"The Taixu ancient dragon body is still the bloodline of the Dragon Emperor, and the flesh and blood contain precious Taiyi Shenshui. This... This is the breath of the divine source fluid. She actually has so much divine source fluid in her body. Occupy this body, I will be able to do so within a thousand years. Return to full strength, and even go further."

The eyes of the goddess of the rain seemed to penetrate the endless mist, and she saw Zi Yan on the lake. Her whole body was shaking with excitement. This was the chance she had been waiting for thousands of years to get out of trouble.

Just as he was about to take action, an indifferent voice suddenly came from behind: "What are you going to do to this emperor's daughter?"

"who is it!"

Goddess Qianyu turned around abruptly, her eyes full of shock, this Fangdao Lake was the manifestation of her will, and someone could escape her detection and enter the temple directly.Such supernatural powers, even those immortal kings who suppressed her back then could not do it.

I saw Zhang Tian sitting casually on the throne in the center of the temple, without the slightest fluctuation of spiritual energy, but revealed an invincible aura that suppressed the nine heavens and ten earths.

The goddess Qianyu took a deep breath, hurriedly cleaned her makeup, and respectfully said: "Goddess Qianyu, see Lord Emperor Zun." , . . .

Chapter 179 The Emperor Gives You a Fortune

"Goddess Qianyu, see Lord Emperor Zun."

The snow body of the goddess of the rain is slightly curved, and her expression is very submissive. She is a god transformed by a drop of divine rain from the innate. She has lived for hundreds of millions of years. Although she has always lived in a remote place, she still has some eyesight, and she immediately judged, Zhang Tian's cultivation has reached the terrifying emperor realm.

Emperor Realm, that is an unparalleled realm, a realm that many gods and demons need to look up to. The Emperor Mark Monument has been formed since the beginning of the world, but there are very few strong people who can leave a name on it and obtain the title of Emperor.Any great emperor is the arrogance of the contemporary generation, even if it is a congenital gods and demons, there must be fear and awe.

Zhang Tian took a sip of the tea on the god's case, and said with a little playfulness: "You don't know this emperor?"

Back then, he killed the heavens by himself, and forced the gods in the sky to have no way to go to the sky and no way to enter the earth. Countless gods fell because of this, and their bones and blood were sprinkled all over the nine mountains and seas.

His name as Emperor Buried was therefore remembered by all gods and demons, and his figure became a nightmare in the hearts of all gods and demons.

But the goddess in front of her did not seem to have that kind of emotion.

The goddess Qianyu said softly: "Reporting to the emperor, the little god was exiled to this remote place because he violated some taboos tens of millions of years ago, and then was suppressed by some immortal kings. If there is any offense, please forgive me."

"I see."

Zhang Tian nodded slightly and said thoughtfully: "When I first came here, this emperor sensed that although this trial cave was forged by divine power, it was contaminated with too many immortal breaths. The twists and turns, I think you are imprisoned here because of this."

"The emperor is wise, the gods and demons who were exiled to this place were not only the little gods alone, but dozens of gods and demons came one after another. The little gods and some of them joined forces to create this cave, originally to cultivate the descendants of gods and demons. But I didn't want a few immortal kings to come later. I started a sect here. I took a fancy to this cave, not only took it as my own, but also trapped my gods in it, and used my gods to cultivate them. Taoist heirs."

Qianyu Goddess spoke in a eloquent manner, with a monstrous killing intent in her eyes. She wanted to be trapped in this place for thousands of years, and her heart was full of infinite anger. She changed the road to the lake of killing, and bewitched those geniuses to kill each other. One of her means of revenge is to make these descendants who have inherited the lineage of the Immortal King lose themselves in the killing and go to destruction.

"You should thank those immortal kings. In these thousands of years, after several drastic changes, even those immortal kings who sealed you have been wiped out, but you have escaped several catastrophe and survived."

Zhang Tian's voice was gentle, but it showed a vastness and depth. Those times of catastrophe that shook the nine mountains and seas, ordinary gods were almost the lowest level of cannon fodder. Fallen one piece.

"Is that so? It's no wonder that Tianjiao who came in has learned more and more, and is getting weaker and weaker..."

Goddess Qianyu murmured, her eyes softened again, as if she had let go of some kind of obsession.

The corner of Zhang Tian's mouth curled up, he stood up suddenly, and said in a low voice, "The girl above Daohu is the daughter of this emperor, you don't have to do any more crooked thinking, just do your duty as you did in previous years."

Seeing that Zhang Tian was about to walk out, Goddess Qianyu flashed determination in her eyes, she knelt directly on the ground, and said sincerely: "Little God has been trapped for endless years, and I don't know if I want to meet the Taixu ancient dragon next time. How long has I endured to the limit. I hope the emperor will show mercy and let the little god get out of trouble, and the little god is willing to be the emperor's maid for ten thousand years, in order to repay." Kanshu.com www.kanshu9.com

Zhang Tian's footsteps paused, and he sighed softly: "The catastrophe in the world is about to begin, and there is no pure land in the nine mountains and seas. If you stay here, you can at least save yourself, so why should you be born?"

"What's the difference between being trapped in a square inch and dying? The little god is willing to fight in the world to fully transform the mind of the sea."

Qianyu Goddess's tone is very firm. She is a rain god, but she has the heart to transform the sea, and she is unwilling to live in fear.

Zhang Tian looked at Qianyu quietly, nodded abruptly, sat back again, and said with a light smile: "Not all the gods are sleazy people, that's all, this emperor will do a good deed today and wait until the battle above is over. , give you a fortune."

"Thank you Emperor, thank you Emperor."

Goddess Qianyu's face was full of ecstasy, and her eyes were filled with tears of excitement.

"Get up and watch the Tianjiao battle with this emperor."

Zhang Tian said flatly, raised his hand a little, and the void in front of him suddenly swayed with layers of ripples, revealing the scene of the lake, looking at Zi Yan's stubborn appearance, a smile could not help but hang on the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, Emperor."

Goddess Qianyu stood up gracefully, with a slight blush on her pink cheeks, and her aqua blue treasured dress fell to the ground, looking extremely beautiful.

She seemed to hesitate for a while, but she finally stepped forward, walked lightly to Zhang Tian's side, made a cup of spiritual tea for Zhang Tian, ​​and said softly: "In the inner lake, there is a human race boy, born with a supreme body, a little god. The most miraculous Tianjiao I have seen in nearly a million years, but it seems to be even worse than the emperor's daughter."

Zhang Tian's expression changed, and he looked at Zi Yan, who was holding the braised Peng Wing and eating happily. He showed a smile that couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Don't say good things for her, this girl is still far away. already."

At this time, above the Dao Lake, thousands of Tianjiao watched Zi Yan feasting there, and she couldn't help showing a shocked and frightened expression.

This is really too ferocious. The red armored earth dragon and Jinzhan Dapeng are all the existences of the thirteen holy clans of the demon clan. They are not invincible wherever they go.

"Chifeng is the strongest arrogance of the Scarlet Armored Earth Dragon Clan in the contemporary era. To be killed so cruelly, this clan will never let it go."

"The Jinzhan Dapeng just now is also very extraordinary. The little witch has offended these two clans, and coupled with the Tianjiao of the Bingjue Holy Land, I am afraid that disaster will be imminent."

"Fuck, she looked over, didn't want to kill us all, eat us all."

A group of Tianjiao talked a lot, and when they saw Zi Yan finished eating a whole red-armored dragon, and looked at them again, they were all nervous. , , .

Chapter 180 The Little Witch vs. the Son of the Wilderness



At this moment, there was a sudden earth-shattering vibration in the depths of Daohu Lake, and there was a faint terrifying tiger roar.

"There is the inner area, the son of Huang and Emperor Shi'er are fighting for each other!"

"I heard that the son of Huang wants to take Emperor Shi'er as a war servant, and chase him all the way from Silent Mountain to this point."

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