
All over the place, amazing spiritual power fluctuations erupted at the same time, with hundreds of terrifying breaths rising into the sky, each breath full of monstrous killing intent, all gathered towards Zi Yan. , , .

Chapter 186 Dad, Give Me Strength!

"You... how many people have you provoked!"

Hu Dali felt the terrifying coercion from all directions, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. If he could provoke so many enemies at once, this little witch was considered a genius.

"Hu Dali, we are friends, aren't your killer whales also very powerful, you must help me this time." Zi Yan said with big eyes.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of many of the killer whale clan by the lake were red, staring at Hu Dali's back, with a posture of tearing him to pieces if he dared to promise.

"Stop, stop! When did we become friends? You'd better run away, remember not to go to the west, there is Silent Mountain, there are many ghosts dormant, and those who enter will die!"

Hu Dali hurriedly denied it, jokingly, although his killer whale clan has some background, but to fight against so many powerful forces at the same time, there is only one dead end.

Zi Yan asked curiously, "What is the Yin God?"

"Yin Shen is the cultivation of ghosts who have not entered the cycle of reincarnation. They only have remnants of souls and no physical body. Their strength is very terrifying. Our attacks are completely ineffective against them. If you see no, the black mountain in the distance is the Silent Mountain, and it is strange to see it. Human." Hu Dali pointed to a dark mountain peak a dozen miles away.

"Is there any treasure in Silent Hill?" Zi Yan asked again.

"Who knows, whoever goes in has never come out. To a certain extent, it's even more terrifying than the God Burial Cave. I don't know how many unbelieving big clan geniuses have been swallowed up. Don't be stupid."

Seeing Zi Yan still inquiring, Hu Dali said quickly: "Okay, where are you having so many questions, hurry up and run, and when those chasing soldiers arrive, I will help you cover up."

After this delay, the terrifying coercion around them was getting closer and closer, and they gradually formed a siege situation. They seemed to know that Silent Hill was in the west, and their defenses would be much more relaxed.

Zi Yan's black and beautiful eyes rolled around for a while, her toes were a little on the ground, and the whole person immediately took off, and the direction was exactly where the Silent Hill is located in the west.

"This silly girl!" Hu Dali beat his chest vigorously.


Not long after Zi Yan left, a terrifying team descended on the lake. It was the chasing soldiers of the Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan. They had already been thrown away by Zi Yan, but after hearing the news in the sky, they chased again. come up.

"Have you ever seen a young girl in white clothes?"

The middle-aged sealer led by the Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan asked coldly. His pupils were three-colored, as if he had a kind of magic power. As long as he looked at him, his mind would be affected, which was very intimidating.

"She...she went in the direction of Silent Hill." A killer whale clan's arrogant said tremblingly.


As soon as the middle-aged sealer gave an order, a dozen or so experts from the Phoenix clan immediately transformed into their bodies, spreading their huge wings and chasing in the direction of Silent Mountain.

It was not until the group of people walked away that the arrogant people around the lake were relieved, and Hu Dali wiped away his cold sweat with lingering fears. He didn't expect that this little witch would even offend the people of the Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan. This is the thirteenth demon clan. The top three existences among the saints!

After learning that Zi Yan fled to the Silent Mountain, the breath of these pursuits slowed down, and seemed to be completely relieved, constantly consolidating the encirclement, leaving no dead ends.

Finally, the two sides met outside Silent Hill.

"Little witch, are you running again? Killing the genius of my Scarlet Armored Dragon Clan, I will make you pay the debt with blood today!" An old man of the Scarlet Armored Dragon Clan said angrily.

The rest of the Scarlet Armored Dragon Clan were also full of anger. Outsiders simply could not understand the value of Chifeng to their clan. That was the hope of the whole clan. I don’t know how many heaven and earth treasures were spent in order to cultivate him. The little witch, all turned into the mirror flower years.

"Little witch, hand over the dragon and phoenix companion fruit, my colorful Divine Phoenix clan can keep you from dying!" 315 Chinese website www.315zwwxs.com

The middle-aged sealer of the Phoenix Clan took a step forward and suppressed all the momentum of the Scarlet Armored Earth Dragon Clan with only one person's strength.

"Humph! The Ice Absolute Holy Land will kill this little witch, whoever dares to stop it will be my enemy of the Ice Absolute Holy Land!"

The attitude of the Bingjue Holy Land was very firm. They sacrificed an ice temple that was several feet in size. As soon as it was revealed, it immediately covered the surrounding with frost. This is the imitation of the frozen throne of the holy soldiers of the extreme way. The Frigid Realm is definitely not something that people in Lunhai Realm can bear.

Even the middle-aged sealer of the Phoenix clan couldn't help but shrink when he saw this frozen temple.He is a big man, and he is naturally not afraid of this treasure in the outside world, but this is a bloody cave, and he can only exert his strength in the sea realm.

In an instant, all kinds of powerful auras locked on Zi Yan, and the violent murderous aura gushed out like a stormy sea.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The momentum of the two sides collided in the void, making a roar that shook the world, the air waves rolled back, and all the people of the four clans flew out, but Zi Yan was not feeling well, the low mountain under her feet collapsed directly, and her whole person also It's like taking a heavy hammer, staring at the stars, and can't stand still.


The ice palace in the void moved directly above Zi Yan and pressed down hard. This holy land could not wait to take action, and did not want to give Zi Yan any chance to ease.


A loud noise came out, directly blasting a huge pit on the ground where Zi Yan was, but Zi Yan disappeared.

"This little witch has entered the Silent Hill!" The Jinzhan Dapeng Clan Tianjiao shouted in disbelief in the sky, as if he had seen a ghost.

Everyone fixed their eyes and saw that Zi Yan was surrounded by thunder and really rushed into the Silent Mountain. This is the first fierce place in the bloody cave, and no one has come out alive from it since ancient times.

"The little witch's father killed the Ice Emperor's clone. I can't wait to see her soul fly away with my own eyes. When I go back, I will be punished by the Ice Emperor, rush!"

A sealer from the Ice Absolute Holy Land waved his hand, and more than half of the experts from the Ice Absolute Holy Land rushed in directly with him.

"Dragon and Phoenix Associated Fruit is of great importance, let's go in too!"

The team of the Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan also followed closely.

The masters of the Jinzhan Dapeng Clan and the Crimson Armored Dragon Clan looked at each other, and were unwilling to retreat, and also entered one after another.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

During the pursuit, the battle continued.After all, Zi Yan had fought against Long Gaitian before, and her qi and blood were a bit insufficient, and it was very difficult to deal with these people's attacks at the same time.

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