that undulates and clears like a mountain.This extraordinary, breath-taking beauty is beyond the reach of ordinary brushes in the world.

As soon as she walked out, four huge alien powerhouses guarded her closely, and they were four and a half saints.

The ruthless man whispered again: "As expected of the pearl in the palm of King Zhennan, there is actually a half-sage of the giant spirit clan as a war servant. It is rumored that the giant spirit clan has the blood of the ancient giant spirit gods, the number is very rare, and each of them is extremely powerful. Only King Zhennan can have such a big deal."

"What's so great about the giant spirit clan, my servant is still the emperor lion, where did the little lion go, and he didn't come to support me!"

Zi Yan said angrily, began to patrol left and right, and finally jumped directly to the Golden Lions team.

"Little Lion King, where is my servant? I clearly felt his breath just now, did you hide him?"

Zi Yan searched around and couldn't find it, so she had to spread her hands at the Amethyst Lion King, asking for someone! , , .

Chapter 160 Zhang Tian's Female Fate

The Amethyst Lion King was so furious that he turned his head and turned his eyes away.This bear child is too bad, the lion king is the lion king, what does it mean to add the word 'small'?How can he say that he is also the leader of the Golden Lion clan, in this crowd, don't you lose face?

This time, the strong people are really dumbfounded. The previous sentence 'little lion' can also be explained as disdain for the general knowledge of the juniors. Now that the 'little lion king' has come out, there is no reason to tolerate it, it is not the mysterious turtle clan , obviously with scruples.After passing the broken arm of the Amethyst Lion King, everyone seemed to understand something, and the eyes looking at Zhang Tian were more awe-inspiring.

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