Zi Yan held the Xingxing Sword and waved a sword light with a majestic look, but she didn't want the original sword qi of unparalleled power to pass directly through these illusory bodies this time, without any effect.

"Silly girl, this sword can only slash entities, but it can't deal with these yin gods."

Zhang Tian tapped on Zi Yan's head lightly, looked into the distance, his eyes were as bright as Shen Xi, and he used the sword to turn into a sword light.

This is the real divine sword, condensing all the colors of heaven and earth into one, as if accompanied by the sound of the Great Way.

A sword swung out, all the yin and gods were twisted and dissipated, and the dark and dark Silent Mountain, in an instant, was as bright as day. , , .

Chapter 188 The only person who has walked out of Silent Hill in ten thousand years

Outside the Silent Hill, all kinds of arrogance gathered.

They heard that the little witch was chased and killed by the strong men of the four clans, and she was forced into the Silent Hill, and they all rushed over to watch the fun.

After all, the word 'little witch' is so famous that it has spread all over the bloody cave, like reaching the top of the Spirit Sealing Wall, digging out two pieces of the Spirit Sealing Crystal Wall, fighting and killing the elites of the Blood Refining Demon Sect, and leaping across the tunnel in one step. Tianshan, the son of the war against Huang, etc., any record is enough to shake the mainland.

Almost everyone believes that as long as the little witch walks through the bloody cave alive, she will definitely become famous all over the world and become an unparalleled genius like Long Gaitian.

Didn't expect it to end like this in the end.

Many people are sighing, secretly jealous of Yingcai. In their opinion, a Jedi like Silent Mountain is full of Yin gods, not to mention Lunhai Realm Tianjiao. They are all condensed of yin qi, yin qi is immortal, and life is endless, even the supreme sage can't guarantee that he can enter the Silent Mountain and then retreat.

At the same time, there are also many big clan Tianjiao secretly relieved, the unparalleled Tianjiao is too terrifying, and such a monster-level talent, so that they can only sigh.Just one Long Gaitian has already overwhelmed the arrogance of the contemporaries. If there is one more little witch, they are destined to become only a foil and become dust.

At this moment, a dazzling sword light suddenly swept out from the Silent Mountain, like a white rainbow penetrating the sun, directly penetrating the heaven and the earth, purging the dark yin that shrouded the periphery of the mountain all the year round, as if it had changed back to an ordinary place. mountain peaks.

"Look, it's the little witch! She, she came out of Silent Hill!"

Everyone was boiling, watching Zi Yan walking out of the Silent Hill step by step, full of shock.

This is Nirvana Hill, the No. [-] restricted area in the Scarlet Cave Heaven where no one is allowed to enter!

For tens of thousands of years, no one has ever walked out of Nirvana Hill alive.

But this little witch did it, she became the only one!

"Little witch, how many miracles do you still have to create!" Hu Dali said with inexplicable emotion, raised his hand and wiped the corner of his eyes, where there was a drop of tears, tears of excitement.

"Strong, too strong, so far in ten thousand years, Shengyuan Continent has never had such a dazzling arrogance!" A big family sealer sighed.This is the seventeenth time he has entered the bloody cave in the past thousand years, and he has witnessed the rise of countless Tianjiao, but he has never seen Tianjiao who has gone against the trend like Zi Yan.

"Boss, she is my boss, the overlord of the inner courtyard of our Deity Academy!" Wu Di roared, looking proud and proud.

"Sure enough, it is a tiger father without a dog and a daughter. Senior Zhang is the supreme sage. He suppressed the incarnation of the Amethyst Lion King and the Ice Emperor, and the little witch was exactly the same. It is good that my Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect has a good relationship with Senior Zhang, and when the little witch dominates the continent in the future, I will be able to both prosper." One of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect's Tianjiao sighed with joy.

But not everyone is amazed by this miracle.

A terrifying coercion came from the outside, and everyone only felt a dark head above, and it turned out that many colorful Divine Phoenixes flew over. This is a peerless murderous family, domineering and boundless, and the geniuses and sealers of all ethnic groups avoided.

Huang Mengyao's wings shrank and turned into a beautiful shadow of an iceberg, the emperor's might was vast, looking at Zi Yan walking out of the Silent Mountain, her beautiful eyes were full of anger, and she said coldly, "You killed my colorful Divine Phoenix Clan. people?" Zhuiwen Novel Network www.zhuiwen.org

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden breath of cold air around them. These onlookers only knew that there were four clan masters chasing and killing the little witch, but they didn't know that there were also strong people from the Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan. This was a stall. It's a big deal.

Zi Yan shook her head and said innocently: "Don't wrong me, they followed me in by themselves, and then were eaten by Yin God, it has nothing to do with me."

"Ridiculous, then why are you the only one who came out?" A Tianjiao of the Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan asked sharply.

Another old man said in a gloomy voice, "Why do you have to talk nonsense with this little witch, if it wasn't for her, my Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan would not have lost so many masters. If I didn't kill her here, what would the face of the Phoenix Clan be?"

Huang Mengyao's expression became colder by three points, a cold light flashed in her colorful pupils, and just as she was about to shoot, a roar suddenly came from the void.

dong dong dong, dong dong dong!

Everyone's heart couldn't help beating with the tremor of the void, full of suffocation-like oppression.

I saw the void roaring and vibrating, a huge crack suddenly appeared, a chariot full of desolate and ancient aura came out of the sky, the black and yellow banner fluttered in the wind, making the sound of gusts of wind and thunder, and the powerful fighting spirit rushed like the tide of the sea. And to.

The curtain hung with purple pearls was lifted, and a beautiful and alluring girl walked out. She also had the temperament of a king who was not angry and mighty.

"See the county lord."

Most of the onlookers showed a respectful attitude, not only because the little county lord's father Zhennan King, but also because the little county lord was driving a Qinglong chariot, representing the royal family of the Holy Ancestor.

The Princess Jidu nodded slightly, looked at Huang Mengyao, and said coldly, "The little witch is my friend, whoever dares to touch her today will be my enemy."

"Is the Holy Ancestor Dynasty amazing? If you want to overwhelm the demon clan, how about adding me, Long Gaitian!"

Long Gaitian, who was as powerful as a prison, strode forward, his eyes were like divine sharp edges, and his back was like a golden dragon hanging from his back. As soon as he appeared, he suppressed the power of Huang Mengyao and Jidu County Master.

"Even Long Gaitian also appeared, and the Dragon Phoenix joined forces. This is the first time in ten thousand years."

"The Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan and the Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan are the top three fierce clans among the Thirteen Saint Clan. If they join forces, they should not be afraid of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty."

"Dragon and Phoenix have feuded for generations, and Long Gaitian will never help the Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan for no reason. There must be an inside story."

"Could it be that the little witch even offended Long Gaitian?"

All the onlookers raised huge waves in their hearts. This is called the gathering of real arrogance. They all look forward to the little witch to fight against Long Gaitian.

It will be an epic showdown, whoever wins will be the future overlord of Shengyuan Continent! , , .

Chapter 189

The county master Jidu frowned slightly. Just when she felt that the tree could not support her alone, there was another sound of breaking through the air, and it was the son of Huang who came over riding the emperor lion.

"Little witch, you sold the servant to me before, and today I will give you back a favor. If Long Gaitian makes a move, I will stop it for you!"

The Son of Huang rode on Emperor Shi'er's back and shouted arrogantly.His breath was also several times stronger than before, and he obviously had an adventure in another restricted area.

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