"It's too ferocious. Emperor Shi'er has the bloodline of the ancient emperor lion, and when he grows up, he is comparable to a god and demon, and someone wants to accept him as a servant!"

Zi Yan listened to the surrounding discussions, her black and beautiful big eyes suddenly stared, she tapped her toes, jumped to the inner area, and said loudly: "Son of the Wilderness, don't rob my servant!"

As soon as this sound came out, the pot was blown up again. This little witch actually said that Emperor Shi'er was her servant?

Suddenly, a Tianjiao said loudly: "I remembered, this little witch said in the vast city that Emperor Shi'er is her servant, and the Amethyst Lion King has no objection!"

"As expected of a little witch, there is a good show to watch now."

"Don't keep up, this is a world-shaking decisive battle, and the battle of the world's top talents is absolutely not to be missed."

A group of arrogances were in a frenzy, and they all showed their movements and rushed to the inner area behind Zi Yan.

Although this Thousand Rains Dao Lake is a lake, it is incomparably huge. Everyone ran for half a quarter of an hour before they rushed to the inner area. There are more arrogances here, ten times that of the outer layer.

It can already be seen that there are many buds waiting to be bloomed on the lake, but all the geniuses of the big family know that the buds contain precious medicines, and they will bloom only when the battle is over.

The Son of Wilderness and Emperor Shi'er were at the very center of the entire Dao Lake, like two gods fighting. Every blow caused a huge wave of dozens of meters, and the powerful aftermath caused them to disappear hundreds of meters.

Many Tianjiao were watching the battle, and couldn't help but feel emotional. They had already seen that Emperor Shi'er had shown signs of defeat and had already suffered several huge wounds. The son is too evil, and the powerful strength makes all the sealers feel palpitations.

"Little lion, surrender obediently and be my servant! Otherwise, I will turn you into a braised lion, a sweet and sour lion..." The son of the wild shouted while fighting, looking relaxed and freehand, obviously not using all his strength.

Emperor Shi'er was extremely aggrieved, only to feel why these words were so familiar, and immediately roared, displaying a sky-splitting claw, but it was easily dispelled by the son of Huang, and he turned a hand and waved a rune bone treasure. One of Di Shi'er's lion paws was blurred with blood.

Just at this critical moment, Zi Yan stepped into the air like a Kunpeng and shouted loudly: "Let go of my servant!"

"Little witch!"

Hearing Zi Yan's voice, Emperor Shi'er almost cried out excitedly, as if she had met her relatives, and quickly retreated to Zi Yan's side,

"Your servant?"

The son of the wild stopped and looked at Zi Yan. He felt a very strong aura from Zi Yan, and he couldn't help but raise his three-point vigilance.

"That's right, I took a lot of effort to conquer this guy." Nine Nine Chinese www.99zwxs.com

Zi Yan stared at the son of the wild, only to see that this guy was about the same size as himself, with baby fat on his face, looking ghostly, not like a good person.

"Humph! The Primordial Emperor Lion is a high-level servant. Only a born supreme like me deserves it. You'd better let it go."

Although the son of wildness feels that Zi Yan is very powerful, he is a character who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, and he values ​​Emperor Shi'er very much, so he is unwilling to give up.

Zi Yan's eyes also became sharp, and she said coldly: "Then let's fight! I heard that you and Long Gaitian fought, I will defeat you first, and then go to defeat Long Gaitian!"

"It's a big breath, let's fight!"

The son of Huang didn't dare to hold big in front of Zi Yan, shouted, and took the lead directly, waving the rune bone treasure in his hand, and emitting a red glow, the waves were turbulent, as if the waves were pressing towards Zi Yan aggressively.

Zi Yan was not to be outdone, and strode forward, there was a roar on the lake, which was deafening, as if thousands of troops were collapsing.

She took out the Thunder Feather Noble Phantasm, swung out a large piece of golden divine thunder, and rushed towards the sea of ​​red glow emitted by the son of the desert. One red and one gold divine light erupted in the void.

This is a confrontation between two top-level Noble Phantasms. As soon as they met, they were startled by monstrous waves, and the violent power swept the audience, like a volcano erupting. The end of the world, the powerful force will annihilate everything.

The onlookers Tianjiao felt that the lake was shaking and seemed overwhelmed. Even if they were separated by a few hundred meters, they could not resist the powerful aftermath of the battle. They were swept away by the powerful momentum. fly away.

The Tianjiao behind was horrified and retreated madly, but not as fast as the storm spread. The red light and the golden thunder rose together, and the condensed divine power storm mercilessly swallowed this part of the Tianjiao.

On the surface of the lake, hundreds of closed flower buds formed in an instant, exuding a dense aroma.

Everyone held their breath, looking at the son of Huang and Zi Yan who were violently facing each other in the center of Divine Power Storm. This battle was countless times more intense than they had imagined, and no one else could interfere at all, at least if they got close, they would be killed. torn apart by the powerful aftermath.

Their hearts collapsed. The power of Huang Zhizi and Zi Yan made them unable to compete at all. Where is the battle of Tianjiao, it is clearly two pure-blooded ancient beasts fighting!

"Let's fight, it's best to beat the head with blood, and lose both!"

The surrounding Tianjiao looked at the many precious medicines that had bloomed, and prayed secretly in their hearts. With these two gods present, they would not dare to fetch them no matter how many treasures there were. They only hoped that they would both die in battle.

But I didn't want Zi Yan to suddenly retreat at this time, put away the two treasures, and said: "We won't be able to tell the winner after three days of fighting, why don't we stop the battle first and divide the treasure medicine in this lake equally. ."

A group of Tianjiao collectively vomited blood, thinking how the little witch has so many hearts, if the two peerless murderers join forces, how can other people dare to fight for it.

The Son of Desolation said: "I admit that your strength is very strong, but there is a war servant competition in Xiangu Academy, I am short of senior war servants, you have to give me this ancient emperor lion, and all the treasures here can be given to you! "

Zi Yan showed hesitation, rubbed her little hands and said: "I took this servant with great difficulty, this precious medicine is not enough, unless you give me the piece of Lingjing crystal wall you dug, mine Both are missing."

"Deal!" The son of the wild was very refreshing, he took out the crystal wall directly from his arms and threw it to Zi Yan.

"Little witch, son of the wild, you two are too deceiving, I will fight with you!"

Seeing that the two were trading themselves as goods, Di Shi'er roared in shame and rushed towards them. , , .

Chapter 181 His age is like a sea, always with the emperor's side

"A mere servant, shut up!"

Zi Yan and the son of Huang said in unison, and at the same time threw a punch, two terrifying punches burst out like a flood, and swept out, directly blasting the emperor lion out, and countless flesh and blood flew.

All the arrogances were astonished. It turned out that this was the true strength of these two people. They were as strong as Emperor Shi'er, but they couldn't bear the might of their punch.

"Emperor, from today onwards, you can follow him."

Zi Yan touched the sealing wall and her eyes turned into crescents with a smile. Now she knows how precious this thing is, even the gods can restrain it, and the strength of Emperor Shi'er is no longer worth mentioning in her opinion. There's no point in dragging the oil bottle.

"Ahhh! The ancient emperor lion will never be a slave!"

The Emperor Shi'er roared wildly and transformed into a huge body, with flames gushing out from his whole body, as if he was about to destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

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