The little princess said very worriedly, she was not at all relieved about this little money fan. If she played the scene of digging the crystal wall again and annoyed this real god, then she would also suffer.Quick Eye 123

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, with my dad here, he will protect us."

Zi Yan raised her wrist, shook the crystal ice spirit bracelet, and said very proudly.

The little princess suddenly showed a helpless look and sighed softly: "You really believe in your father, but you should be careful. If you continue to mess around like before, you may not have that good luck again."

At this time, a tall and slender woman ran back and said loudly, "County Lord, the arrangement of the Heavenly Fire Spirit Formation has been completed."

"Okay, tell me to go down, get ready to enter!"

The Jidu County Master looked solemn, showing a kingly demeanor that did not match his age.This Heavenly Fire Spirit Array is the ancient spirit array that Zhennan King spent a lot of money to acquire. The layout is very simple, but it needs a Skyfire Crystal Stone as a guide. Once activated, it is enough to instantly kill the legendary king, and it is also one of her biggest cards.

"Little Caifan, just follow me and don't run around."

The county master Jidu got off the chariot, but after all, he still worried about Zi Yan and planned to tie her to his side.

Zi Yan faintly felt a dangerous aura, her eyes became sharp, she did not speak, and silently followed the Lord Jidu.


Not long after entering the valley, a huge beast roar suddenly came from the originally silent golden grass, and then the golden waves surged into the sky, and two pixiu beasts with a size of several feet flew out, rushing towards the team with a very terrifying power.

However, these Tianjiao were obviously well prepared, and they used powerful means to cooperate with each other, and they killed the two Pixiu beasts in a short while.

At this time, a miracle happened. The two Pixiu beasts did not fall to the ground with flesh and blood, but turned into a little golden light and merged into the bodies of the besieged Tianjiao.

"This... what is this?" Zi Yan asked in surprise.

The county master Jidu glanced at Zi Yan strangely and said, "Before you came in, didn't you read any information in the cave? These are not real beasts, but the source beasts, which were leaked by the sealed god. Condensed from the divine source fluid of , the combat power is not below the true descendants of Pixiu!"

"God source liquid? Is this thing useful?" Zi Yan asked for advice humbly.

The county master Jidu rolled his eyes and said angrily: "You really are a fan of money, and your reaction on this is fast enough. This divine source liquid is indeed a good thing, it can stimulate the potential contained in the blood vessels and improve your qualifications. At the same time, it is also the root of the body of the gods, even if the gods are extremely rare, I came for this thing."

Hearing that this thing is so useful, Zi Yan's eyes suddenly lit up, and suddenly she pointed her toes on the ground, the whole person bounced out like a cannonball, flashed to the front of the two beasts that had just emerged, punched out, and the monstrous flames swept out. , instantly killed the two Origin Beasts, and a few strands of faint golden divine Origin Qi escaped and merged into her body.

All the arrogance of the heavens are all in shock. They need more than a dozen people to work together and spend dozens of breaths to solve the powerful source beast, and they were killed by this little witch with one punch. This strength is too abnormal, no wonder it dares to The person who challenged the dragon and the sky.

The county master of Jidu was also taken aback and said quickly: "Xiao Caifan, come back soon, these Origin Beasts don't have too much divine source fluid. After a while, I will finish the transaction with the gods and give you some divine source fluid. Don't make trouble, if it attracts a beast tide, it will be difficult for us to survive today."

Chapter 174 Who broke into the territory of this god!


Zi Yan showed regret and walked back slowly. After all, she took the benefits of Jidu County Master, and she was still very obedient.

"You said just now that you want to trade with the gods?" Zi Yan asked with her head raised.

The little county master nodded and said solemnly: "During the last blood test, a prince from the prince's family hunted the origin beast here, accidentally entered the depths by mistake, and saw the altar where the gods were sealed. The gods in it were awakened. Fortunately, he had several plants on his body, which seemed to be very helpful to the gods. As a result, the gods not only did not kill him, but made a deal with him, using many gods. The source liquid replaced the spirit-eater grass on him and sent him out."

Zi Yan clapped her hands and said, "I see, you want to imitate that prince's son and also use the eclipse grass to exchange for the divine source fluid."

"You're right, that deity has a huge demand for Spirit Eclipse Grass, and once told the prince's son at the end of the transaction, saying that as long as there are people who come with Spirit Eclipse Grass, no matter how much he can use God Source Liquid trading. According to the experts in the palace, this spirit-eroding grass has the miraculous effect of eroding spiritual power, and the god is probably trying to use this thing to break the seal!”

The little county master pulled his hair that was scattered to the front and said in a beautiful voice.

"Break the seal, then he will rush out!" Zi Yan exclaimed.Although there were many gods in the ancient and ancient times, but today, the gods are already legendary existences, like the sacrificial gods worshipped by the Golden Spirit Clan, but they are just fake gods. No one has seen the real gods.

"That's why I called you here!"

The little county master swayed slenderly and explained patiently: "The two Spirit Sealing Crystal Walls on your body can reinforce the great banning formation that trapped the gods, so that he cannot escape in a short time, otherwise I will give you a precious The ancient dragon saliva pill. But this is only the worst hypothesis. The banning formation that can trap the gods is so easy to crack, and after this transaction, I will seal the Golden Spirit Valley, so that he can never get out of trouble. ."

"You have so many eyes." Zi Yan sighed.

The little princess covered her heart and resisted the urge to beat Zi Yan, this little witch is too poisonous.What is a heart-to-heart?This is obviously Yingming and decisive, how can it be so unpleasant to say it from her mouth.

Just as the two of them were talking, the group had already walked to the center of Taniguchi. Although they encountered more and more Origin Beasts, the little county master had obviously made adequate preparations. The prince's children are all holding heavy treasures, and the entire formation is not in the slightest confusion.

"This is a colorful fairy flower, a peerless elixir!"

A holy place Tianjiao suddenly pointed to a very beautiful and coquettish flower growing not far away, and his eyes were full of excitement. This is an elixir that is more precious than yin and yang ginseng and grass, and it is a real elixir.

"Don't touch it!"

The county master of Jidu exclaimed, but it was too late. The Tianjiao was completely dazzled by the elixir, and he directly transformed a piece of training around the elixir and uprooted it.

"Damn, don't you know that the precious medicine in this Golden Spirit Valley can't be picked casually! Put it back quickly."

A giant spirit warrior servant who has always been guarding the back of Jidu County roared loudly, but there was a touch of fear in his eyes.

"I...I..." The Tianjiao was completely dumbfounded, and he didn't know if he just remembered this, or if he didn't know anything like Zi Yan.

"Roar..." The sixth book

The sky-shattering beast roars came from all directions, and in an instant, the golden waves rolled, vaguely, and there were thousands of Origin Beasts rushing towards them. beast.

"No, there are too many Origin Beasts!"

"It's over, the beast tide has been triggered, and we are all going to die here."

The entire team fell into a state of panic in an instant. Even the Princess Jidu had a flash of fear on his face, but he quickly stabilized and said solemnly: "Everyone, keep rushing in!"

Zi Yan said loudly: "You go in first, and I will break up later!"

After speaking, Zi Yan slammed her toes to the ground, and flew out like a Tianpeng.At this moment, her aura changed completely, like a god, her whole body was surrounded by fire, and she rushed directly into the source beast group.

"Law Heaven and Earth!"

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