The entire Golden Spirit Valley collapsed, and a second before that, the teleportation circle was activated, teleporting everyone dozens of miles away.

"Bang bang bang..."

A crack opened in the void, and the group fell to the ground like dumplings.

The county master Jidu looked up at the sky and felt a sense of escaping from death. He couldn't help but sigh: "Xiao Caifan, thanks to your father leaving a clone of spiritual sense, otherwise we would have made a big mistake."

After she finished speaking, she looked towards Zi Yan, but found that the little witch was squatting on the ground, covering her mouth with her hands, as if she was about to vomit. .

Seeing this scene, the county master Jidu was both angry and funny, he stepped forward quickly, and said angrily: "I asked you to eat so much spiritual liquid, can this thing be swallowed hard? Why don't you spit out more quickly?"


Zi Yan also covered her mouth with her other hand and shook her head vigorously, her eyes full of determination.

Jidu County Lord rolled his eyes, and no longer persuaded this little money fan, but swiftly put all the divine source liquid she spit out into the treasure bottle, but these also had a lot of weight, basically reached her expectations.

After a full hour, Zi Yan barely suppressed the urge to pour out the divine spirit fluid. Seeing that Jidu County Master had been silently protecting her, she scratched her head, and was embarrassed to spit out the divine source fluid. Yes, it hurts so much.

If the county master of Jidu knew what Zi Yan was thinking at the moment, he would have to vomit blood.

Just as Jidu County Master was thinking about where to go next, he saw the arrogance of several big clans rushing towards this side, and immediately stopped them.

"You are in such a hurry, are you going to Qianyudao Lake?"

Seeing Jidu County Master's question, all the arrogances did not dare to neglect, and quickly replied respectfully: "The county lord is wise, I heard that the Golden Lion Clan has produced a bloodthirsty arrogant named Emperor Shi'er, who wants to be with the son of Huang in Qianyu. The decisive battle of Daohu seems to be because the son of Huang wants to forcibly accept the emperor lion as a servant, so I am planning to watch the battle."

"What? Someone is going to rob my war servant?"

Zi Yan suddenly widened her eyes and said angrily. , , .

Chapter 177 The God Who Likes Killing

Zi Yan's voice startled those Tianjiao. Seeing that she seemed to have a close relationship with Jidu County Master, she didn't dare to be disrespectful. She said carefully: "Could it be that the Emperor Lion is the girl's servant?"

"That's right, he personally swore to be my servant and never betray. Who is that son of the desert, so hateful, he wants to rob my servant!" Zi Yan said angrily.

In fact, she doesn't care about Emperor Shi'er, she just thinks that this guy is a descendant of the Primordial Emperor Lion, and it is very majestic to say it, but since it is her servant, it is hers, how can anyone else rob it.

Those Tianjiao looked at each other, not knowing whether what Zi Yan said was true or not. You must know that Emperor Shi'er has awakened the bloodline of the ancient emperor lion, which is comparable to the pure-blooded ancient beast. It can be said that it is second only to Long Gaitian and Huang Meng in the demon clan The existence of Yao and other peerless monsters.If this little girl was the owner of Emperor Shi'er, wouldn't her identity be even more terrifying.

"No, I'm going to Qianyu Dao Lake too." Zi Yan quickly made a decision.

The county master of Jidu hurriedly said: "Little money fan, don't be stupid. That son of the desert is the son of the master of the ninth mountain and sea wilderness. It is said that he is famous in the battlefield of hundreds of tribes. You are definitely not his opponent."

Those Tianjiao also echoed: "The county master is right, the strength of the son of the desert is very terrifying, he has killed several ancient relics, and his father is the master of the wilderness, and a finger can destroy the entire East Wilderness Continent. Erasing it, going to provoke him, it won't end well."

"Then you can't rob me, at least you have to exchange treasures of the same value!" Zi Yan said firmly.

The county master of Jidu and all the arrogances were speechless. It turned out that Emperor Shi'er was just a 'treasure' in the eyes of this little witch, as long as it was of equal value, it could be exchanged.

After thinking about it for a while, the little county master said softly: "I still have other places to go. If you want to go to Qianyudao Lake, you can go by yourself. But I want to remind you that Qianyudao Lake is also famous in the bloody cave. Although there are many geniuses in the forbidden area every year, but more are blood spilled into Dao Lake, and the danger level is several levels higher than that of Jinling Valley."

"I know, then I'll go first."

Zi Yan waved her hand casually, and followed the group of Tianjiao to the distance.

The little princess' face flushed with anger, and her chest heaved up and down. This little money fan, she was so kind to her, how could she not appreciate it at all.

But Princess Jidu is also very clear that she doesn't need to worry about Zi Yan's safety. After all, with such an invincible father guarding her, where can the whole bloody cave go?

Thinking of Zhang Tian's domineering back, who looked down on everything, Jidu County Master couldn't help sighing, his eyes filled with Qiuhong, and he only wished that he could not be born in the same era as this peerless figure, and work together to cultivate.

On the other side, the arrogances of those big clans did not dare to neglect Zi Yan in the slightest, surrounding her in the middle, answering any questions, and showing great respect.

"Why is that Qianyudao Lake called a restricted area?" Zi Yan asked curiously while running.

A tall and slender woman who looked about sixteen or seventeen years old patiently replied: "This bloody cave was built by ancient gods, and most of the restricted areas inside are related to gods and demons. It is said that Qianyu Dao Lake is in ancient times, a famous Transformed by the fallen body of the water-based god called 'Thousand Rain', the entire Dao Lake contains the will of the gods, which should not be offended."

"What's the danger in that?" Zi Yan continued to ask.

Another good-looking middle-aged sealer said: "Qianyu Dao Lake is one of the most popular restricted areas in the bloody cave, and every year, a large number of Tianjiao compete there, and the dead fall directly to the bottom of Dao Lake. When the battle is over, After that, many rare precious medicines will be formed on Daohu Lake, and the more arrogances that fall, the more precious the medicines will be. Therefore, Qianyu Daohu Lake is also known as Qianyu Killing Lake.” Schoolbag Novel www.

Although the surrounding Tianjiao knew the details for a long time, listening to the sealer's eloquent words, he couldn't help but palpitate.Such cruel rules are clearly encouraging these geniuses to kill each other and use the corpses of their opponents to pave the way for their own promotion!

"It seems that the god named 'Qianyu' likes to kill very much." Zi Yan said thoughtfully.

All the arrogances nodded one after another, and their hearts were more in awe of Qianyu Dao Lake. The will of a god, or a god who likes to kill, is definitely a terrifying existence.

Soon, Zi Yan and all the Tianjiao rushed to the Qianyu Mountain where Qianyudao Lake is located. Just standing at the foot of the mountain, you can hear the roar of the battle of treasures, and the strong smell of blood is even more pungent. .

A flash of excitement flashed in Zi Yan's eyes, her toes slammed on the ground, and the whole person flew directly to the place where the spiritual energy was dense on the mountain.

"Shit, it actually flew."

"It's so powerful. It can smash the ground into such a terrifying crack with one foot. Even the Tianjiao of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus Clan may not be able to do it."

All Tianjiao and sealers looked at the terrifying vision caused by Zi Yan, and they all showed a look of astonishment.

Suddenly one person exclaimed: "Wearing in white clothes, she is young, her supernatural power is infinite, she leaps like a flying... Could it be that she is the third little witch who has reached the top of the Sealing Spirit Wall and crossed the Tongtian Mountain in one step?"

"It shouldn't be wrong, there can be no other existence for such a monster. She and the son of Huang, the two people who reached the top of the Fengling Wall, met in Qianyu Dao Lake, and the decisive battle was absolutely shocking. !"

"Hurry up, keep up, this battle will surely stir the mainland!"


Zi Yan landed like a cannonball, and stood directly on the edge of a huge lake. I saw the figures of Tianjiao and sealers of various races everywhere on the lake. They were practicing all kinds of treasures, fighting against each other, fighting, not leaving No mercy.

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