The son of the wild looked condensed, and flew directly to Di Shi'er's back, grabbed the hair on his back with one hand, and shouted: "Little Lion, you are already my servant, be honest with me, or I will treat you Make it into a braised lion!"

Zi Yan said hurriedly: "In that case, give me half, the meat of the Taikoo Emperor Lion must be delicious."

Emperor Shi'er wanted to cry but had no tears, and his forelimbs full of grief and anger fell to the ground, and half-knelt down, secretly scolding himself for eight lifetimes of blood mold and encountering these two little evil stars.

Seeing this, the son of wildness showed satisfaction, and hummed: "Emperor, you don't have to be so discouraged, follow me to the Xiangu Academy in the ninth mountain and sea, where the resources are countless times stronger than this remote place, and it is also your game. Great fortune. If I can win the War Servant Tournament for me, I will have another reward."

The rest of Tianjiao heard the words of the son of Huang, and their eyes showed a little bit of envy. The secret road Emperor Shi'er is a blessing in disguise. If you can go to Xiangu Academy and see a wider world, even if you are just a war servant, your achievements must be better than It is countless times higher in Shengyuan Continent.

Emperor Shi'er's heart moved, the name of the Immortal Ancient Academy was like thunder, it was a well-known academy in the ninth mountain and sea, created by an ancient emperor, and there were even real immortals in the academy, comparable to each other. Great Ancient Holy Land.If he can go there to study, it will be of great benefit to him.Thinking of this, his resistance was greatly reduced.

After appeasing Emperor Shi'er, the son of Huang said to Zi Yan: "You are very strong, even in Xiangu Academy, there are not many Tianjiao as strong as you. I believe that you will definitely be able to walk out of Shengyuan Continent, When the time comes, come to Xiangu Academy, let's fight again! If you can beat me, I will return the Emperor Shi'er to you."

"A word is settled!"

Zi Yan hurriedly said that this is a matter of no capital and great profits. If she wins, she can still sell Di Shi'er for a good price.

Emperor Shi'er protested a few times in humiliation, and was caught between the two legs of Huang Zi, and was almost strangled. Now he didn't dare to make a fuss, the four lion claws stomped on the ground and ran out like a sea of ​​fire, taking a few breaths. disappeared without a trace.Nine Peach

Zi Yan took Fengling Jingbi into the pocket of her jacket, and when she looked around, she saw that the Dao Lake was full of precious medicines with strong spiritual energy, and some of them even brewed fairy clouds, and their appearance was not the same as that of yin and yang ginseng and grass. Down.

"I'm all! It's all mine!"

Zi Yan's excited eyes gleamed, like a cheetah galloping on the lake, she took off all the most precious medicines in a few clicks, and seemed to think of something, her body was sure, looking at those arrogant, said viciously: "Here All the precious medicines are mine, and whoever of you dares to rob them, I will eat them!"

A group of arrogant vomited blood, they worked desperately for a long time, and they all made wedding dresses for this little witch.

But they dared not to speak out. The little witch's father was a supreme sage, who killed the Ice Emperor incarnation of the Bingjue Holy Land with one hand. Not that they can provoke.

Some great clan leaders and sealers chose to leave. This cave is very big and there are many treasures. They don’t want to waste time here. Only many small families’ geniuses are still here, thinking that this little witch has finished collecting those high-level treasures. Afterwards, you can leave a mouthful of soup for them to drink.

But these people completely underestimated Zi Yan's wealth. After waiting for a long time, they didn't even leave a [-]-year-old precious medicine.

In the temple at the bottom of the lake, the goddess Qianyu looked at Zi Yan's naive appearance picking treasure medicine everywhere, and couldn't help showing a smile, and said softly: "The emperor's daughter is really interesting, and her future achievements are limitless. By the way, she It is the Taixu ancient dragon body, then there is a place in this cave that you must go to, maybe there will be a great fortune."

After speaking, Qianyusu waved his hand, and a vast ancient forest appeared in the void. In the depths of the forest, there was a desolate burial ground scattered with countless huge bones, which seemed to be the bones of some powerful beasts.

"This place is called God Burial Cave. It is a forbidden area in the cave. There are many powerful beasts guarding the periphery. Inside is a place where gods and demons are buried. The battlefield where the powerhouses of the Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan fought, and in the end both sides perished together. It has been thousands of years, and it is very likely that the legendary Dragon and Phoenix will bear the fruit of the legendary Dragon and Phoenix. It is the treasure of the Dragon Clan and the Phoenix Clan, which contains the origin of the two clans. force."

"Dragon and Phoenix Companion Fruit?"

Zhang Tian's eyes narrowed slightly. For the Dragon Clan and the Phoenix Clan, the importance of this thing can be said to be unparalleled, and Zi Yan is no exception. If there is such a thing, it is really not to be missed.

After remembering this restricted area, Zhang Tian suddenly got up and said plainly: "This is the case, your mission has been completed, this emperor will send you to a random place on the mainland. Although you are now in the lake, The strength has fallen sharply, but it is more than enough to protect yourself, are you ready?"

A flash of excitement flashed in the eyes of Goddess Qianyu, she nodded and said, "Please let the emperor take action."

Zhang Tian didn't say more, Ping pointed to the void, and the endless dao pattern shone out, directly breaking the blood-colored cave sky with a crack, and the entire Qianyu Dao Lake rose up from the ground, turning into a stream of light and rushing out.

Until the streamer disappeared, Goddess Qianyu finally whispered in Zhang Tian's ears:

"He is like a sea when he is young, and he always accompanies the emperor." ,, . .

Chapter 182 The Song of the Dragon Emperor Shocks the World!


As the entire Qianyu Dao Lake disappeared, the Tianjiao on the Dao Lake was also sent out randomly.


On a barren mountain dozens of miles away, a gap suddenly opened in the sky, and Xiao Ziyan fell directly from it. Just when she was about to land, an invisible force lifted her up and put her on the ground smoothly.

"Thank you dad."

Zi Yan said something crisply, looking around, wondering: "Why did I come here? Where is the Dao Lake?"

Zhang Tian said with a smile: "There is a god in that Dao Lake, and it has already flown outside the cave."

Zi Yan nodded, took out a large amount of precious medicine, and said with a smile: "That god is a good person, who gave me so many precious medicines, I don't know if I can open up the ninth round sea."

"Refine these precious medicines first, and then Dad will take you to a good place."

Zhang Tian said something casually, raised his hand a little on the mountain wall, and immediately carved out a spacious cave, which was like heaven.

Zi Yan got into the cave very obediently, sat cross-legged on the ground, and then put all the precious medicines in front, and threw them into her mouth to refine one by one.

The precious medicine condensed in Qianyu Dao Lake is different from the one that grows normally. Although the medicinal properties are almost the same, it is condensed from the pure essence of divine power and does not contain the power of plants and trees. If it is directly refined, it will be countless times faster.

These precious medicines almost melted in the mouth, turning into a torrent of spiritual power like a river, roaring and roaring in Zi Yan's meridians, and pouring into the eight seas of wheel in her dantian like a hundred rivers meeting the sea, making her cultivation base steadily improve. .

But their biggest role is to act as a dissolving agent, dissolving the solidified Divine Origin Liquid that is tightly attached to the Zi Yan meridian, and continues to be absorbed by flesh and blood.

These divine source liquids are the real tonics, only one drop is worth ten thousand years of precious medicine, and it can continuously purify the blood, making Zi Yan's dragon blood more and more pure, and there is a faint dragon power emanating from her. When he came out, the surrounding mountains, rivers and the earth kept shaking and resonating, as if welcoming the birth of a peerless emperor.

Ten days later, the barren mountain where Zi Yan was located collapsed, and a terrifying dragon roar resounded throughout the blood-colored cave.

In an instant, all the beasts in the cave were all crawling on the ground, trembling.All the arrogance of the demon clan felt in their hearts, and could only desperately resist the urge to worship.

Outside the God Burial Cave, a boy with a horned head suddenly trembled violently, with a very horrified expression in his eyes. The dragon blood in his body, which was originally full of claws and claws, was shrunk into a ball and turned into a miniature five-claw. Golden Dragon, with an anthropomorphic expression of fear on his face.

"Dragon bloodline that is purer than me, this... how is this possible? Could it be that she is back?"

The boy's pupils have a faint dragon pattern, showing an invincible temperament that covers the world, that touch of anxiety was instantly suppressed by him, looking at the direction from which the dragon yin came, he said sharply: "How about coming back, except for the bloodline of the whole body. Besides, how can you compete with me!"

After he finished speaking, the shadow of the golden dragon flickered in the young man's eyes, strode forward and swept forward, and two almost pure-blooded scorpions rushed up from the left and right.Ambiguous 43 Novels

"Rising Dragon Break!"

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