Zi Yan let out a low voice, and Shen Xi shone on her body, turning into a giant of twenty feet, her hands wide open and closed, as if possessing infinite divine power, like two giant wings, implying two majestic powers of yin and yang, all rushing towards The source beasts in front of her all turned into golden light and disappeared under her fist.

"Little money fans..." Jidu County Master showed a touch of emotion.

The rest of Tianjiao and the prince's children were also shocked. I didn't expect that this little witch who likes to make noises would have such a fearless spirit at a critical moment, willing to sacrifice herself for the overall situation.

"Mine! It's all mine!"

At this moment, Zi Yan's intermittent voice came over, and suddenly the face of the little princess and all the arrogances turned black. It turned out that the little witch just wanted the divine source fluid from those source beasts.

"The county master, the spirit formation can already be activated." A prince's son approached Jidu county master and said.

The county master of Jidu nodded slightly and said loudly: "Little witch, follow me into the restricted area, just have them here!"

When Zi Yan heard the words, she immediately sped up her shots, killed a large area again, and harvested a lot of divine source fluid, and then she reluctantly returned.

Just when she just entered the formation, the group of Tianjiao and princes' children immediately lined up, and raised a fiery red token with a solemn expression. For fly ash.

At this moment, there was a flash of spiritual light in front, and the little princess and Zi Yan also stepped into the depths of this restricted area together. What came into sight was a huge altar, as if carved from five-color divine jade, shining with dazzling brilliance.

"Who broke into the cultivation place of this god."

A majestic voice resounded in all directions, echoing throughout the Golden Spirit Valley.

Zi Yan curiously said: "Cultivation? Aren't you sealed here?" ,, . .

Chapter 175 Do You Want To Kill Bendi's Daughter?

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Even if it was a god, he was internally injured by Zi Yan's words, and the entire restricted area shook violently, as if it were about to collapse.

At this moment, Jidu County Master even has the heart to strangle Zi Yan. This girl is too capable of causing trouble. If I knew this, it would be better to leave her outside.

"Honorable gods, we are here to send you the people who have eaten spirit grass for you at your call. Some words are inappropriate, please calm your anger." Jidu County Lord stood in front of Zi Yan and said respectfully.

The deity seemed to be very concerned about the spirit-eater grass, and immediately stopped his anger, and said solemnly: "Do you have the spirit-eater grass? Very good, very good, offer them up, and this god will forgive you for your rashness."

Seeing this scene, Jidu County Master felt more confident, and said in a soft voice: "Honorable gods, these spirit-eroding grasses cost a lot to collect, I wonder if I can ask for some god-source liquid."

"Divine Origin Liquid? Hmm... It's easy to say, easy to say, you can put all the Spirit-Eating Grass you brought on the altar, let this god see how many there are, and then give you the Divine Origin Liquid."

Jidu County Master immediately showed joy, took out a storage ring, and threw it over the altar. Countless ecstasy grasses fell like a rain curtain, and there were hundreds of them, piled on the altar.

At the same time, Zi Yan also heard the voice of Jidu County Master: "Put your two crystal walls on it too."

Zi Yan rolled her eyes, and immediately took out a piece of Sealing Spirit Crystal Wall from her jacket pocket and threw it on the altar, while the other piece was secretly held in her hand.

"Okay, you have collected so many Spirit-Eating Grasses, that's great!"

The voice of the deity was full of excitement, a huge crack suddenly opened in the void, a golden palm protruded out, and couldn't wait to grab the eclipse grass on the altar.

This golden palm is so powerful that the moment it appeared, it increased the pressure of the entire restricted area tenfold, as if the entire world could be wiped out with a single touch, which was extremely terrifying.

The Princess Jidu breathed for a while, and couldn't help but feel the urge to pay homage, and she was shocked. This is the real palm of the god, a god, right in front of her!


Just as the golden palm was about to touch the altar, the Spirit Sealing Crystal Wall suddenly became brilliant, emitting a scorching light, like a flash of sword light, directly chopping off a fingertip of the palm of the god.


The deity let out a tragic howl, and the broken finger surged with divine power, and soon a new finger grew, but the broken part fell to the ground and turned into a golden divine liquid, which was in harmony with the sources in the Golden Spirit Valley. The divine source fluid in the beast is similar, but it is more concentrated, enough to be worth dozens of source beasts.

Zi Yan's eyes suddenly stared, staring at the piece of divine liquid, and then looking up at the giant palm of the god, like a person who has been hungry for several days seeing a big cake.In her eyes, this is no longer the palm of a god, but a large piece of divine source fluid.

"Damn, what is this, it dares to hurt this god!!"

With the roar of the divine aura, the restricted area began to vibrate violently again, and the terrifying majesty pressed directly towards the Princess Jidu and Zi Yan.

Jidu County Master only felt that the sea of ​​​​in his body was about to collapse, and he was extremely frightened, but he remained calm on the surface, and said lightly: "You are a noble god, how can you be unbelievable. Just take out the source of the gods. liquid, I will naturally remove this little protective measure."

She was also very fortunate at this time, but fortunately she found Zi Yan over, otherwise facing the gods, it can be said that there is no bargaining chip to resist.

"Want divine source fluid? Delusional! This god will kill you two blasphemers first!"

The deity suddenly showed a ferocious look, and the golden palm in the void came directly towards the two of them, and the powerful pressure locked the void, even if it was a legendary king, don't even think about breaking out of the void.Tutufei Novel Network www.tutufei.com

"What! Kill us, and no one will provide you with Eclipse Grass in the future!"

Princess Jidu was shocked and angry, but she did not expect that this god would suddenly turn his face, which was completely different from what she expected.

"Haha... that's enough! I knew that the last time I let go of that human race kid, I would definitely catch a big fish. Those human race immortal kings sealed me here, and when I get out of trouble, they must kill all the human races in the world. !"

The voice of the gods was extremely arrogant, and it was mixed with some divine words. The golden giant palm continued to fall, and the pressure was unparalleled. The earth cracked open countless huge cracks and spread to nowhere.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Zi Yan, who was supposed to be imprisoned by divine power, was unable to move, but suddenly burst out like a fierce beast. Then... the big mouth bites towards the golden palm, and the sound of swallowing can still be heard faintly.

The county master of Jidu was stunned for a moment, and was completely shocked by Zi Yan's actions. This little witch actually wanted to eat this god alive, and even gave her life for the divine source liquid.

The deity was also taken aback by Zi Yan's actions. This is too tiger. Who is the god and who is the human.

"Damn, let go of this god! You are blaspheming God, and you will be punished forever!"

The deity roared loudly, causing the surrounding valleys to fall in large chunks. He had changed from shock to fear. This little witch was so edible that he ate most of his palms in just a while, which was faster than the recovery of divine power. Be quick, he has even felt a massive loss of divine energy within his body.

He struggled hard and wanted to withdraw, but he couldn't use his divine power under the ban effect of the Lingjing Crystal Wall. He could only rely on his physical strength to compete with Zi Yan, and then he was shocked to discover... that he didn't have such little strength. big.

One inch, two inches, three inches...

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