"The prohibition of the bloody cave is still so powerful. My devil's palm only lasted for less than three breaths. It's a pity that I couldn't kill the enemy. When she comes out, this ancestor will make her pay a heavy price!"

"And the emperor of the holy ancestor, who severely injured this ancestor, sealed it in this dead Jedi, and suffered boundless pain. When I break the ban, I will dye the holy city red with my demon blood!"

On the lonely and cold burial ground, a ghostly voice resounded, exuding a strong murderous aura.

Suddenly, a bright sword light cut through the sky, illuminating the entire night, or in other words, tearing apart the space, forcibly splitting a space avenue, and descending on this dead Jedi.

"No, no! Forgive me!..."

That ghostly voice instantly transformed into a desperate plea for mercy, revealing boundless fear.

However, it was too late.

The bright sword light seemed to be enveloped in the power of heaven, and the cover pressed down. Suddenly, all things died, all the tombs disappeared, and there was only a rain of blood in the sky.

A dead Jedi, destroyed by a sword! , , .

Chapter 170 The Fear of the Holy Ancestor Human Sovereign

The Holy Capital, the Great Hall of the Holy Ancestor, the Holy Ancestor Human Sovereign, who was talking with an official, was stunned, and his eyes were looking at the extreme west, as if he had traveled through endless space, with an indescribable horror in his eyes.

"His Majesty?"

The officials below felt the stagnation in the air, which was the pressure of the Emperor inadvertently exuding, until his bones seemed to be broken, and they quickly interrupted.

The emperor came back to his senses, the light in his eyes subsided, and he said softly: "Aiqing is all right?"

"I have nothing to do, just now, Your Majesty..."

"Well, something happened. Can Aiqing still remember the Blood Refining Demon Sect a hundred years ago?"

The officials below looked condensed and said respectfully: "Of course I remember that the Blood Refining Demon Sect was unscrupulous, destroying the Holy Land and looting heavy treasures everywhere, disregarding the imperial order, and finally committing suicide."

"Aiqing only knows one, but doesn't know the other. The ancestors of the five demons of the Blood Refining Demon Sect have a huge amount of magic power, and their cultivation has reached half-step immortality. It is a great sin to kill the Marquis of Shenwu who went to exterminate them! In order to punish him, I personally suppressed him in the dead Jedi in the extreme west, and wanted to make him suffer from the pain of thousands of years of demons, but I didn't expect..."

"Could it be that the blood demon ancestor broke the ban?" The officials below exclaimed, and even couldn't help trembling. If a half-step immortal demon ancestor came out with hatred, it would be enough to bring to the entire continent. disaster.


The emperor shook his head and said solemnly: "It is dead, and disappears together with the entire dead Jedi!"

"What? The dead Jedi in the far west disappeared? This... how is this possible!" The official was even more frightened than before.

"Yeah, the dead Jedi is said to be soaked in the blood of a god and demon king, and even I dare not go there in person, but now it seems to be swept away by an overwhelming force in an instant. Such a strength is simply unimaginable."

The eyes of the Holy Ancestor Human Sovereign sitting high in the bright hall showed a vast color, as if countless stars were disillusioned in it.

The officials below seemed to have thought of something and said: "It is reported that the bloody cave opened a few days ago, and the son of the Lord of the Ninth Mountain and Sea Realm also entered it. Could it be the Lord of the Wasteland..."

"It is possible that this matter is too involved, so don't go to investigate for the time being. The water in Shengyuan Continent is much deeper than expected. By the way, what were you talking about?"

The official bowed slightly and said respectfully, "Reporting to Your Majesty, the party disputes between the seventh prince and the eighth prince have become more and more intense recently. Not only civil and military officials have stood in line, but even the concubines of the harem, many princes and princesses, and even the vassal kings from all over the world. Participating in it, such a battle is enough to shake the country, and I hope Your Majesty will stop it."

"Stop it? Why stop it? The Son of Heaven, those who are strong and strong do it! Only the strongest prince can inherit our dynasty. In this turbulent world, there are alien races staring at the outside world, and there are groups of demons waiting for the opportunity. If you don't have great courage, Great supernatural power, I gave him my country, can he keep it?" Yiyun Chinese www.yiyuzw.com

The emperor said lightly, he used the common people as a chess game, even his prince, in his opinion, was just a chess piece.

"Your Majesty has a plan in mind, and this minister should not say much, but there is still a word to tell. The princes of the world, as far as Your Majesty is concerned, are just a group of ants, but those kings and princes with different surnames are the cornerstone of the country, and they must be restricted. In particular, King Zhennan, who solely controls the [-]-mile territory of the Southern Region, is the leader of the vassal kings and has no successor. Now King Zhennan is in a critical period of fighting for his life with the sky. If he succeeds in fighting for his life, he will choose support. A prince, in that case..."

As soon as these words came out, there was an astonishing coercion from the first position, as if to crush the Eight Wastes and swallow the world.

"You mean, my prince, is already thinking about the plan of the county master of Jidu?" The emperor's voice was like a prison, and no one could detect his emotions.

The official lowered his head even lower, and said solemnly: "I dare not say much, but the Jidu County Lord is the only flaw of the Zhennan King, and it is inevitable that he will be tricked by others. The minister heard that the Ministry of Rites is already planning the grandeur of the Jidu County Lord. The marriage is only at the behest of the prince, and it is still unknown."

"Okay! As expected of my son, if I become the emperor, I will do everything I can to achieve my own self. I already know about this, and I can just wait and see how it changes. You, step back!"

"Wei Chen retire."

The official gave a respectful salute, slowly backed away, and after leaving the palace, looking up at the stars, he couldn't help sighing: "This holy city, I'm afraid the situation will change drastically."

On the other side, within the bloody cave, the huge demonic palm manifested by the ancestors of the five demons shattered, finally letting a group of onlookers show a soothing look, and then they started talking.

"This little witch's net worth is too rich. It is said that she also has a legendary frost dragon and an extreme holy soldier. Even many great saints are not as rich as her!"

"The Blood Refining Demon Sect has kicked the iron plate this time. I'm afraid they would never have dreamed that the little witch would have a Thunder-type Noble Phantasm blessed by the gods.

The hearts of all the strong people are very close, and no one thought that this would be the result. The masters of the Blood Refining Demon Sect who were originally aggressive were all destroyed and solved.

Suddenly someone said: "You said, how is this little witch compared to Long Gaitian? Is it possible that my Shengyuan Continent will produce two unparalleled talents?"

"Similar to Long Gaitian? You think too much. Long Gaitian is born supreme, and he fought with the son of the ninth mountain and sea world across the Tianshan Mountains, shaking the world. The little witch is only relying on the benefits of the Noble Phantasm, how can he fight with him? compared to."

"Don't forget that the little witch is also the one who reached the top of the Fengling Wall. Her strength is not inferior to Long Gaitian, and she just jumped to this Xiongfeng, so she may not be able to cross the Tongtian Mountain like Long Gaitian."

"I still think that on Shengyuan Continent, no one can beat Long Gaitian!"

Everyone present sighed with emotion, some were born holy, born as gods, destined to dominate the vast land, no one can stop them from rising, they can only watch them go farther and farther!

Xiao Ziyan picked up the bone demon fragments on the ground and put them away one by one, not letting go of any spoils. Hearing these comments, she said casually: "Long Gaitian? Is he invincible? I can defeat him." , . . .

Chapter 171 It's like eating shit


Everyone was startled by Zi Yan's words.

A Tianjiao of the Southern Wilderness Monster Clan said coldly, "It's not ashamed to say, Long Gaitian is the body of a Taixu ancient dragon, and the unparalleled Tianjiao who has not been out for ten thousand years, go to fight with him? Be careful to take your own life."

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