After a while, Zi Yan devoured all the unicorn meat by herself, and licked her fingers with a sigh of relief. The flesh and blood contained extremely rich blood essence, making her body have a subtle glow of Shen Xi, as if glowing. .

The crowd of onlookers Tianjiao were dumbfounded after watching all this, and couldn't help but shivered. They needed a unicorn beast who was fully alert. In front of this little witch, it was just a feast of flesh and blood, and they ate so many flesh and blood treasures at once. Medicine, not afraid of dying? 877 Haoshu

"This little witch is extremely powerful, and has a powerful rune bone treasure like the golden lion claws.

Some people from the big clan whispered in secret, reached some kind of agreement, and took a step forward together.

Xiao Ziyan is enjoying with her eyes closed very comfortably. She only feels that there are warm currents in her body. Wherever she passes, there is a rumbling sound, and her qi and blood continue to grow. Her cultivation base, which has been stagnant for a long time, has a trace of it. Silk progress.

"It's a pity that these blood and flesh medicines are too few. It would be great if the two unicorn beasts could be kept."

Zi Yan thought with regret, and suddenly felt the faint murderous aura around her, and immediately made her vigilant, she retreated to the side of the yin and yang ginseng plant, and said coldly: "Are you going to rob my treasure? Be careful I eat it. for you."

The onlookers are all speechless, how can we eat people if we open our mouths and shut our mouths, who are we the demon clan?

"Hehe, little witch, don't worry, we don't want this yin and yang ginseng plant, we just want to make a deal with you." An old man flashed from the team of a big family, with white temples, although his tone was kind, but his eyes were cold. color.

"That's right, I heard that you dug up two pieces of the Lingjing Crystal Wall. I have two jars of precious blood of the ancient relics here, and five thousand-year-old medicines. I am willing to trade one with you."

Another big clan walked out of a person, a middle-aged man, wearing a short jacket, showing incomparably lean muscles, although it is a human race, but it is physical, and the tyranny of qi and blood is not under many fierce beasts.

Zi Yan's eyes widened, she suddenly flashed her beautiful eyes and looked at the two of them, wrinkled her face and said: "Isn't this place a martial artist who can only enter Lunhai, you two are still in Lunhai realm, too What a pity, those blood and flesh medicines, you should keep them for yourself."

That serious expression, without any disguise, made the onlookers wonder whether to laugh or cry.

"Silly girl, they are all sealers."

A flash of light flashed around Zi Yan, and Zhang Tian had already appeared beside her.

Zi Yan suddenly said in surprise: "Dad, you are out, what is a sealer?"

Zhang Tiandan smiled and said: "Although this trial cave was built by the gods, it has long been unmaintained. It just follows the rules set by the gods and strictly blocks the entry of the breath above the Lunhai realm. However, if there is a strong person Self-sealing, lowering the aura fluctuations to the Wheel Sea Realm, and you can enter unrestrictedly.

Although these powerhouses were unable to show their cultivation above the Lunhai realm within the bloody cave, they had lived for too many years, had a deep understanding of martial arts, and were proficient in all kinds of supernatural powers. The Lunhai Realm Tianjiao is comparable. "

"It turns out." Zi Yan showed a sudden look.

When the masters of the surrounding races saw Zi Yan chattering in the void alone, they were a little confused, looked at each other, and no one dared to step forward.

At this moment, a fierce and incomparable demonic energy swept in, and five bloody bone demons appeared in the void, as if condensed into a bloody battle, sealing Zi Yan in it.

Dozens of monks in black robes poured out from the crowd, each holding a blood-red token, and the leader shouted: "Don't pretend to be a ghost, and immediately hand over the two Spirit Sealing Crystal Walls and the yin and yang ginseng grass. Otherwise, the You are here to kill!" ,, . . .

Chapter 168 Lei Yu Noble Phantasm vs Five Sons of the Same Heart Demon

"Five Sons of One Heart Demon, this is the Five Sons of One Heart Demon of the Blood Refining Demon Sect!"

"The Blood Refining Demon Sect has been besieged by the Holy Ancestor Dynasty for nearly a hundred years, but there are still remnants of it, and they even entered the bloody cave!"

"This little witch's father is the supreme sage. I am afraid that only these demon sect remnants dare to shoot her directly."

The onlookers looked at the bloody Bone Demon in the void with awe in their eyes.

Back then, the Blood Refining Demon Sect had fierce flames. At its peak, it had seven demon saints. Among them, the strongest one was called the Five Demon Ancestors. The system, the fusion of hundreds of millions of unjust souls and blood evil, is extremely yin and filthy.Even if it is a holy soldier of the extreme way, as long as it is slightly stained, it will lose a lot of spiritual energy.

The most terrifying thing is that these five bone demons are connected to each other by blood because of the same mother.

The ancestors of the five demons of the year even used this treasure to trap a supreme sage of the ancestral dynasty to death. This provoked the anger of the sage ancestors, and personally took action to smelt the blood of the [-] blood mountain where the demon sect is located. Razed to the ground.

No one would have imagined that the Blood Refining Demon Sect, which had been silent for decades in the mainland, would still have remnants, and they had successfully refined a set of five sons and concentric demons with a vicious reputation.

"I'm afraid this little witch is in trouble. That lion's claw rune bone is the treasure of the sun. As long as it is stained by the Five Sons of the Concentric Demon, the rune will dissipate immediately."

The eyes of the surrounding powerhouses flickered, especially those big clans, who were very envious of Feng Lingjingbi, but they were afraid of Zhang Tian's terrifying strength as the Supreme Sage, but they did not dare to grab it in public.

But if this little witch was killed by the remnants of the Blood Refining Demon Sect, and then they grabbed the Spirit Sealing Crystal Wall from the Blood Refining Demon Sect, they would naturally not have to be afraid of Zhang Tian coming to her door.

"I'll give you ten more breaths to think about. If you don't hand over the sealing wall, don't blame me for killing you here!"

The leader of the Blood Refining Demon Sect said something negatively, with a hint of excitement that could not be concealed in his voice.

These disciples of the Blood Refining Demon Sect have always been wanted by the Holy Ancestor Dynasty and hid in Tibet. Originally, they did not intend to make it so public this time, but the attraction of Fengling Crystal Wall is too great. If they can be integrated into the five sons Among the Tongxin Demons, the banning effect on Lingbao will be increased tenfold, and it may even be cultivated into a superpower magic treasure that is even more terrifying than the five sons of the five ancestors of the Five Demons.

Originally, they were planning to find trouble with the son of the wild. They didn't expect to hear that Zi Yan had two pieces here, so they changed the route directly. Anyway, they are already wanted criminals of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty. No matter how big the background of this little witch is, it is still It can't be bigger than the emperor's dynasty.

However, what surprised everyone was that Zi Yan didn't care about this fierce and famous five-child concentric demon, as if she was not under the slightest coercion, she just pulled out the yin and yang ginseng grass and put it in In the storage ring.

"Little girl, court death!"

One of the disciples of the Blood Refining Demon Sect saw this scene, and immediately became angry with shame.

The blood demon came, and the whole mountain was filled with the stench of carrion. The eyes of the disciples of the Blood Refining Demon Sect flashed cruel colors, waiting for Zi Yan to turn into a pus and blood.The background of their demon sect is by no means under the many holy places of the right way, and when it comes to lethality, they are even more disdainful of all sects.

Feeling the horror of the blood evil, Zi Yan's little face suddenly tightened. Instead of using the golden lion claws, she slammed a punch into the void.18 Novelswww.[-]

This punch, very fast, turned into a series of afterimages. The powerful punch seemed to contain the power to crush the world, and a sharp whistling sound came out of the air, which compressed the air into a ball, and slammed it there accurately. Above the bloody mansions.


A huge explosion sounded, and the **** light collapsed directly, and the powerful fist wind unabated, swept away, and directly smashed the disciple of the Blood Refining Demon Sect into slag, and the flesh and blood flew.


"This is pure physical power!"

"Breaking the void with the power of the flesh alone, she deserves to be the one who has reached the top of the sealed spiritual wall. This little witch has the strength to compete with Long Gaitian and the Son of Huang!"

There was an uproar in the audience, and no one thought that the little witch did not use any treasures, nor did she use treasures and martial arts, but attacked with pure physical strength. s method.

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