Zi Yan stretched out her little hand, grabbed the Dragon and Phoenix Companion Fruit directly, and put it in the storage ring.

"court death!!!"

Long Gaitian roared loudly and became angry all night, this little girl dared to disobey his orders, this is a capital crime.

A powerful dragon fist broke out, rolled up hundreds of feet of dust and sand, forming a huge yellow sand dragon, and pressed towards Zi Yan mightily, with a terrifying momentum!

Zi Yan flew down from the ancient tree, uttered a thunderous dragon roar, and Sun Peng punched out. In an instant, the flames were soaring to the sky, as if a huge Tian Peng swooped down from the nine heavens, bringing a powerful airflow, and The Yellow Sand Giant Dragons collided fiercely.


The aftermath of the explosion swept across the world, and the powerful momentum made both Long Gaitian and Zi Yan retreat countless steps. At this moment, they both sensed each other's absolute strength.

"The dragon roar before came from you. Are you the young dragon back then?"

A look of suspicion flashed in Long Gaitian's eyes. Although Zi Yan used the Kunpeng Treasure Technique, he sensed an origin very similar to him.

"I am back."

Zi Yan's voice was inaudible. At the moment when it was issued, she strode towards Long Gaitian, and the momentum of her whole body rose to the top, like an ancient beast, like a mad demon!

She wants revenge, she wants to take back everything she has! , , .

Chapter 184 Colorful Divine Phoenix, Listen to My Order!

"It's good to come! No matter whether you are the young dragon or not, if you dare to rob me of the creation of Long Gaitian, there is only one way to die!"

Long Gaitian looked contemptuous, it was not madness, but arrogance deep into the bone marrow, as if the only king in the world, facing Zi Yan's violent offensive, raised one palm gently.

In an instant, the whole world seemed to tremble, and countless dragon roars sounded from the void, and a large piece of golden runes swayed from his palm, turning into a dragon, with golden scales shining all over his body, his teeth and claws, and ruthless towards Zi Yan. catch.

This is another powerful Dragon Clan Treasure Technique, and the phenomena caused by it are astonishing.

At the critical moment, Zi Yan took out the Lei Yu Noble Phantasm and stimulated it with all her strength. All the patterns on the treasure fan were lit up, exuding divine brilliance, and a large piece of divine thunder gushed out from it, fighting against the golden dragon claws above, making her The whole body was bathed in thunder and lightning, and the golden light was bright and magnificent.

Then Zi Yan took out the golden lion claw again, holding the Lei Yu Noble Phantasm in one hand, and urging the golden lion claw in the other hand, the violent flames intertwined with the golden divine thunder, reflecting her whole body like a god.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

This is a battle of peerless peaks, shaking the entire burial cave, and the aftermath of a powerful treasure technique rises into the void, stirring the sky and clouds of animation, vaguely forming a giant dragon and a Kunpeng.

Long Gaitian became more and more frightened, Zi Yan's strength far exceeded his expectations, and even gave him a pressure that was even more terrifying than the son of Huang, which was the pressure from the origin of blood.

If it's just that, the reason why he disdains Zi Yan is because Zi Yan's dragon inheritance seal has been taken away, so he can't practice the dragon art, which has a great impact on his strength, but he didn't expect this little girl's Kunpeng's treasure art is also so domineering, it can compete with the dragon family treasure art that he has honed for a long time.


A sound of footsteps passed through Long Gaitian's ears. He fought Zi Yan decisively, but looking at Liulu, he immediately sensed that a team was rapidly approaching here.

The aura of this team was very strong, which made him feel a heart palpitation, especially the leader, which gave him a very dangerous feeling.

Just one Zi Yan has already made him a little overwhelmed. If this team is added, he is as arrogant as him, and he can't help frowning slightly.

Thinking of this, Long Gaitian's moves suddenly changed. He folded his hands on his chest, and then slammed outwards, just like a huge bird suddenly opened its arms, and a gust of wind swept up a hundred meters. Yan flew out.

This is exactly the Phoenix family treasure he learned from the dragon and phoenix companion fruit. This fruit not only made his bloodline greatly pure, but also made him proficient in several phoenix family supreme treasure arts, which can be said to have boundless effects, so Zi Yan The dragon and phoenix associated fruit on his body, he is bound to get it!

Zi Yan's eyes were completely reddened. The nine seas of wheel in her dantian boiled violently, and countless golden spiritual powers swept out, filling her flesh and blood. As soon as she was knocked into the air, she naturally ran "Kunpeng Skywalking", intending to Keep attacking.

At this moment, Zhang Tian suddenly said: "Zi Yan, sober up, he intends to summon the remnant soul of the fallen Taixu ancient dragon clan powerhouse, and use its power to kill you. To treat its body, choose the corpse on the right, and summon the soul of the distant ancestor."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tian entered a series of summoning formulas into Zi Yan's sea of ​​knowledge.Like this formula, any ancient clan will pass it on to the younger generation, but Zi Yan was expelled from Tianlonghai since childhood and has no chance to learn.

Zhang Tian's voice was full of magic, and all of a sudden, Zi Yan's mood was calmed down, and now he gave up fighting with Long Gaitian, but rushed to the corpse on the right, his right hand was spread out, and there was a hidden dragon seal in his palm. obscure language.


Seeing Zi Yan's actions, Long Gaitian immediately vomited blood. He originally wanted to choose the corpse on the right, because his intuition told him that the corpse was more powerful, but this little girl was a step ahead.Vertex Novel Network www.xindingdianxsw.com

In desperation, Long Gaitian could only rush towards the corpse on the left, and pressed his palm with a strong golden light on the corpse.



Two earth-shattering roars sounded almost at the same time, the void roared and vibrated, and the two ancient corpses, which had been covered in dust for endless years, stood up slowly, exuding a terrifying aura of destruction.


Long Gaitian shouted loudly, only to feel that he possessed infinite power, waving the huge dragon claws that covered the sky, and ruthlessly grabbed the corpse dragon transformed by Zi Yan.

Zi Yan is not to be outdone. The corpse dragon she controls is even bigger, dozens of feet higher than Long Gaitian's corpse dragon, and there are more dragon powers left in the bones. The corpse dragon repelled dozens of steps.

"Zi Yan, don't be reckless, use your heart to comprehend, and use your blood to control. This is a dragon powerhouse who can fight against gods and demons. Establishing a deeper connection with it is also a blessing for you."

Zhang Tianling stood upright and pointed patiently, and every word fell directly into Zi Yan's heart.

On the other hand, Long Gaitian also seemed to have discovered this trick. Instead of simply using brute force, he tried to integrate the bloodline into the corpse dragon, as if the corpse dragon was a part of his body.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The world-shattering decisive battle began again, and it evolved into the most ardent battle, which reached the sun and overwhelmed the world.The two corpse dragons have fallen for too long, and the bones contain endless evil spirits. When they are excited, the entire blood-colored cave sky will collapse.

Just as the ground was shaking and the mountains were shaking, the powerhouses of the Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan were also long overdue. Seeing this shocking scene, everyone was shocked.

"This is two Dragon Clan Tianjiao summoning the ancestral soul to fight, such a terrifying fluctuation, one of them must be Long Gaitian!" A young Tianjiao exclaimed.

Suddenly the old man holding the Phoenix Pearl said excitedly, "Look, miss, then... is that the Dragon Phoenix Demon Tree?"

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