The young man snorted coldly and threw out a fist, as if two golden dragons rushed out, directly killing the two terrifying beasts. Dragon Treasure!

On the other side, a team dressed in green clothes also walked outside the God Burial Grotto. The aura of these people was terrifying. Some beasts whose bloodlines were not pure enough even felt their aura and avoided them in extreme fear. .

Especially the woman at the head, with a beautiful face, as cold as frost, with a powerful royal aura, walking in the extremely dangerous God Burial Cave, but with a calm demeanor as if she was visiting her own back garden.

"Miss, the feeling of the Phoenix Pearl is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that the information is correct. In the depths of the God Burial Cave, there really are the corpses of our colorful Divine Phoenix Clan experts."

An old man looked at the colorful orb shining with divine light in his hand, and his face was full of excitement.

"Go ahead and don't take it lightly."

Huang Mengyao said indifferently, her demeanor still calm and composed, she was the arrogance of the colorful Divine Phoenix Clan, and possessed a very pure Divine Phoenix bloodline. All birds and birds would obey her orders when they met her.If the Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan did not intend to hide it, her talent would have already moved the continent.

At this moment, Zi Yan's dragon roar came from afar, as if a sharp blade pierced the sky and exploded in everyone's heart.

"This... is this the cry of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor?"

The old man holding the colorful orb looked horrified, looking at the direction of the dragon's roar, his eyes were full of fear.He is still like this, not to mention the arrogance behind him, some with weak bloodlines even knelt directly on the ground, trembling.

Even under this dragon roar, the precious Phoenix Pearl in the old man's hand began to crack, as if it were about to crack.

Taixu Ancient Dragon, one of the most powerful branches of the dragon family, has been the most terrifying beast since ancient times, often feeding on phoenix, phoenix, and unicorn.

For generations, this fear has penetrated deep into the marrow of every colorful Divine Phoenix bloodline, and it has evolved into an almost instinctive awe.

Huang Mengyao also clenched her arms involuntarily, the majesty of the king of birds on her body burst out, she desperately competed with the dragon's roar, and couldn't help but shocked: "Long Gaitian of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, his Bloodline, has it been so tyrannical?"

On a plain, Zi Yan sprinted forward with great strides, like a thousand horses collapsing, shaking the earth with a roar, bringing up terrifying smoke and dust dozens of feet high.

Her aura was more than three times more tyrannical than when she fought against the son of wildness before. If you look closely, you can even see that her fair skin is as white as snow, with a faint golden dragon pattern, which is the sublimation of dragon blood and the breakthrough of cultivation. the resulting vision.

Even around her, there is a layer of Longwei Domain that cannot be captured with the naked eye, causing all the birds and beasts to flee in shock.

On Zi Yan's side, Zhang Tian stood on the void, looked at the vast forest from a distance, and said softly:

"God Burial Cave, here we are." ,, . . .

Chapter 183 Diwei suppresses the God Burial Cave

Burial cave, a place for the burial of god-level powerhouses.

A powerhouse of that level, even if the flesh is rotten and the bones are withered, but the will is immortal, and the blood evil generated spreads hundreds of miles around, forming a forbidden area. Countless beasts are born in response to the blood evil, and they also lose their hearts in the blood evil. , there is only one belief left, that is to kill all the outsiders who break in.

Looking at the lush forest from a distance, only when I got closer, I found that it was a dark red, like a thin layer of blood mist shrouded the sky and the earth.

Zi Yan stepped in carefully, and looked around in a ghostly way. She felt an aura that was several times more ferocious than Jinlinggu. Those beasts were baptized by the blood of gods and demons and became a killing machine. The combat power is even more terrifying than the Taikoo Relic.

"Come in quickly, someone is already walking in front of you."

Zhang Tian stood beside Zi Yan and looked towards the central area of ​​the God Burial Cave, as if penetrating layers of barriers.A vast imperial prestige emanated from him, sweeping the entire God Burial Cave.

Many ferocious beasts gathered in the direction of Zi Yan, the group exploded, the deep pressure, even if they were lost in their minds, they felt extreme fear and instinctively ran in other directions.

Even the demon-level powerhouses in the depths sensed this terrifying imperial power, trembling in their hearts, and slumbering their wills.

When Zi Yan heard that someone was walking in front of her, she was in a hurry, and regardless of the danger, she spread her legs and rushed to the central area.

The further you go to the inner layer, the lighter the green color of the trees becomes, but the blood mist becomes more and more intense. In the extreme depths, even the trees become scarce, leaving only the endless wasteland and white bones.

Zi Yan sucked in a breath of cold air, and even with her thick nerves, she still felt a very desolate mood when she was approaching here, and there was a vague sense of sadness, which made the corners of her eyes slightly soaked.

"Dad, I felt a very familiar yet unfamiliar aura, as if calling me." Zi Yan whispered.

Zhang Tiandao: "In this forbidden area, there are two corpses of your Taixu ancient dragons. You can see the ancient tree in the center."

Zi Yan followed Zhang Tian's guidance and saw that there was a very old tree growing in the center of the wasteland. It was hundreds of feet long, but it was very dry. There was not a leaf, and even the bark had fallen off most of it, as if all the nutrients were lost. It was supplied to the only fruit on the top of the tree.

As soon as she saw this fruit, Zi Yan only felt that the dragon's blood in her body was boiling, she involuntarily stepped forward, and jumped to the ancient tree with a few ups and downs.

Looking down, I saw that this piece of wasteland was covered with many huge skeletons. I could vaguely see the outlines of two dragon powerhouses, as well as some other corpses, each of which was fierce and fierce. They were fighting here. In the end, they both perished.

"Good... what a beautiful fruit."

Zi Yan retracted her gaze and stared at the spirit fruit that was less than a foot away from her. The saliva was almost drooling out of excitement. I saw that this fruit was about the size of a baby's fist. , it is vaguely seen that a giant dragon and Tianhuang are screaming in the sky, as if they are about to fight, and they seem to be joining forces to face an unparalleled powerhouse that transcends the world.

"This is the dragon and phoenix companion fruit. It is rumored that the ancestors of the ancient dragon and the phoenix were a pair, and their blood can resonate. If two dragons and phoenixes with rich blood are buried in the same place, there is a certain chance that the dragon and phoenix will bear the dragon and phoenix companion fruit. ." Zhang Tian explained slowly.

When Zi Yan heard a move in her heart, she immediately wanted to raise her hand to grab it, but she stopped halfway, and said in surprise: "Dad, this spirit fruit seems to be alive, I feel it is getting close to me, but It felt like it was rejecting me."

Zhang Tian also stared at the dragon and phoenix companion fruit and said solemnly: "It should be the power of the phoenix that repels you. This dragon and phoenix companion fruit contains the original power of the dragon and the phoenix, which is effective for both the dragon and the phoenix. It belongs to a kind of taboo. Because both the dragon and the phoenix are the top fierce clans of the ancient times, they do not want the inheritance of their own clan to fall into the hands of the other party. Therefore, every dragon and phoenix associated fruit is born, it will set off a catastrophe, This is your great creation, put it away quickly." Tiantian Novel

Zi Yan nodded, and was about to start when suddenly a huge roar came, and a arrogant young man stepped out of the ancient forest step by step. The beast is conquering the world.

"This is... the dragon and phoenix associated fruit!"

The young man stared at the Lingguo next to Zi Yan at a glance, and his eyes burst into a scorching divine light. In an instant, the sea of ​​​​clouds in the sky rolled violently, and countless clouds stirred, seeming to respond to his excitement.

"Dragon - Gai - Heaven!"

Zi Yan's face was tight, and she spit out these three words word by word. Although she had never seen this young man before, she was very sure of her guess.

"If you know my name, don't step aside!"

Long Gaitian is extremely domineering, and as soon as he exits his mouth, it contains supreme coercion. He looked at Zi Yan with contempt, and said coldly: "If you dare to touch this spiritual fruit, not only will you die, but also your family and everything related to you. People will be buried in hell!"

The eyes of the two peerless geniuses collided in the air, and the powerful coercion counterbalanced a series of thunderous sounds.

call out!

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