"How dare you kill my blood-refining demon sect! All the junior brothers, motivate the five sons of the same mind!"

The black-robed man at the head was shocked and angry, and finally he was no longer intimidated, but directly made a big move.

As soon as he finished speaking, five men in black robes stepped forward, inserted a dagger into the heart, took out a large piece of blood, and sacrificed it to the five bone demons in the void, while they themselves were paralyzed with sluggish expressions. fell to the ground.This is a huge price. If they were not forced by Zi Yan step by step, they would not want to use it.

After being replenished with blood essence, the five concentric demons suddenly burst into monstrous flames, each of which became more than ten feet tall, and the five sons were connected, forming a huge banning formation, imprisoning Zi Yan in it.


The leading man in black robe shouted loudly, and the five concentric demons shot at the same time, each of them stretched out a withered palm wrapped in magic flames and pressed towards Zi Yan.

"Thunder is the nemesis of evil, use that Thunder Feather Noble Phantasm."

Zhang Tian stood beside Zi Yan and said lazily that the previous fist of the flesh was also from his suggestion.

As soon as Zi Yan heard the order, she immediately took out the Thunder Feather Noble Phantasm she got from the prince of the Golden Feather clan, and slammed it towards the void, instantly inspiring a large golden thunder, like a golden ocean wave, roaring violently, brazenly meeting the giant palms of the five demons. .

When the golden light thunderbolt and the black magic flame met, a monstrous wave was suddenly aroused, like a volcanic eruption.

Yu Wei was swept away, and all the strong people of all ethnic groups present were affected. Even the powerful sealers were spit out blood and flew out, showing a look of horror.

In the next instant, the five incomparably huge withered bone demons were directly twisted by Jin Lei, and the five extremely terrifying bone demons simultaneously let out a terrifying scream, and the demonic energy on their bodies was greatly reduced. , , .

Chapter 169 Destroy the Death Jedi with a single sword!

"What Noble Phantasm is this? It's actually able to fight against the five concentric demons!"

"Thunder-type Noble Phantasm, this little witch actually possesses a very rare thunder-type Noble Phantasm, and is the nemesis of demon power!"

"I feel the breath of the Golden Feather Clan and the power of the gods from this Noble Phantasm. This is a treasure blessed by the gods!"

The Lei Yu Bao Fan in the hands of Zi Yan, who was shocked by everyone, showed an extremely hot divine light in her eyes. Originally, she took out the golden lion claws and caused great waves, but she didn't expect to take out a piece that was not under the golden lion claws at all. The Thunder Element Noble Phantasm.


Zi Yan's strength was unforgiving, her body rose into the air, and she continuously waved the Lei Yu Noble Phantasm in her hand, and the black-gold thunder light released like a waterfall.


A bucket-thick golden electric light condensed into an electric dragon, which directly cut off a bone demon at the waist, and several lightning bolts were woven into a net, covering a bone demon in it, constantly devouring its demonic energy.

After a while, this fierce flame was so fierce that it was enough to make the legendary kings shy away from the five sons and concentric demons, which became a pile of broken bones and fell to the ground.

"Pfft! Pfft! Pfft! Pfft!..."

The magic treasure was destroyed, and the dozens of Blood Refining Demon Sect disciples spewed a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

Seeing Zi Yan approaching step by step, these disciples of the Blood Refining Demon Sect finally panicked, and the leader threatened with a stern look:

"No, don't come here. We are the direct disciples of the Blood Refining Demon Sect. If you kill us, the ancestors of the Five Demons will not let you go!"

Zi Yan is not even afraid of the gods, so how can she care about their threats, without saying a word, she directly waved a large piece of golden thunder and covered them all. The disciples of the Blood Refining Demon Sect had no room to resist, so they were blown away by Jin Lei.

"The ancestors of the five demons... will wait for revenge for me!"

Amidst the fluttering ashes, a faint fire even surpassed thousands of thunders without being extinguished, instead it continued to twist and burn, making a shrill and eerie scream.

"This quiet fire seems to be the unique magic flame of the ancestors of the five demons. Could it be that the ancestors of the five demons are not dead yet!"

A large clan powerhouse onlookers recognized the magic flame and suddenly exclaimed.

In an instant, all the onlookers quickly retreated, looking at the smoldering fire with fearful eyes. After all, the ancestors of the five demons were the most vicious people on the continent a hundred years ago. The flames are soaring.

In the end, he even forced the Holy Ancestor Dynasty to send a Wuhou from the Supreme Sacred Realm to lead a million martial arts army to suppress it. As a result, the Wuhou was killed by the ancestors of the five demons, and the million martial arts army was also collectively buried. This shows how fierce the ancestors of the five demons are.

It is rumored that when the Holy Ancestor Human Sovereign personally destroyed the Blood Refining Demon Sect, he also completely suppressed the ancestors of the Five Demons. Now that he is still alive, how can he not let the masters of the great clan be horrified.

"It's just a ghost fire, put it out for me!"

Zi Yantian was not afraid of the earth, and poured into the Lei Yu Noble Phantasm a spiritual force, which inspired more than a dozen golden thunderbolts as thick as buckets, spun into a thunder dragon, and rushed towards the quiet fire.Biquge www.dzshuo.com


An extremely cold and majestic voice sounded in the void.

In the next moment, the flame suddenly stretched countless times and turned into a huge black portal, like the gate of hell, slowly opening.

Infinite demonic flames rolled out, like waves rushing into the sky, turning into a huge black palm with clear texture, like the palm of a demon, terrifying and full of power, making people daunting, and it is difficult to give birth to a heart of resistance.


The black magic palm fell from the sky and grabbed the golden thunder dragon fiercely. The thunder dragon, which was originally several dozen meters in size, was like a baby in front of this black magic palm, and it shattered in an instant!

Everyone was terrified, and they went back crazy again. The ancestors of the five demons were really not dead, and they were more powerful than a hundred years ago, countless times stronger, and they were able to manifest a palm through the ban rules of the bloody cave. , exerting a terrifying power far exceeding the Lunhai Realm, and with a single blow, the divine power of the Lei Yu Noble Phantasm was shattered.

"The direct disciples that I spent a lot of effort to cultivate were all killed by you, so I will pay for it with your life!"

The majestic and domineering voice came from the gate of hell, and the black magic palm went unabated, and went directly to the Zi Yan cover, with the posture of connecting it to the void of this side and smashing it all.

"Is it because the formation base lacks three Spirit Sealing Crystal Walls, even this kind of garbage can come in and show off its power."

Zhang Tian frowned, referring to the sword and drawing a sword light.

In an instant, the world was dim, as if all the colors were absorbed by the sudden appearance of the sword light, wrapped in the unstoppable power that looked down on the world, swayed towards the black devil's palm, and swayed towards the gate of hell.

The two are instantly divided into two.

In the extreme west of Shengyuan Continent, there is a dead land with countless huge tombs, but the burial ground is slightly undulating under the light of the Cang Yue, as if breathing.

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