"Boss, you are finally here!"

In the crowd, Wu Di was holding a bone mirror and was fighting against a huge dragon clan Tianjiao. When he saw Zi Yan, he immediately showed a ecstatic expression.

As soon as this sound came out, many people looked towards Zi Yan, and then many people were shocked.

"It's the little witch, the little witch is here!"

"Which little witch? Isn't she just a little girl?"

"Little girl? She is an unparalleled genius who has climbed to the top of the Sealing Spirit Wall and crossed Tongtian Mountain in one step, and she can knock you out with one punch!"

Tianjiao on the edge of Qianyudao Lake was hustling, and soon most of Zi Yan's record spread, everyone showed fear, looking at Zi Yan's eyes, as if looking at a peerless beast. , , .

Chapter 178 Goddess Qianyu, see Emperor Zun

Zi Yan blinked, stared at Wu Di, and said loudly: "Wu Di, have you seen the son of Huang, I heard that he is going to rob my war servant."

Wu Di fought two more waves of offensive, the bone mirror in his hand was smashed and several cracks appeared, and he cried without tears: "Boss, please take care of me first, I can't hold it anymore."

Zi Yan tapped her toes and jumped directly to Wu Di's side, only to find that Qianyudao Lake was very mysterious. These lakes seemed to be very viscous, and they could be stepped on directly like flat ground.

Looking at the opposite side, Zi Yan couldn't help but light up. She also knew the guy who competed with Wu Di. It was the Chifeng, the arrogant of the Scarlet Armored Earth Dragon Clan, who had been with Hu Dali and Xiong Lifeng before.

"Little Earth Dragon, you step aside first, I have something to talk to Wu Di." Zi Yan waved her hand at will.

Chifeng suddenly became angry and said with a dark face: "Little witch, who do you think I am, Chifeng? You can't even protect yourself now, so you dare to provoke me?"

"Is it difficult to protect myself?" Zi Yan showed a strange color.

"Huh! You don't know yet, those people from the Frozen Holy Land are looking for you everywhere. They have a big killer in their hands. If you encounter them, you will definitely die. If you don't hurry to find a place to hide, you dare to show off your might in front of this uncle. !" Chifeng said with fierce eyes.

He has always been pretentious. If this little witch's performance on the sealing wall was too amazing, he would be too lazy to explain.

"Big killer? Is it a baby?" Zi Yan's eyes lit up, looking very excited.

"Boss, this person will be handed over to you, I have to go to heal first."

Wu Di shouted and went straight to the outside of Daohu. This Chifeng's strength is too strong. He suffered internal injuries before, but he has been holding on, so he naturally needs to recover as soon as possible.

Chifeng's eyes widened, and he said arrogantly: "My uncle's prey, how can I let you go as soon as you say it, little witch, get out of the way, or I'll clean it up with you."

Zi Yan's eyes suddenly became sharp, and she said angrily: "Little Earth Dragon, don't annoy me, be careful that I will pull out your dragon horns and make you a red-hot Earth Dragon!"


Chifeng snorted loudly, raised the bone spur in his hand and stabbed towards Zi Yan violently, the vast power erupted, and the thorn void made a sharp whistle.

This treasure is made from the backbone of a demon saint, and it has been fused with a large number of demon runes. It can be said to be the most precious treasure after the holy soldiers of the extreme path, and it is also the strength of Chifeng. Relying on this treasure, he can play Out of ten times the strength of the strength.

The momentum on Zi Yan's body suddenly turned to one side, like an annoyed ancient beast, her right foot slammed on the lake, causing a huge wave of dozens of meters high, and the whole person rushed towards Chifeng like a bow and arrow. The fist pounded, and the monstrous flames rushed out.


The powerful Sun Fist burst out, like a blazing fire, directly knocking Chifeng's bone spurs into the air, and the fist force was unabated, and a large hole was smashed in Chifeng's chest.


Chifeng showed an expression of unbelievable fear. This little girl's power is so tyrannical that after stacking her treasures, she can actually destroy ten times her own power.

"Give me your dragon horn."

Zi Yan strode forward, with the invincible momentum of crushing the sky, grabbed the horn on top of Chifeng's head, and yanked it up.

"No, you can't... ah..." Quduxs novel www.quduxs.com

Chifeng let out a terrifying roar, but he couldn't break free from Zi Yan's shackles. The one-foot-long roaring dragon horn above his head was directly uprooted, and his flesh and blood flew.


All the Tianjiao in the audience were deeply shocked by this scene, and they let out a breath of cold air. They were as powerful as Chifeng. They were beaten by this witch with one punch, and they pulled out their dragon horns cruelly, which was equivalent to directly abolishing Chifeng. the origin!

"Ah! Ah! Ah! You...you pulled out my dragon horn, the Scarlet Armored Dragon Race will not let you go!!"

Chifeng roared loudly, his eyes were full of anger and even more remorse. His family was one of the Thirteen Saints of the Monster Race, and the team that came to Scarlet Cave Sky this time was also huge.But he took care of himself and did not act with the arrogance of the ethnic group, otherwise what would happen.

"I not only pulled out your dragon horns, but also made you into a braised earth dragon to eat!"

Zi Yan glared and said, took out the golden lion claw treasure, spewed out a large group of fire, and directly wrapped Chifeng in it.

"Ah! No, let me go, my monster clan and thirteen saint clan are all together, come and save me!..."

Chifeng finally felt the fear, or felt the killing intent on Zi Yan, no longer caring about his dignity, and called for help directly.

These words are still useful. I saw that the sky was dark, and the arrogance of a Jin Zhan Dapeng clan transformed into the body and shouted at Zi Yan: "Little witch, it's almost enough, don't overdo it."

"Then add you and make a pan-fried Peng Wing!"

Zi Yan took out the Lei Yu Noble Phantasm again, and hula la released a large group of divine thunder hoods towards Jin Zhan Dapeng in the sky.Her sea of ​​​​wheels is vast and boundless, even if she urges two powerful Noble Phantasms at the same time, she does not feel the slightest effort.


That Jin Zhan Dapeng was so frightened that he fluttered his wings and flew high, but he was still struck by the divine lightning, and half of his wings fell off.

Zi Yan's eyes were quick, and she grabbed the bone spur from Chifeng, thrust it towards the sky, and put the flesh on the bone spur, and then placed it directly on the fire that enveloped Chifeng, occasionally tumbling.

At the bottom of the undetectable Daohu Lake, there is a very huge blue temple, the whole body is made of colorful divine jade, and it is splendid.

In this shrine, there was a beautiful woman wearing a long water blue dress, her whole body was shrouded in Shen Xi, she was a real goddess, named 'Qianyu'.She was suppressed here, turning her body into a lake, but her will was imprisoned in this temple, waiting for an opportunity.

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