After a while, another large group of people rushed over. There was no shortage of Tianjiao and sealers from the ancient sacred land. There was a lot of discussion. They all heard that someone was going to challenge Long Gaitian to watch the fun.

"I'm going to dance!"

Zi Yan shouted loudly, startling everyone, the scene suddenly quieted down, and all eyes were focused on her.

"There is a fish in Beiming, its name is Kun, and it turns into a bird, and its name is Peng. Kunpeng is swaying, and it goes up to [-] miles, like the sky..."

Zi Yan silently recited the key points of "Kunpeng Zongtianbu" in her heart, her two calves slammed on the ground, the whole earth roared, and countless huge cracks burst out, quickly spreading in all directions, rolling The sky was full of smoke and dust, like a big earthquake.

"Look, this little witch is flying!"

I don't know who exclaimed, everyone looked up, and saw that Zi Yan's whole person's momentum had changed, like a giant eagle, with his hands open, roaring up, breaking through the layers of clouds, straight up to the sky, However, in the blink of an eye, he rushed to the height of Yutongtian Mountain, but his speed did not decrease in the slightest, and he continued to charge upwards.

"Cross...cross the past!" 53 Chinese website

Some Tianjiao with amazing eyesight exclaimed loudly. They saw with their own eyes that Zi Yan crossed over the Tongtian Mountain, not only across the Tongtian Mountain, but also far away from the Tongtian Peak.

It actually turned over.

Everyone's face is full of shock, as if they have witnessed the rise of an unparalleled genius, piercing through the clouds and fog, like a divine sword piercing the sky!Slit the sky!

They could almost predict that after today, the little witch's name would spread all over the blood-colored cave, like a scorching sun rising.

If it was said that Long Gaitian thriving before, then now it is the same day, and there will be a world-shattering battle to determine who is the future overlord of this continent!

"This little money fan..."

The Princess Jidu murmured, with a deep surprise in his eyes, as if he suddenly remembered something, and exclaimed: "Let this girl run away!"

However, it was said that Zi Yan did not hide her full power to perform "Kunpeng's Sky Step" this time, and the blood power in her whole body also reached its peak. She had to quickly find a hidden place to start her retreat.

Zhang Tian has been silently guarding Zi Yan's side, seeing the seven round sea phantoms on the top of her head boiling violently, but still unable to open up the eighth round sea, he can't help but mention: "Take that yin and yang ginseng combination. Grass, comprehend the "Yin-Yang Reverse Chaos Technique", relying on the power of yin and yang to break through the barriers!"

"it is good!"

Zi Yan replied in a low voice, took out the yin and yang ginseng herb, and threw it directly into her mouth, chewed it, and swallowed it in three or two times.


Zi Yan's body technique erupted with a burst of red glow, like a stormy sea, shaking the entire void to tremble. A brand new sea of ​​​​wheels was born, and in an instant, the whole world seemed to be condensed.

Half an hour later, Zi Yan walked out of a collapsed cave with a relaxed look on her face, her whole body shone with Shen Xi, and she had already broken through to the realm of the eight round seas.

"Ten miles to the left, the little princess is looking for you." Zhang Tian said quietly.

"I guess she's in a hurry."

Zi Yan scratched her head, jumped, galloped to the left, and soon saw the chariot of Princess Jidu, and flew directly up.

"Little princess, here I come."

Zi Yan shouted loudly and landed with a "bang", and the entire carriage trembled.

The princess of Jidu opened the curtains hung with purple pearls and jade, revealing that beautiful face, was about to get angry, suddenly his expression condensed, and said incredulously: "You... you have broken through the realm?"

As soon as these words came out, the Tianjiao around the team looked over with horror in their eyes. The little witch who just stepped up to Tongtian Mountain was not in her peak state?Breaking through to a higher realm, how terrifying it should be now.

"Thanks to the elixir you gave." Zi Yan showed a naive smile, and seemed a little embarrassed to say: "Do you still have that elixir?"

Chapter 173 Don't be afraid, Dad will protect me


Ji Du County's face darkened.

The rest of Tianjiao also showed a can't help laughing expression. No wonder Xiaojun called this little witch a 'financial fan'. She was too greedy. You must know that the ancient gods such as Longxiaodan are very rare. Even if many holy places may not have one, she still thinks. Want a second one.

"Forget it if you don't, don't get angry, and the county master is so stingy." Zi Yan complained.

The little county lord suddenly trembled with anger. If he hadn't guessed that he was not the opponent of this little witch, he would have to rush up to fight her.

After Zi Yan returned to the team, the county master Jidu officially ordered to go towards Jinlinggu, and the rest of Tianjiao and sealers also showed a solemn look.

About an hour later, the group rushed to the outside of Jinling Valley. They saw that it was a very huge valley, surrounded by cliffs, like a footprint stepped on by a giant. Only a narrow passage could Enter.

After arriving at the destination, the arrogance of the various factions and the princes' disciples seemed to have been instructed long ago, and they scattered to both sides, laying down spiritual plates and array flags.

Zi Yan looked inward along the Taniguchi, and saw the green grass in the valley, but all of them were golden. Looking around, it was like a golden ocean, with the mountain wind blowing and layers of waves swaying.The name of Jinlinggu is really appropriate.

"What's in this valley?"

Zi Yan rarely showed a cautious color, and she sensed that there was an unusual existence in it.

"So you know you're afraid too!"

The little county master opened the roller blinds and came out. Seeing Zi Yan's appearance, he felt very relieved for some reason, and said briskly: "Tell you, this Jinlinggu is one of the nine restricted areas in the bloody cave, and there is a The real gods, although in the seal, are not asleep."


Zi Yan widened her eyes and asked curiously: "Is it a real god? Isn't this place only able to hold the breath below the transcendent realm?"

"Of course it's a real god. As for why he's here, some people say that he was the god who was responsible for guarding this trial land. He suffered a big change and was trapped here. Some people say that he was suppressed here. , there is a spirit suction array on his body, and he constantly absorbs his divine power to maintain this trial cave, and I don't know the specifics."

The little princess and all the arrogances had a strong look of awe in their eyes. This was a god, a legendary existence.

"It turned out to be trapped, so what's there to worry about." Zi Yan said carelessly, with that casual expression on her face again.

"Don't be careless. Although this god is under seal, after so many years, he can already use some of his divine power. It is definitely not something we can compete with. You must not cause trouble!"

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