The little princess who walked out of the black-yellow chariot suddenly flashed her beautiful eyes, looking very surprised.Although she is young, as the successor of the Southern Region, she has received the most rigorous training, and her vision is far higher than her peers. Crystal Lion King's bear child is very curious.

"Little sister, what is your servant?"

The Princess Jidu spoke softly with her sweet voice without a trace of impurities, and the whole world seemed to be surrounded by a rich and fragrant fairy energy because of her opening, which directly taught the heart to turmoil.

This kind of strange power comes not only from the supreme charm of Jidu County Master herself, but also because of the exercises she cultivates, which are very mysterious and unpredictable.

"My servant is an ancient emperor lion whose bloodline has returned to his ancestors. I don't know where he went!"

Zi Yan said very angrily, the black and beautiful big eyes suddenly turned around, jumped, jumped directly on the yellow carriage of the county master of Jidu, and said very enthusiastically: "You have so many giant spirits and servants, why don't you? How many will you give me?"

As soon as these words came out, the half-sages of the giant spirit clan next to the county master of Jidu immediately widened their eyes, and their breath became very dangerous. Their clan is a natural fighting race, and their bodies contain the blood of the ancient giant spirit gods. Subdued by the overwhelming strength of King Zhennan, he was willing to be the servant of the little county master, how could he be freely transferred like goods.

The county master Jidu was also stunned for a moment, then smiled sweetly, waved his hand to comfort him, and said softly: "These people were arranged by my father and king for me. They can only protect me, but not give them to you."

She is of noble birth, and few people dare to talk to her so casually, so I like Zi Yan very much in my heart, especially want to pinch Zi Yan's pink face.

Zi Yan showed regret and sighed: "My father also gave me a little dragon and a holy soldier of the extreme way, but unfortunately the elder sister said that neither of them could be brought into the bloody cave."

The county master of Jidu pursed his lips and said with a smile: "According to legend, this bloody cave was a trial ground established by many gods in ancient times. It was specially designed to cultivate the descendants of gods and demons. Even if those gods are now sleeping, this cave is still protected by divine power. All creatures beyond the Lunhai realm are not allowed to enter. The holy soldiers of the extreme path have the will of the great sage, and naturally they are not allowed to enter."

Although she said it plainly, she felt a burst of surprise in her heart. You must know that there are not many treasures of the town family such as the Jidao Holy Soldier, even if there are not many in the Zhennan Palace, and it is even more impossible to easily bestow a Tianjiao of Lunhai Realm. The girl's father was too generous.

Thinking of this, Jidu County Master couldn't help but wonder: "The little dragon you mentioned, has you come with me?"

"Just lying there! That's my dad next to him, isn't he handsome?" Zi Yan pointed at him, and didn't forget to sell her dad. 5599 Novel

"Sure enough, it is." Jidu County Master secretly said, she noticed this frost dragon as soon as she arrived. It is obviously just a legendary demon king, but it exudes a more terrifying atmosphere than a demon saint, and it was just a moment ago. In the early stage of the three transformations of the legendary realm, the peak of the three transformations was almost reached in a blink of an eye. It was really a monster.

Hearing the second half of Zi Yan's words, Ji Du County looked to the side subconsciously, just when he saw Zhang Tianying looking over here, his eyes met immediately.

If it was someone else, she would have to look away in a panic. No matter because of her beauty or status, no man had ever dared to look at her, but this man was different. Instead, he looked more and more seriously, as if he was tasting A treasure like a treasure, with a look of admiration in his eyes, it made the Princess Jidu blushed and his heart was pounding.

Zi Yan rolled her eyes and smiled tenderly: "My dad is fine, I think we get along better. You can give me a few servants. How about I let you be my dad's bride?"

"What... the bride... begging for a beating!" Ji Du County was stunned for a while, her pretty face was even more rosy, she bit a row of fine broken teeth, raised her hand to pinch Zi Yan's face, but the latter jumped off chariot.

It was quiet for a while in the vast city, and everyone looked at Zi Yan dumbfounded, thinking that this little witch was too bold, even the daughter of the dignified Zhennan Wang dared to molest her, and even gave her father a red line.If Zhennan King knows about this, I am afraid that the entire Eastern Wilderness will have a catastrophe!

But the attitude of the little princess also surprised everyone for a while. The blush on his face was obviously a manifestation of emotion. Could it be that he was really captured?

Zi Yan fled under the attack of Jidu County Master, and hid directly in the team of Xianling Ancient Sect, and said with a grimace: "I originally wanted to do it, but if you don't want to, forget it, some people are willing to be my father's. bride."

After finishing speaking, Zi Yan patrolled among the group of female disciples of the ancient Xianling Sect, sometimes nodding and shaking her head, making the group of female disciples angry and ashamed.But they had all witnessed Zhang Tian's divine power to kill the Ice Emperor before, and they had long been fascinated by him. At this time, it was false to be angry, but in reality, they were all as shy as a Huaichun girl.

Soon, Zi Yan noticed Yun Xianyun. Her figure was even more perfect than that of the Princess Jidu. Her body exuded a faint fragrance, and it was her own domain. Although she was in this noisy city tower, she turned her surroundings into a Empty mountains and rain-like victories, as real as fantasy, are extremely moving.

"This sister is so beautiful, several times stronger than that stingy little princess, why don't you be my dad's bride!" Zi Yan looked at Yun Xianyun and said very innocently.

"Who is stingy!"

The county master of Jidu made a pair of white wings floating in the air, and he was angry with Zi Yan. He thought: Yun Xianyun is a new sage in the Southern Wilderness, and has always been known for being pure and clean. You are suffering.

Unexpectedly, Yun Xianyun, who is like a fairy concubine, did not get angry, but said with a little embarrassment: "Your father still owes me a promise, let him pay it back first."

As soon as these words came out, I was shocked, and the dignified Southern Desolate Fairy Yun Xianyun had already been taken away by this unknown powerhouse?

Many young powerhouses thought of Ling Shuangxue's ambiguous attitude before, as well as the small county master's refusal to return it, which made them envious, jealous, and hated. The three fairies of Donghuang, Nanhuang, and Nanyu were one person at the same time. Love, this woman's fate is also very good. , , .

Chapter 161 Zhang Tianyi points to the way of heaven

"Dad, what's going on?"

Zhang Tian was still in a daze, and Yu Xin and Ru Ren grabbed the corners of his clothes from left to right, looking at him with scrutiny in their eyes.

"It's just a reunion of the old man. I met her once before."

Zhang Tian explained a sentence casually, looking at Yun Xianyun opposite from a distance, after her dark wounds were completely healed and a stigma was erased, her progress during this period was amazing, and her breath became more and more ethereal, although she was just entering the Great Sacred Realm for the first time. , the coercion has already surpassed many high-ranking saints.

Remembering the last agreement, Zhang Tian smiled slightly, raised his hand and pointed at Yun Xianyun, and said softly, "Feng!"

In an instant, the endless Dao pattern manifested, as if he was the incarnation of Dao. As soon as he pointed out that Dao law followed, a terrifying power of heaven and earth poured down from the nine heavens, blessed Yun Xianyun, and even wrapped her. In the midst of the misty fairy clouds, she looks like a real Jade Lake Fairy.

Under the influence of this extraordinary power, a stigmata in Yun Xianyun's body immediately diminished at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then completely disappeared. The forbidden aura surged wildly in the body, showing different colors around her. The phantom of the lotus platform is like a dream, but it contains deadly murderous intent.

The surrounding powerhouses couldn't help but take a deep breath when they saw this. Yun Xianyun's 'Lotus Sword Region' was famous in the Southern Wilderness. I'm afraid that even the high-ranking great sage can't help her.

Yun Xianyun never imagined that there would be such a difference between just one stigmata. Now it has just been sealed. If she is allowed to meditate for a period of time, she will be able to gain more benefits. By then, it will be comparable to A true high-ranking saint.

Thinking of this, even with Yun Xianyun's elegant state of mind, he couldn't help but sway slightly, looking at Zhang Tian's cut water pupils overflowing with Qiuhong, and said faintly: "For such a great creation, Xianyun is very grateful, since the last time Farewell to now, I haven’t heard the real name of your fellow Daoist, can you tell us something?”

Before Zhang Tian could speak, Xiao Ziyan hurriedly said, "My father's name is Zhang Tian, ​​but he's amazing."

"Zhang Tian!"

The strong men of all ethnic groups in Cang Mang City sighed in their hearts, and they all secretly remembered this name in their hearts, and they would also publicize it in the clan when they returned. Such a terrifying person, even if they can't befriend them, they will definitely not offend, otherwise, in an instant There will be doomsday.

The princess of Jidu also bit her red lips lightly, and whispered the name 'Zhang Tian' again, her eyes showing a bit of composure that didn't match her age.Such a method, in her opinion, is close to a miracle, and even Zhennan Wangfu has to pay a huge price to win over.

Thinking of the 'bride' mentioned by Zi Yan just now, Ji Du County's little face once again flew off her cheeks, a faint blush down the snow-white slender neck all the way down to the depths of the collarbone.

When Ling Shuangxue saw Zhang Tian interacting with Yun Xianyun, she felt a little bit in her heart, and she suddenly said loudly, "I know where he is, that ancestral arrogance of the Golden Lion clan."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Ziyan was really attracted to her attention, and she jumped to the site of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, and said crisply: "Big sister, that little lion is my war servant, do you know where he went?"

Ling Shuangxue was startled at first, then she pursed her lips and smiled, and said gently: "It's too late for you to find him now. I heard you call him before, and he was so frightened that he went directly into the cave." Yipinshuba

"What? This damn little lion, when I catch him, I must make him into braised lion, sweet and sour lion, lion head with oyster sauce, spicy fried lion legs..." Zi Yan jumped angrily and started ordering recipes again.

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