"Draft it, you are all awesome, but the descendant of my dignified lion has become a mount!"

Emperor Shi'er slandered in his heart, and there were many people who knew him well among the demon clan's talents present. Today, he has lost all his face.But if he were to resist, he wouldn't dare. The methods of this son of the desert were also very cruel, and he was not under the little witch.

The appearance of the Son of Desolation has restored the balance, which was slightly tilted, to the balance. As the son of the Lord of the Ninth Mountains and Seas and the Desolate Region, he has the qualification to challenge Long Gaitian!

The scene became tense again.

Some of the big clans who were friends with the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan and the Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan sided with Huang Mengyao one after another, but the arrogance of the Great Earth Bear Clan, Killer Whale Clan, Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, and Xianling Ancient Sect were not to be outdone. Behind Zi Yan, an evenly matched confrontation pattern was formed again.

The group of onlookers sighed with emotion. They didn't expect that the lawless little witch would unknowingly make so many connections, and she could actually resist the two top fierce clans of the Dragon and Phoenix.

At this moment, the blood-colored cave sky suddenly trembled violently. Under the blue sky and daylight, a huge temple appeared above the cave, exuding dazzling divine brilliance.


This temple is so huge that it covers half of the sky. After a roar, a red glow flashed across the main hall, like a torrent of rivers and seas. The whole body seems to be made of white jade, which is exquisite and exudes crystal clear light.

"This is the way to the sky, the Immortal Temple is here!"

I don't know who shouted, and the audience was boiling. Even Long Gaitian, Huang Mengyao, Jidu County Master and others showed fiery colors in their eyes.

"Come on! This is a chance against the sky. If you are selected by the temple, you will reach the sky in one step and achieve the supreme career!"

A Tianjiao shouted with a frantic look, and directly used his body technique to run towards the immortal temple, with many Tianjiao rushing to the front, looking like he had lost his mind.

"Stupid, people who can accept the inheritance of the Immortal Temple are already destined, how can they change because of the first arrival!"

A Tianjiao looked arrogant and said, although he said so, but his movements were not slow, he was almost running at the front, this was a chance against the sky, who would dare to be sloppy. 2k novel network www.2kxsw.com


A whistling sound came, and the sky instantly darkened. It was the strong man of the Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan who transformed into his body. Huang Mengyao took the lead. Only at this moment did they know the horror of this colorful Divine Phoenix Clan genius.

The county master of Jidu said loudly: "Little witch, get on my chariot, this car has an air-breaking ban law!"

Zi Yan's black eyes rolled around and jumped directly to the Qinglong chariot. She asked curiously, "What is this immortal temple? Why is everyone so eager?"

The county master Jidu stumbled upon hearing the words, and said in astonishment: "Did your family even tell you about the Immortal Temple? There are so many Tianjiao and Sealers who came this time, and most of them are for the Immortal Temple."

"Could it be that there are many treasures in that immortal temple? Can so many people share it together?" Zi Yan's eyes suddenly became sharp.

The county master of Jidu said helplessly: "Why are you so obsessed with money, you know the treasure. Let me tell you, the creation in this immortal temple cannot be described by the word 'baby', but there are many immortal emperors in it. The inheritance of the author, I think back then..."

The county master of Jidu spoke in a succinct manner, and Zi Yan understood the origin of the Immortal Temple.

It turned out that many immortal-level powerhouses came here, occupied the blood-colored cave, widened the immortals and established sects, and later suffered a catastrophe. Many people had to leave this continent. For the continuous inheritance of the sect, they jointly established the immortal temple. Seal your own inheritance, or the sect's Taoism in the sculpture.

In this way, even if the sect's Dao lineage is lost, it can be retrieved from the immortal temple, and many ancient sect holy places have been continued because of this.

But with the passage of time, the source of inheritance in those sculptures has become thinner and thinner due to the seizure from generation to generation, and the requirements for entering the temple have become more and more stringent, and even no one can enter for hundreds of thousands of years.

"You now know why these arrogances are so crazy. This immortal temple contains the complete inheritance of the ancient sects and even the demon clan. Once you are allowed to enter, you will gain infinite good fortune. Because of the lack of origin, this immortal temple has been After disappearing for hundreds of years, it was not until last year that a Tianjiao was allowed to enter, and the temple reappeared."

Jidu County Master's eyes are full of fascination. It is a complete set of Taoism inheritance. Once obtained, it is enough to make a holy land prosper for a thousand years and cover all sects in the sky.

Zi Yan pouted and said: "Isn't this a big luck, the probability is too small, is there no other way to enter?"

"The Great Dao is fifty, Tian Yan is four and nine, and the people are one. The Great Dao still has a chance of life. Naturally, the Temple of Immortality is not entirely dependent on fate. As long as you can step on the road to the sky, you can enter the temple to obtain inheritance."

The county master of Jidu pointed to the heavenly ladder carved like white divine jade, and added: "But you don't need to think about this road. It may still be possible before the Emperor Bury the Heaven, but after he replaces the heaven, this road will be easy. It's like a dead end, absolutely no one can pass."

"It's the Emperor Burial again, wouldn't that make me unable to get the heavy treasure!" Zi Yan said angrily, just after she finished speaking, she was knocked hard on the forehead, and she whimpered softly in pain.

Jidu County Master's eyes were deep, and he said in a low voice: "Emperor Buried Heaven is the first outstanding person of all ages. Before he replaced the sky, there were nine great mountains and seas and a hundred schools of thought contending, and various cultivation systems emerged one after another. But after he replaced the sky, he forcibly changed the laws of heaven. He dismissed a hundred schools of thought and respected the martial arts, and since then no one can prove the position of the Immortal Emperor, and the nine great mountains and seas are all under his supervision.

Chapter 190 The meaning of heaven is irreversible


The discussion between Princess Jidu and Zi Yan has not yet ended. The Qinglong chariot has already broken through the void and descended directly under the Immortal Temple. The holy brilliance poured on them, which was very warm and comfortable.

"It seems that none of us have this chance."

The county master of Jidu sighed, a little disappointed in his eyes.

The rest of the Tianjiao also arrived one after another, bathed in the precious light emanating from the Immortal Temple, but no one triggered the vision.

"Damn, has this immortal temple really exhausted its source, is it possible that the next summon will have to wait for hundreds of years?"

A holy place genius showed an angry look. The holy place where he is located has a long history, but after several major changes, the high-level inheritance of the holy place has been lost a lot, and most of the rest are incomplete. .

"The number of geniuses who entered the Immortal Temple this year is several times higher than last year. Even the geniuses of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan and the Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan have come, but they still can't touch the call of the Immortal Temple. It's hard to imagine which lucky one entered last year. Immortal Temple."

The Tianjiao gathered under the Immortal Temple to discuss, and the Immortal Temple was opened, giving hope to many ancient sect holy places that were dying, but at this time, this hope was torn apart like fireworks, making these pretentious Tianjiao unacceptable.

"Besides getting summoned directly, isn't it possible to go to the sky? This is also a way. I, Lu Mingfei, will never give up until the last moment!"

An ancient sect Tianjiao said with red eyes, the ancient sect he belongs to is dilapidated, and there are only two or three inheritances left. The birth of the Immortal Temple is the only chance to get back the Taoist lineage. He shoulders the hope of the entire sect.

"Silly boy, ascending the road to the sky? It's easier said than done! Even before the change of the sky, there are very few Tianjiao who can complete the path to ascending the sky, and each of them has become a peerless power, coercing his contemporaries. According to the law, from now on, the Sea of ​​Wheels cannot pass through nine seats, and the holy body cannot reach eternity. Under this premise, no matter what you are, no matter how powerful you are, no matter how powerful you are, you will never be able to step on the road to heaven.”

"Yeah, this immortal temple was built before the change of the sky, and the road to the sky was originally a test set up by the senior immortals to select the real arrogance of the world. It is estimated that the immortals did not expect that the emperor would do this. Ruthless, directly cut off this inheritance path."

"Children, the meaning of heaven is irreversible, you are destined to not have this good fortune."

Many sealers are sighing with emotion. They have experienced the vicissitudes of life and know that the power of the sky is vast and the destiny cannot be violated. Now that the emperor buried the sky stands in place of the sky, his will is the will of the gods and the destiny.

Zhang Tianhua's spirit body stood by Zi Yan's side, looking at the white jade ladder that went straight to the sky, listening to the whining noises around him, he couldn't help touching his nose, revealing a helpless look. Years later, this will happen.

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