Moreover, these pursuers also have their own treasures, and even the golden lion claws were destroyed in the confrontation, which made her extremely angry.


Zi Yan, who was running away, suddenly froze, stood directly on a raised stone wall, her hair fluttered, and slowly took out the dusty Xingxing Sword, with her back to Montenegro, surrounded by Yin Qi and Thunder , as gods as demons.

"Dad, give me strength!"

Zi Yan shouted, and slammed the Xingxing Sword to the four-way chasing soldiers.

The powerhouse of the four clans looked around, and suddenly his body shook violently, and behind Zi Yan, there was a young man in black, with a cold expression, with a domineering arrogance that looked down on the world and suppressed the heavens and the world, and slowly turned around. , pulled out the divine sword from his waist, and swung a sword light toward them. , , .

Chapter 187 The Sword of Emperor Might Slashes All Directions

That sword light, which seemed to contain the majesty of a generation of heavenly emperors, fell from the nine heavens, merged with the sword light swung by Zi Yan, and was mighty, as if to sweep the whole earth.

The sword light was dazzling, like a galaxy, penetrating the icy field of the icy four walls, and directly collided with the frozen temple in mid-air.


The icy moon-like sword light did not stagnate in the slightest. It divided the frozen temple, which can be called a heavy treasure, into two parts. The aftermath of the sword light swept down, and cut off the Tianjiao of the ice holy land, and then burst with a bang. Flesh and blood flew.

"Oh, my treasure!!"

Just when many strong people were shocked, a very shrill cry came out, which seemed to contain great pain, heartbreaking, and it was actually sent by Zi Yan.

"Divine Sword, you are so powerful that you have destroyed all my treasures!"

Zi Yan is heartbroken. This frozen temple is very magical. She likes it very much. It has long been regarded as her trophy, but now it has been destroyed.

It was the powerhouses in the Holy Land of Ice Absolute that really spit out a mouthful of old blood, and the flames of anger ignited in their hearts. This is clearly the treasure of their Holy Land. They haven't screamed in pain yet, but this little witch shouted first.

The other powerhouses were also speechless for a while. This little witch's ambition was too great. The battle was not over yet, and she began to think about the loot.

However, these people were very vigilant. The divine sword in Zi Yan's hand, and the shadow of the Emperor Zun that flashed behind them, gave them enormous pressure. Even the Frozen Temple, which contained the power of the domain, actually Couldn't resist its power.

"I, Jinzhan Dapeng Clan, want this divine sword!"

Greed flashed in the eyes of several powerhouses of the Peng clan in the sky, flapping their giant wings, and swooping towards Zi Yan, the first person even sacrificed a golden feather, which was instantly divided into hundreds of them, overwhelming the sky and the earth. Zi Yan fell, and each one contained terrifying power.

The rune bone treasure enshrined by this lingyu family contains a very powerful Peng clan treasure technique, which is not weaker than the golden lion claw, and was specially taken out for this bloody cave.

Zi Yan was holding her father's saber in her hand, and she only felt a boundless power surging around her body, as if she could kill the sky and destroy the earth. The Xingxing Sword in his hand swung out again.

The black-clothed youth reappeared, this time he turned around a bit again, and he could vaguely see his profile, but the mighty imperial power he exuded made people dare not look at him at all.


The sword light soared, roaring out like a giant dragon, and went straight into the feathers, spreading its teeth and claws, all the feathers were shattered before they could get close, and turned into a white glow and poured back into the body.

"don't want!!!"

Zi Yan shouted with grief and indignation, but she couldn't stop the destructive power of Jianguang, and directly divided the golden feathers that had been cultivated for countless years in two. The powerhouse of the Peng tribe pierced through, and his body burst open, turning into countless rains of blood.

"Breaking things out, things falling into disrepair, what a treasure this is, it's ruined like this!" Zi Yan's heartache was about to fall. This golden feather is not only powerful, but also very beautiful in appearance. It is strong by the golden lion claws One hundred times, but now it has become two parts, and the treasure light is dim.


The remaining powerhouses of the Peng clan collectively spit out a mouthful of blood, and they are about to go crazy. This is the treasure of their Jinzhan Dapeng clan. Back then, a nine-turn Peng sage spent countless sacrifices refining it. Every time they sacrificed it, it was all unfavorable, and it was destroyed by this little witch's sword. Before they could cry, the little witch called out first.

"Too much deceiving! You will surely die!" Xishi Literature

A group of Jinzhan Dapeng strong people screamed in the sky. They were so angry that they emitted a rich golden light all over their bodies. They started to burn their blood directly, and they were going to die together with Zi Yan.

"I was the one who killed you!"

Zi Yan also shouted angrily, holding the Xingxing Sword against the trend, to vent the anger of the loss of the feather bones on these people.

"Shh! Shh! Shh!"

Three sword lights flashed, and the entire void seemed to be split, turned into a mirror, and shattered into countless pieces. Those Peng clan strongmen still had incredible anger on their faces, but their bodies were torn apart, and then burst into pieces. It turned into a rain of blood, making the scene extremely bloody.

The middle-aged sealer of the Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan looked at this shocking scene, and suddenly his pupils shrank, and he said in shock, "A sword is swung out, the stars fall, and the blood rains, this... This is the Star Slaying Sword! Medieval Overlord Sect The Sect’s Divine Sword of the Three Gods Sect, the Sword of Star Slaying!”

"Xingxing Sword? Could it be the Xingxing Divine Sword that claims to be indestructible? How is it possible, this sword has been missing for hundreds of thousands of years?"

The powerhouses of the Scarlet Armored Earth Dragon Clan shouted frantically, their eyes filled with fear, Zhan Sun, Zhan Yue, and Zhan Xing, these three divine swords once suppressed the entire continent, no matter how strong they are, they all change their colors.But they have long since been dusted with the Three Gods, and now they have appeared in the hands of a little girl who only has Lunhai Realm?

Fear, endless fear, spreads in the hearts of all Tianjiao and sealers.

According to ancient records, the three sacred swords of the Three Gods Sect have their own magical powers. Among them, the Star Slashing Sword is also known as the Severing Body Sword. All below will be annihilated.

Fear gave birth to yin, and a large amount of yin emanated from the strong men of the four clans, touching the taboo of Silent Hill.

"You... dare to break into my territory."

Endless yin qi attacked from the black stone walls in all directions, and there were countless ghosts crisscrossing them, devouring them wantonly.

"No, the Yin God in Silent Hill has awakened!"

Tianjiao, the only surviving member of the Frozen Holy Land, screamed in horror.

"Quick, run!"

Seeing their companions being devoured by the ghostly yin god, everyone was frightened and fled desperately, but it was too late.

The yin tumbled and turned into a dozen huge ghosts, staring at Zi Yan greedily, as if watching the most delicious food in time.


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