The arrogance of the surrounding demon tribes couldn't help but stunned for a while, secretly saying that this little girl is too cruel, even the descendants of the emperor lion who have returned to their ancestors will eat, and you must not provoke her after entering.

At this moment, a strange sound sounded from the entrance of the bloody cave, and everyone followed the sound, but it was the arrogance of those ice holy places who all got into the blood-colored turbine and entered the blood-colored cave while everyone was not paying attention.

Ling Shuangxue immediately reminded: "These geniuses in the Frozen Holy Land have the bloodline of the Ice Spirit Clan, their strength is tyrannical, and they must hold grudges. After you enter, you have to be careful."

Zi Yan said nonchalantly: "If they dare to come to trouble me, I will teach them a lesson. Since the little lion has already entered, I will go in too."

After that, Zi Yan wanted to move towards the blood-colored turbine.

"Haha, it is useless to enter the bloody cave without leaving a name on the Fengling Wall."

Accompanied by this voice, the clouds and mists under the city roared for a while, and a group of powerful monsters came out, headed by a man with a beast head and a human body. The whole body seemed to be dressed in red armor, and the dragon horns on the head were very amazing.

Seeing this group of people, Zi Yan's eyes suddenly lit up, and she stepped forward and said cheerfully: "Little tiger, big bear, you are here too, I thought you went in before."

Hu Dali and Xiong Hiefeng suddenly turned dark. They didn't expect that they would be caught by this little witch until the end. This is not the Deity Academy, and almost all the big clans from the entire continent are gathered here. .

However, they also knew Zi Yan's brutal temper, where they dared to offend, and immediately came forward to greet them honestly.

The leader of the demon clan Tianjiao narrowed his eyes and frowned: "Brother Tiger, Brother Xiong, I Chifeng and you two are of equal generation, but you are so servile to a weak girl, you really lose my demon clan's face, from now on Don't say I know you in the future."

Hu Dali and Xiong Lifeng scolded inwardly, "If this little witch is a weak girl, then the ancient beasts are nothing." At the moment, they stepped aside coldly, too lazy to talk to Chifeng.

Zi Yan turned her gaze to Chifeng and asked curiously, "Why are you wearing a turtle shell, what is your body?"

Chifeng roared loudly: "I am a crimson-armored earth dragon. This is a dragon's armor, not a stinky turtle shell. You little girl, can't you find death?"

"Draft, you are a stinky turtle shell!"

The Golden Turtle Clan Tianjiao lying next to him innocently lied down, scolding Chifeng ten thousand times in his heart, but the Scarlet Armored Earth Dragon Clan is one of the Thirteen Saint Clan of the Monster Clan. Although it ranks low, it is not something they can provoke.He could only sneer secretly, thinking in his heart: "Just keep making it, you will make this little girl angry, her father can slaughter all the strong people in your family." , . . .

Chapter 162

Zi Yan was not very angry at Chifeng's violent temper, but asked very curiously: "What did you just say about Fenglingbi?"

Chifeng hummed: "You don't even know Feng Lingbi, you dare to participate in the blood test?"

Ling Shuangxue explained thoughtfully: "This blood-colored cave was specially built by the gods in ancient times to train their descendants. At that time, every disciple who entered had to leave a name on the sealing wall first, and then they could Enter. But now there is no such rule, everyone is more to enjoy the seal wall to test their strength. "

"That's right, the Spirit Sealing Wall has the magical ability to seal spiritual power, and it can only be hit on it with sheer power. The stronger the power, the higher the position of the name! The clan elder said that the role of the Spirit Sealing Wall is not only It's just a name, the higher the rank, the easier it is to get the treasure in the bloody cave!

Chifeng said proudly, completely forgetting what the clan elder told him to keep secret.

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar. Many great clans have only existed for a short time, and they did not know that Fenglingbi had such a mystery. Even if it was not true, they would rather believe it and not believe it.

For a while, those big clan Tianjiao who had not entered were all secretly lucky, and turned to look at the Fengling Wall on the other side of the blood-colored vortex.I don't know how long this spiritual wall has existed. It has been completely integrated with the vast city. The crystal walls on the surface exude a faint fluorescence. Some of the crystal walls have names engraved on them, but most of them are not real.

All Tianjiao looked up along the crystal wall and found that the crystal wall was a hundred feet high, but it was not complete, but was broken by a sharp blade.

A strong man from a large clan sighed: "This blood-colored cave has undergone great changes in ancient times. Those gods who opened up the cave were either sealed, slumbered, or exiled, and even this spiritual wall was cut off by life. After all, these spar stones that can block spiritual energy are themselves a treasure."

"What? It was actually cut off. Wouldn't it be impossible to test my strength completely!" said a fire-scale python arrogant angrily.

"Guwazi doesn't know how high the sky is. This is the sealing wall used by the descendants of the ancient gods and demons. Even if it is only one-tenth, it is not something you can climb to the top." An old man said with a smile.

"Humph! I'll try it!"

A stubborn expression flashed on the face of the fire-scale python clan's Tianjiao, and he jumped to the front of the sealing wall, but he saw that his whole body was covered in fiery red scale armor, as if his whole body was on fire, he did not punch, but It turned out the python tail and swept towards the sealing wall fiercely. For the fire-scale pythons, the tail was the strongest part of the whole body.


A muffled sound of thunder came from the Fengling Wall, and the originally dull crystal jade flashed a golden light, spreading from bottom to top until it reached a height of seven feet. Then it stopped, and a crystal wall at the corresponding place immediately manifested. a name.

"Tsk tsk, to be able to light up the seven-zhang crystal wall, the power is considered to be on the middle side among the arrogances of the heavens. It is worthy of being the arrogance of the fire-scale python clan, and it is second only to the dragon clan, the phoenix clan, the phoenix clan, the unicorn clan and other ancient fierce clans. The arrogance of heaven." Many strong men nodded their comments.

The old man who was teasing before said with a smile: "It's not bad, but it's still a hundred feet away, but it's still ninety-three feet away, Guwazi, are you convinced?" Good novel

"Hmph, this spirit wall is obviously fooling people. Even I am only seven feet tall, so I don't believe that anyone can climb to the top!" The Tianjiao of the Fire Scale Python Clan retreated angrily with a bit of embarrassment.

"Of course someone has reached the top, and there are more than one person!" Some of the early powerhouses broke out a shocking revelation.

"There's more than one person, who is there?" Everyone asked in a hurry, it was hard to imagine that the Fire Scale Python Tianjiao could hit the Lingling Crystal Wall with a height of seven feet, and someone could reach a hundred feet.

"One of them should be known to everyone, that is the South of the Southern Wilderness, Long Gaitian of Tianlonghai!" A powerful man said slowly.

"Sure enough, it is Long Gaitian. If someone can reach a hundred feet, it must be this unparalleled genius!"

"Long Gaitian swept the Southern Wilderness Invincible as early as a year ago. I am not surprised that he can reach the top, but I didn't expect anyone to be tied with him!"

"Could it be Huang Mengyao of the Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan? In the entire continent, only the Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan can barely compete with the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, right?"

There was a lot of discussion, and they were all guessing who could be tied with Long Gaitian.

Finally a strong man broke the news: "You don't have to guess, that Tianjiao is not a person from Shengyuan Continent at all, but the son of the Lord of the Ninth Mountains and Seas Desolate Territory, claiming to be the son of Desolation! Although he is a human race, he is born supreme The body, the background is never under the dragon's cover."

"The Lord of the Desolate Territory of the Ninth Mountain and Sea Realm? Could it be that Desolate Marquis? Darling, that's the existence above the Immortal Realm, and one finger can turn the world upside down!"

"It turned out to be a peerless genius from the ninth mountain and sea. It is no wonder that he was able to reach the top of the Fengling Wall. For many years, no one has reached the top of the Fengling Wall. Now there are two people at once. This world's blood test is really The best ever!"

"The two top geniuses, this is a world of great competition. In the future, they will be able to surpass their peers and swept all the powers. For the rest of the geniuses of the same generation, it is destined to be a kind of sadness. become dust."

Zi Yan was originally interested in this Fengling Wall, but after hearing the words 'Long Gaitian', her expression suddenly became condensed, and she walked to the Fengling Wall with a serious expression and looked carefully.

"Huh? Why is there a piece missing here?"

Everyone followed Zi Yan's gesture, and sure enough, they saw that the crystal walls that were originally in a tight row were missing a large piece, and the edges were incomplete. Because the position was too low and the light was dim, it was not very conspicuous.

An old man said: "Don't mention it, the son of Huang who came down from the ninth mountain and sea world is a top-quality bear child. I heard that this spiritual wall is a treasure and an ownerless thing, so he actually started the idea of ​​the crystal wall above , I couldn't stop it, but I didn't expect that in the end, he really let him dig a piece."

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