This Tianjiao is also quite famous in the Southern Wilderness, but he was defeated by Long Gaitian with one move, and he was truly convinced by Long Gaitian's powerful strength, and he would not tolerate any blasphemy from others.

"So what? No matter how powerful he is, I can defeat him." Zi Yan put all the bone demon fragments into a small cloth bag, and then put them in the storage ring, with a relaxed and freehand look, let All the onlookers were speechless for a while.

A middle-aged sealer said with a serious face: "Little witch, we all know that you are very powerful, and you have two powerful treasures, but Long Gaitian is the arrogance of the ancient dragon clan, and his treasures and magical powers can only More than you. I heard that he is here for the Burial Cave this time, to challenge the unicorns and Yinglong's cubs inside, which has not happened in thousands of years."

"Yeah, God Burial Cave has always been the most dangerous restricted area in the Scarlet Cave Heaven. Others can't avoid it, but he has to rise to the challenge and fight the descendants of Qilin and Yinglong. This is such a terrifying strength that many seniors The strong are shocked."

A group of sealers sighed with emotion. Although their strength was almost invincible in the Lunhai realm, they did not dare to provoke the terrifying beasts in the Burial God Cave.

Zi Yan stood up, clapped her little hands, and said casually: "Then let him fight the descendants of Qilin and Yinglong, and then I will defeat him."

The powerhouses were still sighing about Long Gaitian's extraordinary talent. When they heard these words, they felt as uncomfortable as eating shit. They thought how could this little witch be so irritating, and couldn't understand the atmosphere at all.

"Humph! If you really want to challenge Long Gaitian, why do you need to go to him. When he came in before, he had a battle with the son of Huang in front of Tongtian Mountain, no winner or loser, and then the two jumped, I went directly over the Tongtian Mountain, which is called 'impossible to cross'. Do you dare to try it?" An early Tianjiao who came in said coldly.

"What? That Tongtian Mountain is the highest mountain in the bloody cave, and it penetrates the sky and the earth. Since the history of the bloody trial, no one has ever crossed it. This is the demeanor of the unparalleled genius, which is enough to make ordinary geniuses despair!"

"Haha, this is a good way! Little witch, do you dare to cross that Tongtian Mountain? If you don't dare, you won't be able to talk about shoulder-to-shoulder Long Gaitian in the future!"

Zi Yan suddenly tightened her face, and said crisply: "What's wrong with this, I like to climb mountains the most, you take me to that Tongtian Mountain, I will show you!"

"This little witch won't look back if she doesn't hit the south wall!"

"Have the guts, I know where the Tongtian Mountain is, you can just follow me."

"It's alright to try it, let her know the gap between herself and the world's top talent, it will always save her from sitting in the well and watching the sky!"

A group of loyal fans of Long Gaitian were angry but Zi Yan was arrogant, and they all volunteered to take Zi Yan to Tongtian Mountain. They wanted to witness this arrogant little witch showing decadence.

The remaining masters of the big clan knew that it was impossible to change from Zi Yan to Fengling Jingbi, and they did not dare to grab it. They looked at each other and followed.Although the possibility is very small, if this little witch can really pass through the Tongtian Mountain, it will definitely cause a big sensation, and they don't want to miss it.Huaxia Chinese

I saw that in the bloody cave, Zi Yan walked in the forefront with vigor and vigor, and behind it was a mighty army, there were hundreds of them, and they were still increasing, and they were extremely powerful.

"Little witch, you see that the one in front is Tongtian Mountain. When you get to the front, don't let your legs go soft!" A Tianjiao pointed to a towering Xiongfeng not far away.

At this moment, there was a sound of breaking the air, and a black-yellow chariot emerged from the end of the horizon. It was carried by seven or eight giant spirit race servants. There were many Tianjiao and sealers following the guards, most of them were princes. Disciples, there are also some geniuses from ancient sect holy places.

The two teams met soon, the black-yellow chariot stopped abruptly, the roller blinds were lifted, and a beautiful girl walked out, dressed in colorful clothes, her face was extremely delicate, and those beautiful eyes were as clear and beautiful as the sun rising in the morning glow. With some mysterious and unfathomable light.

"See Princess Jidu."

Seeing this woman, all the masters bowed slightly, including those sealers of the great clan.They didn't dare to be disrespectful. The father of the county master was a peerless overlord who dared to fight for his life with the heavens. The [-]-mile territory in the southern region was even more powerful, and he was by no means comparable to the ancient sect's holy land.

"Excuse me."

The little county lord spoke sweetly, set his eyes on Zi Yan, and said softly: "Where did you go, you little money fan, you made me look for it for a long time. Come on, follow me to Jinling Valley."

"No, I'm busy." Zi Yan waved her hand and said.

The little county master was anxious for a while. Which of these people was not respectful when they saw him, but this little girl ignored her, and even organized a group of people to hug her, which was bigger than herself.

After taking two deep breaths, the little county master suppressed his anger and said, "If I hadn't wanted to use your Spirit Sealing Crystal Wall, I wouldn't have bothered to look for you. This is an ancient dragon salivation pill, which can enhance the power of ten dragons. , is extremely precious, even if it's your reward. If you don't agree, I'll go to the son of wildness."

After speaking, Jidu County Master flicked his cuffs and threw out a golden elixir that was sparkling and sparkling. There was a golden dragon on it, which was full of ancient atmosphere. It was very extraordinary at a glance, and many geniuses couldn't help it. His eyes are shining, and he can take out such a rare treasure at will, I am afraid that only the first county master of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty.

Zi Yan took the elixir and sniffed it in front of her nose. Her eyes showed satisfaction. She swallowed the elixir in one mouthful and nodded slightly: "It's almost the same."

The little county master's chest heaved up and down for a while, and said angrily, "Can we go now?"

"No! You have to wait for me to cross the Tongtian Mountain first."

"You don't tell me...what? Are you going to cross that Tongtian Mountain? Why?" The little princess was startled and asked, staring at her beautiful eyes with fluctuating aura.

"Because it's there!"

Zi Yan pointed to the front and said innocently. , , .

Chapter 172 Everyone's attention, leap to the sky!

"You want to compare with Long Gaitian?"

Asked about the cause and effect, the surprise in the eyes of the little county master was even stronger. Even she was piercing the ears of Long Haitian of Longhai that day, thinking that at least among her peers, there was no one who could surpass it. This little witch is now going to challenge he?

"Don't worry, I'll just take a step, it won't delay you too much time." Zi Yan explained patiently, after all, she was a reputable dragon after receiving the benefits of others.

"Humph! If you can really cross the Tongtian Mountain, this time is not a waste of time. I'm afraid you will be embarrassed."

At the moment, the group continued to march forward in a mighty manner.

"Look, it is this Tongtian Mountain, and there are still traces of battles. I have seen with my own eyes that Long Gaitian and the son of Huang have fought here for hundreds of rounds, and there is no difference between the winner and the loser. In the end, the decision to test the body technique is a step forward. Pass through the Tianshan Mountain!"

A Tianjiao pointed to the majestic Xiongfeng in front of him and said, looking at Zi Yan with provocative eyes.

Everyone looked up and saw that the mountain was completely dark, with almost no vegetation and slope on it, and it was extremely steep, like a giant sword inserted into the sky.

"Xiao Caifan, are you ready? This mountain is high and steep. If it falls in the middle of the flight, it will be shattered. Don't be brave."

The little princess originally wanted to see Zi Yan make a joke, but when he got close, he couldn't help but worry.

"That's right, this Tongtian Mountain is famous in the bloody cave. I don't know how many Tianjiao want to conquer, but except for Long Gaitian and the son of Huang, none of them have succeeded."

"In terms of physical strength, the Kunpeng Clan is the first, followed by the Phoenix Clan and the Phoenix Clan, followed by the Dragon Clan. Long Gaitian has a bloodline close to that of the Dragon Emperor. Imitation is self-defeating!"

"Little witch, are you dancing or not, everyone is busy."

"The emperor is not in a hurry for the eunuch, isn't it just a matter of jumping."

Zi Yan looked casual, and as soon as she said it, it hurt the liver of the powerful people.

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