Suddenly, a three-headed purple camel clan Tianjiao said loudly: "This little witch is very fascinated with money. She is walking so quickly, she must have found a treasure, everyone, please follow."

"Makes sense! Count me in!"

"Haha, even if you can't get the treasure, it's good to see the style of this unparalleled genius!"

"I don't know which is the strongest between her and the son of Long Gaitian and Huang!"

A group of arrogances were chatting and laughing, and they used their movements to run towards the direction of Zi Yan's soaring.

Thirty miles sounded a long way, but with Zi Yan's full strength, she arrived at her destination in less than half a quarter of an hour.

I saw that it was a majestic peak of thousands of kilometers, rising from the ground, like a sharp sword that wanted to pierce the sky,

There are many ancient green pine trees growing on the peak, and some powerful beasts are dormant in them, as if they are guarding something.

"There is a yin and yang ginseng plant on the top of the mountain, which is about to mature. This grass is divided into two plants, yin and yang. It captures the good fortune of heaven and earth, and condenses the essence of thousands of years. It is very rare."

"This kind of ten thousand-year-old medicine can already be called fairy medicine. I don't know how many powerful people from the big clan have been attracted, and it is destined to not be our share."

Listening to some arrogant discussions at the foot of the mountain, Zi Yan suddenly showed anxiety, and when she stepped on the ground with her toes, the ground suddenly cracked, and she shook violently within a few miles, and she herself was already in the sky, like a bird soaring for nine days. The Dapeng usually flew to the top of the mountain.

At the moment when Zi Yan rose up, the Bing Ling bracelet on her wrist also flashed, forming a faint phantom, swaying straight up, and directly lingering for nine days.

"What a bloody cave, using such a treasured place as a test place, it really is an ancient thing."

Zhang Tianhua's spiritual body stepped on the void and looked down. He couldn't help showing surprise. From his perspective, this bloody cave was clearly simulating the terrain of the nine mountains and seas.

Although there are signs of collapse and damage in many areas due to the fall of the gods, it can still be seen that there are [-] places of miracles in the entire bloody cave, which correspond to the nine major mountains and seas. It contains heavy treasures, and countless descendants of gods and demons are fighting in it.

"It's a bit interesting, it seems that Zi Yan should be able to achieve great fortune here."

Zhang Tian glanced and seemed to find something interesting. He couldn't help but smile. The next moment, he was already down, looking towards the mountain where Zi Yan was.

I saw that on the cliff, the green grass was green, and many ancient trees rose from the ground, like a horned dragon.

The yin and yang ginseng plant grows on the edge of the cliff. One yin and one yang are intertwined. The texture on the surface is very mysterious, as if engraved with the motto of the avenue. Even people who don't know anything can see the magic of this medicine.

In fact, this yin and yang ginseng herb was also known as an elixir even in ancient times. It was often used by those who cultivated to become true immortals to refine elixir. Only a treasure handed down from ancient times like Bloody Cave Heaven can condense a single plant.

Such a treasure naturally attracted the coveted arrogance of many big clans, and they all gathered to fight for it, but unfortunately this treasure was guarded by two powerful beasts containing the blood of the fire unicorn, and no one dared to come forward for a while.

When the two sides were confronting, Zi Yan suddenly fell from the sky and landed directly on the edge of the Yin-Yang Ginseng and Herbs, and the aroma suddenly entered her nose, causing the Taiyin Yaowen and Sun Yaowen that had been refined in her body to tremble.

"Dad is right, this is really a treasure, and it is very useful for the treasures I practice!"

Zi Yan's cute little face showed joy, and she raised her hand to grab the yin and yang ginseng grass.


I don't know how long the two unicorn beasts have been guarding here, waiting for this treasure to mature so that their bloodlines can go further. At this time, seeing Zi Yan want to pick peaches, how can they bear it, and rushed towards Zi Yan with a roar. The flames rose dozens of feet high, and it was like hitting Zi Yan directly under the cliff.

"This little girl came out of there, she's just courting death!"

"Although the bloodlines of these two unicorn beasts are not pure, they are not under the general immemorial relics. Even we dare not fight hard, and she is too courageous."

"Isn't this the little witch? Sure enough, she was a fan of money, and she lost her life when she saw Yin and Yang ginseng and grass. Her father is not here now, let's see who can save her."

Just as the big clan Tianjiao watched with cold eyes, Zi Yan withdrew her hand unhurriedly, slowly took out the golden lion's claws, and a vast spiritual power flowed into it.

In an instant, Zi Yan was monstrous! , , .

Chapter 167 Kirin's meat is chewy

This golden lion claw is the life rune bone refined by the Amethyst Lion King. Its power is not under the holy soldiers of the extreme path. Of course, it consumes a lot of money.

I saw that the purple flames covered the entire sky, and finally turned into a huge lion's paw. The texture on it was clear, and it could be clearly seen that many demon characters were engraved.

"This...isn't this the Golden Lion's Treasure Crackling Claw?"

"Purple fireworks, could it be that this girl is holding the rune bone treasure of the Amethyst Lion King?"

There was a lot of discussion among Tianjiao, and the lion claw, which was burning with purple flames, had already volleyed down into the sky, as if it was about to tear the entire sky apart, ruthlessly grabbing towards the two unicorn beasts.


Three groups of huge flames collided together, instantly exuding endless heat waves, causing the temperature of the audience to rise suddenly, and countless flowers and plants withered.

After a short period of entanglement, the Ziyan Divine Claw gained the upper hand, and sharply grabbed two bloody holes on the two unicorn beasts.


In the raging flames, there was a shrill roar, and countless flesh and blood flew.

Although the scene was extremely nervous, when they smelled the aroma, the Tianjiao couldn't help swallowing, and some of the thick-skinned Tianjiao took a big mouthful of breath.This is the flesh and blood of the unicorn beast. It contains the blood essence of the ancient fierce beast, the fire unicorn. It is comparable to the ten thousand year treasure medicine. Now it is evaporated by the flames.


It seems that they are afraid of the Ziyan God Claw. Although the two unicorn beasts are not reconciled, they can only roar at Zi Yan, and rush down the mountain with their feet on the flames, and immediately turn a group of arrogant people.

"Yeah, my flesh and blood medicine!"

Seeing the two unicorn beasts running away, Zi Yan jumped her feet angrily, but her intuition told her that this yin-yang ginseng plant was more precious, so she could only reluctantly watch the two unicorn beasts go away.

"Huh? There are some more!"

Zi Yan stepped on her calf and walked to a dark grass, where there were two pieces of meat that had been roasted, both of which were torn by the golden lion claws from the two unicorn beasts. Seventy or eighty pounds, exuding a crystal clear light.

Zi Yan picked up the meat, carefully removed some of the ash on the edges, then swallowed it, and nodded while eating: "It's delicious, it's really delicious, it's worthy of being the flesh of a unicorn, it's very chewy... …”

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