For a time, hundreds of void palm prints appeared around the combined dragon and phoenix, exuding a fierce and boundless aura. Any one of them was enough to instantly wipe out the Saint Yuan Continent. They fought each other and wanted to take this pure dragon and phoenix origin. For own.

At this moment, Zhang Tian let out a cold snort, and the vast Diwei swept the world.Dong Dong Novel

"This is the creation of this emperor's daughter, how dare you grab it? Get out of here!"

The last word hit the ground, and a dazzling sword light containing Diwei broke through the star realm, came vertically and horizontally, and crushed all the void palm prints.

"Escape, escape!"

"Please let the emperor rest his anger."

"The emperor spares his life, the younger generation knows it's wrong."

One after another strong will, revealing infinite fear, disappeared one after another.The sword light just now seemed to be swiped at will, but it contained a destructive mood, hurting their origin, and the heaviest one even had to retreat for thousands of years to recover.

This is just a warning. If a strong emperor is really angry, the entire Ninth Mountain Realm will suffer great disaster.

In addition to these great powers who participated in the snatch, there are many great powers who are watching from the sidelines. They are either aware of it later, or they are powerless, but at this time they are full of joy, and they do not want to lose this opportunity to make friends with the emperor realm. , have sent congratulations.

"The ninth mountain world, Ziyang Dongtian, congratulations to the emperor's daughter."

"The ninth mountain world, worship the Moon God, and wish the emperor's daughter to merge with the origin of the dragon and the phoenix and achieve the supreme."

"The ninth sea world, the ancient Jiang family, I wish the emperor's daughter to break through the thorns and break through the shackles."

"The Ninth Sea Realm, the Holy Land of the Nine Heavens, I wish the emperor's daughter a permanent youth, and the Taoism is natural."

The sound of congratulations echoed throughout the Ninth Mountains and Seas, and people were all amazed. The divine power of the emperor realm powerhouses did not even show their figures, so they made a group of ancient sacred places humbly make friends.

"Go back."

Zhang Tian said in a low voice, pointing his finger a little, and the shivering dragon and phoenix, who were stunned by the coercion of the great powers, suddenly twisted and fled into the void.

In the bloody cave, a crack suddenly opened in the void, and the sound of the dragon and phoenix resounded again, obediently rushing into the tenth round sea above Zi Yan's head, rolling and roaring in the infinite spiritual energy.

A group of Tianjiao and sealers have been shaken many times, but seeing this spectacle, they can't help but show their admiration and amazement. They are amazed at the little witch's sky-defying strength, not only opening up the tenth round sea, but also here An ancient dragon and a divine phoenix were born in the Sea of ​​Thrones.

When everything was calm, all ten round seas sank into Zi Yan's body.In an instant, a monstrous divine might burst out.

Nine thousand four hundred and sixty feet!

Nine thousand six hundred and seventy feet!

Nine thousand eight hundred thirty feet!

Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety feet!

Nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine feet!

Zi Yan was like a broken bamboo all the way, and the mighty Chixia was completely shielded by her from a hundred feet away, and she went directly to the top of the road, and the Immortal Temple stood in front of her eyes, within reach. , , .

Chapter 194 The Sea Dragon King Who Was Taken From His Essence and Blood

"Go up! This little witch has climbed the road!"

"Who said it's impossible to climb to the sky? The little witch did it!"

"This little witch, reached the top of Fenglingbi, crossed Tongtian Mountain in one step, and now has climbed the road to the sky. Is there anything she can't do in this world?"

All the people were boiling, looking at Zi Yan, who seemed to be standing high above the sky, full of fanaticism, awe, and amazement.

At this moment, Zi Yan, who had reached the peak, turned around and looked down. The white clothes were like snow. Although her face was slightly immature, she already showed a peerless appearance, like a peerless goddess, standing proudly.

Just when everyone was admiring Zi Yan's invincible momentum at the moment, the girl's expression suddenly changed, and she made a downward gesture at Long Gaitian, and there was a very vivid look of contempt on her cute little face.


Long Gaitian below was suddenly spit out a large mouthful of blood, his eyes were burned with anger, he stepped up and rushed towards Zi Yan, but only two stone steps up, he was blasted back by the terrifying Chixia, standing Unsteady, he knelt directly on the ground, very embarrassed.

"This little witch!"

A very complicated expression appeared on Huang Mengyao's face. Zi Yan, such a rogue and invincible character, made her completely at a loss as to how to deal with it.

Seeing that Long Gaitian was deflated, Zi Yan showed satisfaction, turned around again, and looked towards the Temple of Immortality.

I saw that the immortal temple was very majestic, and as soon as it approached, there was a burst of desolation and antiquity.This is a building that has been standing for thousands of years. Even if it is a pile of ordinary iron, it will be magical, not to mention that this is a sacred place for inheritance created by many immortals.

Coming under the huge stone gate, even with Zi Yan's boldness, her heartbeat accelerated, giving birth to a feeling of reverence. She immediately held the Bing Ling bracelet on her wrist with her backhand, and a cool air rushed straight to the spiritual platform. Feeling calm, I pushed open the huge stone gate and walked in.

The interior of the temple is very spacious, and there are hundreds of statues standing on both sides, each of which is a hundred feet high.

These statues have people and monsters, and the breath on their bodies is terrifying. Those immortals of the year not only left their inheritance in the statues, but also left a trace of the will of the fairy. This will alone is enough to suppress Shengyuan Continent. of all the strong.

Zi Yan heard from Zhang Tian a long time ago that she knows that gods and demons are born with laws and magical powers, and it can be said that they are born powerful, but immortals are cultivated step by step by mortals. Demon power.Therefore, she does not revere gods, but she reveres immortals very much.

After all, Zi Yan is the body of a Taixu ancient dragon. She is not very interested in the inheritance of the human race, so she directly looks at the statues of the group of demons. After such a close look, she suddenly found an abnormality.

These statues seem to have been eroded by the years, and it seems that the source of maintaining them has been exhausted. Many of them have been weathered, with broken arms and legs, and even broken into pieces of stone.

She remembered the introduction to the Immortal Temple by Jidu County Master on the Qinglong Chariot. Every inheritor who is summoned can only accept the inheritance of the statue that summoned him, and can only take one or two from many inheritances, but She came on the way to the sky, but she didn't have to follow this example.

When she looked at the statue again, Zi Yan had a clear understanding in her heart. Those statues that were broken into stones showed that the inheritance inside had been cleaned up.

Suddenly, Zi Yan's expression condensed, she felt that a statue was calling her, and she looked at it, it turned out to be a statue of the Sea Dragon King, but most of it had collapsed, and she was barely able to recognize it before recognizing its body. 16 Reading

Moreover, the faults of the collapsed stone walls are very new, and they are not covered with dust like other fractured statues. Obviously, they have just broken. Maybe it is the work of the inheritor who came in last year.

Thinking of this, Zi Yan couldn't help but walk towards the statue of the Sea Dragon King. She was still a little curious about the inheritor last year. Hearing from the county master of Jidu, the whole continent was looking for the inheritor, but no one found it. .

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