What he did back then, although a bit radical, was not at fault.The reason for changing the way on behalf of the sky is because the sky has to change when it is time to change, but the reason is beyond the understanding of these low-level monks.

No human being is perfect, and neither is heaven perfect, and there will be no perfect laws of the heavens.

But it's fine for other people to talk about it. Zi Yan, the arrogant child, even followed suit, with a look of righteous indignation, which made Zhang Tian speechless. He couldn't help but flicked on her bright and clear forehead again, and it hurt her. Covering his head and screaming in pain.

"Xiao Caifan, what's wrong with you?"

The Princess Jidu saw Zi Yan's abnormality and quickly asked with concern.

"No, nothing..." 360 Literature Network www.360wxw.com

Zi Yan rubbed her forehead, her cute little face full of confusion.

At this moment, Huang Mengyao of the Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan suddenly flew up and set foot on the road to the sky, and said coldly, "I never believed in destiny. Since the arrogance of the ancients was able to walk this road, why can't it be done now?"

Just when her voice just fell, the immortal temple that seemed to stand on the top of the sky suddenly made a brilliant light, sending out a red glow that penetrated the heaven and earth, and landed on Huang Mengyao with a bang, as if to smash her directly.


Huang Mengyao snorted coldly, and a colorful brilliance burst out from her body, competing with the red glow in the sky, and in a blink of an eye, she took hundreds of steps upward.

A sealer sighed: "It's useless, it's difficult to climb this road, and the pressure increases as you go up. It's even more difficult to cross thousands of meters, so what's the matter."

This sealer has gray hair and ravines on his face. He has obviously lived for endless years and has extraordinary experience. He shook his head and sighed, as if he had already pronounced the end of Huang Mengyao, but he did not expect that just after he finished speaking, Huang Mengyao was already in shape. In a flash, he stepped directly over the thousand-zhang steps, and he was still going up fast all the way.

"This...this..." The sealed old man couldn't help blushing, and coughed: "As expected of the arrogance of the Colorful Divine Phoenix Clan, it is very reasonable to speculate."

"Could it be that the difficulty of climbing to the sky has been reduced?"

Huang Mengyao's astonishing move gave many Tianjiao confidence, and countless treasures rose for a while, and all the Tianjiao showed their magical powers, and they were not willing to be left behind.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The rays of light on the White Jade Divine Rank continued, and many Tianjiao were directly spit blood and flew upside down, and smashed to the ground. Only then did they realize that Tianlu was terrifying. It was not that the difficulty was lowered, but that Huang Mengyao's strength was too terrifying.At the moment, he can only honestly climb up from the first steps, looking at Huang Mengyao who is far ahead, his eyes are full of awe.

"The Seven-colored Divine Phoenix Clan has such a terrifying arrogance. First there was Long Gaitian and the little witch, and now there is another Huang Mengyao. This is a world of great competition!"

Seeing that most of Tianjiao was still struggling to move forward, while Huang Mengyao had already reached [-] feet, many sealers were amazed.



The two terrifying figures directly crossed the arrogance of the heavens and descended to the position of five hundred feet. The imposing manner was like a rainbow, and they confronted Xiaguang. It was the son of Huang and Long Gaitian.

The Jidu County Lord showed a look of eagerness in his eyes, and said to Zi Yan, "Let's go up and try."

After finishing speaking, Jidu County Master gave birth to two huge white wings behind him. With a light fan, he flew directly to the stone steps three hundred feet away. The purple air on his body shot into the sky, and he firmly blocked the red glow in the sky.

Just when she was secretly relieved, she suddenly heard an earth-shattering roar from behind, the whole earth seemed to tremble, and then a shadow flew across the sky.

"This little witch is crazy!"

Looking at Zi Yan's movements, everyone was taken aback. Such a terrifying way of heaven, even Long Gaitian and the son of Huang only dared to jump five hundred feet, this girl actually jumped a thousand feet! , , .

Chapter 191 A thousand feet cut by the way of heaven


Under everyone's attention, Zi Yan slammed on the stone steps thousands of feet away like a cannonball, directly surpassing everyone except Huang Mengyao. Her aura changed completely, like a young god, looking up to the sky. Xiao, a powerful momentum soared into the sky, and even the clouds in the sky were shattered.

The tyrannical temple Chixia, under this violent momentum, unexpectedly paused for a while, as if she was shocked, and then fell down and oppressed Zi Yan.

"Strong, too strong, such a monster is in the same realm as me? Unbelievable!"

A Tianjiao who was blasted back after only flying twenty feet screamed wildly, his mentality completely collapsed, and both are Tianjiao, the gap is too big, so big that he doesn't even have the courage to chase.

Long Gaitian looked at Zi Yan who flew in front of him at once, a ray of murderous aura burst out from the pupil of the dragon pattern, and the momentum increased sharply again, directly smashing Chixia away, and his body rose into the air. Leap three hundred feet.



The sound of two heavy objects falling to the ground exploded at the same time. Long Gaitian turned his head and saw that the son of the wild broke out at the same time as him.

In the blink of an eye, Huang Mengyao, Zi Yan, Long Gaitian, and Huang Zhizi left the team behind them far away and sprinted towards the temple.

"Fuck, is this the genius of the world? It's terrifying!"

The arrogances who were still wandering within a hundred zhang, watching the four of Long Gaitian go further and further, could not help crying without tears. They felt extremely difficult to walk within this hundred zhang, and it took a long time to take a step, and even sometimes They had to be forced to retreat, but those few people rode together without a trace, ignoring the Chixia in the sky as nothing.

Compared with those few people, they are not even as good as ants. The so-called Tianjiao name is more like a ruthless irony.

"The world of great contention, this is the world of great contention that has not been seen in millions of years!"

A sealer let out a long sigh, and there was a dazzling look in his originally turbid eyes, like a sword that was covered in dust for endless years, and inadvertently revealed a touch of divine light.

"Yeah, in an ordinary prosperous world, there are at most geniuses like Jidu County Master and Emperor Shi'er. But now, they can't even see the back of the first echelon."

Another old man echoed softly. In the outside world, he was a powerful prince with a million-mile fief. He had fought with the emperor several times and became famous.But even he was full of admiration when he looked at Long Gaitian, Zi Yan and others.

"Ta Tata..."

On the road of heaven, countless arrogances are striving upward. They regard the oppression of the sky as tempering, and constantly temper their own flesh and blood. No one is willing to give in. They are all arrogances and do not want to be a foil.

"Quick, quick look, the little witch has surpassed Huang Mengyao!"

I don't know who shouted, everyone looked up in surprise and looked at the sky thousands of feet away, only to see that the four people in the first echelon had already stepped on the road of [-] feet, and the speed slowed down. The leading Huang Mengyao was getting closer and closer to the three behind.

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