At this moment, a light sound suddenly came from the front. It turned out that the Chixia was too strong, and Zi Yan was staggered, and then fell back to the position of eight thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight.

"Oh, it failed, this is Tianwei!"

A group of sealers sighed that they were sorry for Zi Yan, but also brought some relief. Although the strength of the little witch was strong, it was limited and did not exceed their expectations.

"Haha, little witch, you continue to be mad, and you have more pure dragon blood than me, but it's nothing more than that!"

Long Gaitian roared loudly, venting all his anger.

He hates Zi Yan for possessing the noble and supreme bloodline of the Dragon Emperor, he hates Zi Yan for taking away the Dragon and Phoenix Associated Fruit that should have belonged to him in the Burial God Cave, and he hates even more the outcast who is insignificant in his eyes, and now he is standing by his side Ahead, take away all the glory that belongs to him!

Zi Yan's body trembled, her right foot lifted, and she stepped back to eight thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine feet.

"Little money fans, don't bother, it's impossible to get up."

The county master of Jidu stood at a position of [-] meters. Seeing Zi Yan's step, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help shouting out.

She consciously knows Zi Yan's character very well. Although she is obsessed with money, she is very shrewd, not the kind of stubborn temper that only advances and never retreats.Moreover, the action of the little witch just now clearly planned to give up, but for some reason, she logged back in again.

The son of the wild also shouted anxiously: "Little witch, don't force it any more, you will hurt the source again if you charge again. You are the arrogance of the world, the inheritance in the Immortal Temple, it is not worth your risk!"

Zi Yan's body was unmoved. What Ji Du County and Huang Zhizi didn't know was that she could back down in front of anyone, but she would never back down in front of Long Gaitian or the rest of the Tianlonghai tribe. This was her stubbornness. .


Zi Yan's right hand spread out, Baoguang flashed, and a crystal clear colorful bronzing spirit fruit appeared in her palm, without any hesitation, she threw it directly into her mouth.

"Do not!!!"

Seeing this scene, both Long Gaitian and Huang Mengyao let out a heart-piercing cry. This is the dragon and phoenix companion fruit, the treasure of the dragon and phoenix clan, and there are very few in the entire nine mountains and seas. Swallow it alive in front of them!

At this moment, the blue veins on Long Gaitian's forehead burst out, the dragon soul roared in his eyes, and Huang Mengyao's hair fluttered. Can't do it, can only watch Zi Yan swallow the dragon and phoenix companion fruit.


In the next moment, a violent and infinite power erupted from Zi Yan, rolled back nine days, and directly shattered the Chixia, and nine vast and boundless seas appeared on top of her head, violently rolling and roaring, vaguely as if to want to. What is born.

"Crazy, this little witch is crazy, she is planning to be promoted to the Transcendent Realm! As long as she breaks through, she will immediately be obliterated by the divine power in this Fangdongtian!"

The Tianjiao and the sealers below were collectively crazy, and they were very nervous, and had a premonition that they would witness the fall of an unparalleled Tianjiao with their own eyes.

"Break me!!!"

Zi Yan gritted her teeth and roared, taking advantage of the invincible power that was about to break through, strode forward, and in the blink of an eye, it had crossed [-] feet, and the nine round seas were also brewing to the extreme.

Zhang Tian stood at the top of the Heavenly Road, looked at the resolute expression on Zi Yan's little face, and looked at the sky above the surging cave, and finally sighed: "The way of heaven has a law: Lunhai can't pass through nine seats. . But I am both the Heavenly Dao and the Emperor. Since you call me Dad, why not make an exception for you."

The voice fell, Zhang Tian moved towards the void, and in an instant, the Heavenly Dao stopped working.

The nine round seas above Zi Yan's head roared and vibrated, exuding a vast power of the ancient times. In the center of the nine round seas, the tenth round sea was solidified.

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Chapter 193 The ninth mountain and sea congratulate the emperor's daughter


The tenth Sea of ​​Wheels was completely transformed into a solid body. The whole body was made of seven-color divine jade, engraved with mysterious Taoist patterns, radiant with brilliance, and exuding boundless majesty.

This sea of ​​​​wheels is very different from the other nine seas. It has the appearance of a king. Now it is only half a foot of water, and the power it radiates has exceeded the sum of the other nine seas.

Everyone in the audience felt lost for a moment, as if at that moment, this world was separated from the world, and when they came back to their senses, they saw a whole ten vast sea of ​​​​wheels floating above the little witch's head.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine...Ten, I'm not dazzled, there are ten round seas on top of the little witch's head, how is this possible!"

Hu Dali rubbed his eyes desperately, staring at the strange vision above Zi Yan's head in disbelief, only to see the nine round seas in a circle, as if they were guarding the middle round sea, and they seemed to be worshipping, and the divine might was like a prison.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In the tenth Sea of ​​Wheels, a seven-color bronzing spirit fruit floated out. Most of it had melted away, and two torrents of colorful and mysterious gold continued to flow into the tenth Sea of ​​Wheels.

Long Gaitian and Huang Mengyao watched with blood dripping from their hearts. This dragon and phoenix concomitant fruit was originally something they must get, but now they can only watch it become the creation of this little witch.

"Uncle clan, isn't this little witch going to be promoted to the Transcendent Realm? Why didn't she get killed by divine power, but instead, there was an extra round of seas. Could it be that there are ten round seas in the round sea realm."

An ancient clan Tianjiao showed a very confused expression and asked a burly old man beside him.

The sturdy old man looked at the void with a dignified expression, and said slowly: "Ten round sea, like the eternal holy body, is an extremely difficult realm to reach. In ancient times, there was a shortage of heaven, and some unparalleled talents could break the shackles. , promoted to this level of heaven-defying realm, they are the kings of the same rank, and the probability of proving the Tao and becoming immortal is far higher than those of the mediocre.

But after burying the emperor to replace the sky, he has used his own way to complete the way of heaven, and he respects the nine and takes the nine as the ultimate. Anyone who exceeds the nine is not allowed. From then on, no one can open up the tenth. Zah Lunhai, this realm has also become a legend. "

"Since it's a legend, why did this little witch achieve it?"

The sturdy old man was silent for a while, and then jumped out: "When there is great chaos, there will be evil spirits, and the emperor will be buried for five million years. Maybe these nine mountains and seas will be in chaos again."

This sentence immediately resonated a lot. No one has ever been able to open up the tenth Sea of ​​​​Linzhou since the change of the sky. Now that someone has done it, doesn't it mean that there are still flaws in the way of heaven?Will the warriors who shook the nine mountains and seas millions of years ago return?


There was another violent turmoil in the void, and the dragon and phoenix companion fruit exploded directly, turning into a colorful divine phoenix and an ancient ancient dragon, intertwined and rushing into the sky, the dragon roar and the phoenix roar interweaving, resounding. Nine mountains and seas.

"Dragon and Phoenix roar, this is one of the ten major phenomena recorded in ancient books. Could it be that this little witch just devoured the legendary dragon and phoenix associated fruit?"

There was another uproar below. If you don't count the changes after the Heavenly Change, this Dragon and Phoenix Associated Fruit is ten times rarer than the Tianjiao of the Ten Rounds of the Sea. Once it is born, it will definitely attract the Dragon and Phoenix to fight with all their strength.

In addition to containing the origin of the dragon and phoenix, there is also a legend about the associated fruit of the dragon and phoenix, a legend of the achievement of the ancient dragon and phoenix body, which can prove the celestial physique of the quasi-immortal emperor.Although it is just a legend, it is enough to make countless dragon and phoenix powerhouses go crazy.

Zhang Tian looked at the sky from afar, and saw that the dragon and phoenix phantoms merged into one and rushed out of the Saint Yuan Continent and entered the ninth mountain realm. Countless sleeping powers were awakened, and they transformed into a strong will in the void, looking at The combined dragon and phoenix were full of greed, and they all took action to snatch it.

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