The Princess Jidu's eyes widened, unable to believe what was in front of her. This little witch actually grabbed the palm of the god and pulled the god out of the crack in the space.

"Okay... such a miraculous physique, you can actually ignore the seal! Haha... God help me! God help me too!"

The deity who was pulled out first had a look of surprise in his eyes, and then he showed ecstasy. The seal that he spent millions of years could not break through, this little witch could just ignore it and let him get out of trouble.


With a slight wave, Zi Yan was blasted out immediately and smashed beside Jidu County Master. The Spirit Sealing Crystal Wall was held in the hands of the gods, and then crushed directly!

"You two blasphemers, let this god suffer endless humiliation, and today this god will use your blood to sacrifice to this god to reproduce the nine mountains and seas!"

The anger in the eyes of the gods was soaring to the sky, and he waved his huge palms, pressing them fiercely towards the Princess Jidu and Zi Yan.

The eyes of the Princess Jidu were full of despair. She felt a coercion that was countless times more terrifying than her father in this god.

"Dad save me!"

At the critical moment, Zi Yan shouted and threw the Bingling bracelet out.

"Humph! No one can save today... eh?"

Halfway through the words of the god, he suddenly showed an expression of incomparable horror. His palm, the palm that contained his victory, was actually blocked, blocked by a seemingly weak palm.

"You... want to kill Ben Emperor's daughter?"

Zhang Tian's body turned from virtual to solid, standing in front of Jidu County Master, and said in a low voice. , , .

Chapter 176 The princess is in love with the god Zhang Tiantu

"You want to kill Ben Emperor's daughter?"

Just when the sound of these words fell, the infinite emperor's power swept across the ten directions, and in an instant, the entire valley was stunned.

Those cracked and shattered mountain walls were all quiet, as if they were sealed by an invisible force, and they seemed to welcome the emperor to the world, daring not to do disrespectful acts.


An extremely shocking emotion broke out in the heart of the Princess Jidu.

This little witch's father actually entered the bloody cave known as 'forbidding everything', and even appeared in the forbidden area of ​​​​the gods.

He even blocked the attack of the god with one hand, even called himself the emperor in front of the god, and even... reprimanded the god!

This figure, so real, stood in front of her, with a straight spine, as if there was a magic spear inside that spine, supporting the heavens and the earth, and piercing the sky!Although he is seven feet tall, he has a domineering arrogance that makes all gods fall to the ground.

Looking at this back, Jidu County Master's eyes suddenly became crazy, as if the world only exists in this moment, as if standing behind this background, you can be fearless, and there is no power in the world that can hurt her. .

"Small human, how dare you underestimate this god! You must die!"

Zhang Tian's domineering attitude deeply stimulated the self-esteem of this god, making him roar loudly, the golden light on his body became more and more intense, and he used all his divine power to press Zhang Tian fiercely.

"Dad, kill this god who doesn't count!"

Zi Yan got up, even with her amazing physical defense, she was stunned by the terrifying power, and her eyes were full of small stars.

"Slaying the god? Haha, I really laughed at the god. The god was born according to the way of heaven and has the same life as the sky. Even those immortal kings can't help but seal the god. They want to kill the god and dream. Go!  …”

This god seemed to have been trapped for too long, his heart was sullen, he became very chatty, and he talked about his greatness.

A strange look appeared on Zhang Tian's face, and he said amusedly: "How long have you been trapped, don't you even know 'the sky has changed'?"


The mad laughter on the face of the gods suddenly solidified, and the entire body of the gods seemed to be frozen.

In the next moment, Zhang Tian, ​​who was originally small and weak in front of him, suddenly became incomparably majestic. It can be translated into one word!

"The era of the gods has long since ended. If you dare to provoke this emperor's daughter, this emperor will grant you the silence of eternal life."

Zhang Tian opened his mouth indifferently, and with a single sentence, the Dao law followed, and the terrifying power of the heavenly Dao exploded in an instant. In the dark, it seemed that a chain of order was hanging down from the nine heavens, piercing the clouds and breaking the fog, and descended to the Golden Spirit Valley. , directly piercing the body of the god in front of him.

"No...don't, forgive me!!!"

This god finally had fear, he felt that the divine chain of order was constantly plundering his source of divine power, consuming his divine will, and pulling him to death step by step!

However, Zhang Tian looked indifferent, turned a deaf ear to his plea for mercy, and even pointed his finger towards the void, forming a huge abyss, dragging the gods who were bound with the divine chain of order directly into it.

Waiting for this god will be the collapse of the god's body, turning into countless sources to feed back to this world.

"Ah, my divine liquid!" Everyone reads the novel

Zi Yan seemed to think of something, and flew over, but was a step late and fluttered.


Zhang Tian tapped Zi Yan's head lightly, and said angrily: "I know to eat, this divine liquid is more difficult to refine than Taiyi Shenshui, you'd better find a place to retreat, or swallow some treasures to buffer For a moment, or else you will have to be swallowed by these divine liquids and turn into a divine embryo."


Zi Yan hugged her head and was about to say a few words, when Zhang Tian turned into aura and returned to the Bingling bracelet.

At the same time, the earth burst into several terrifying cracks, and the surrounding mountain walls collapsed, as if the end of the world had come.

It was only at this moment that the county master Jidu reacted and exclaimed: "No! This restricted area is about to be destroyed, little witch, come with me!"

After finishing speaking, Jidu County Lord stepped forward and pulled Zi Yan, his figure flashed, and he broke the inner ban and appeared in the valley. The group of Tianjiao and princes' children had already set up a temporary teleportation array, and when the little County Lord came out , immediately insert the spirit stone to start.


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