Contacting the statue, Zi Yan was suddenly pulled into a gray space, and a huge and boundless Sea Dragon King danced in the void, containing the power to crush the galaxy.

"You called me just now, do you want to pass it on to me?" Zi Yan asked curiously.

"My child, I have no inheritance anymore, and it was taken away by the damn inheritor last time. I was going to give her the inheritance, but she stole a drop of sea dragon blood in my body. It was the last drop of blood. Take it away and blend it into her bloodline."

The sea dragon phantom in the void said in an old voice, and it seemed that it would perish at any time.

Zi Yan suddenly said: "I see, you want me to help you deal with that inheritor? Avenge you?"

"No, child, that is the blood of the Sea Dragon King. It is not the inheritor that can refine her. She will eventually be swallowed by the will in that drop of blood. I just want you to do me a favor. Tell her to return to the ancestral land and protect the ancestral land."

Zi Yan nodded and said, "It's easy and simple, I promised. If I see Hailong one day, I will tell her so."

"You are a good boy, I have no inheritance to give you, but I can only give you the blessing of the Sea Dragon King. From now on you will be the most honorable benefactor of my Sea Dragon Clan. If you have the opportunity to go to the Sea Dragon Clan, they will surely pass on your magical powers. ."

The sea dragon phantom seemed to have reached its limit, and after a little blue aura was injected into Zi Yan's body, it disappeared without a trace.

"Bang bang bang..."

Zi Yan's soul returned, and the statue of the Sea Dragon King was shattered.

"Zi Yan, hurry up, this cave will be closed in half a day, and you will be teleported out at that time."

Zhang Tian appeared beside Zi Yan and said softly.

"Yeah, I haven't accepted the inheritance yet. It took so much effort to climb up."

Zi Yan showed a very anxious expression, and now she was patrolling among the statues of the demon clan, the double-headed yin and yang dragon, the sky blue scorpion dragon, the immortal phoenix, the evil fire phoenix, and even the real roar, the scorpion, the scorpion, etc. Ancient Relics.

Finally, Zi Yan stood still, with a look of excitement in her eyes. In front of her, was a huge peacock sculpture, divinely mighty like a prison, with domineering arrogance.

This statue has a very strong charm, and it is awe-inspiring and indestructible, as if there is no loss of its origin.

Zhang Tian, ​​who had been careless all the time, was taken aback when he saw this statue, and said with a chuckle, "King Ming Peacock? She actually walked out from here, it's interesting." , . . .

Chapter 195 The Emperor's Decree, Shaking the Netherworld

Zi Yan asked curiously, "Dad knows this person?"

Zhang Tian touched Zi Yan's hair and said slowly: "She is a great demon born in ancient times, coexisting with gods and demons, her bloodline is very mysterious, her body is like a peacock, she was the overlord in the fairy king realm thousands of years ago, to prove the Taoist emperor. She joined the Western Buddhist country, studied Buddhism, and became one of the four great kings and Buddhas in the Pure Land of the Buddhist country. Unlike those big monsters such as Qilin, Jiezhen, Kunpeng, etc., who turned into fierce clans, she has almost no blood descendants to survive, and she did not expect to be here. In the corner of the land, the Taoist tradition is left."

Zi Yan's eyes lit up and she said in surprise: "So, she is very strong?"

Zhang Tianhan smiled and said, "Your vision is good, she should be the strongest among all the statues, and her future achievements are more than all the statues put together."

Zi Yan touched her head and said embarrassedly: "I just saw that other statues were dull, and it is estimated that even if there are inheritance legacy, they are all low-level inheritance. And this statue has the strongest charm and coercion, so this is the choice. her."

"This choice is very wise. King Peacock Ming's life treasure art five-color divine light corresponds to the five elements of heaven and earth, and everything is brushed. It can also be ranked in the top ten in all beast treasure art. It is a supernatural power. If you can get it, it is enough. Let you enjoy it for a lifetime." Zhang Tian said slowly.

After listening to these words, Zi Yan became more eager and no longer hesitated, standing directly in front of the peacock statue and looking directly at her.

I saw that the statue was a woman, but she was very majestic, with a golden crown on her head, a domineering black shirt on her coat, two huge five-colored wings spread out, and a murderous aura lingered all over her body.

When the eyes swept across the five-colored pupils of the peacock statue, the vision happened again, Zi Yan was directly pulled into an ancient battlefield, the sky was blood red, and countless demon races were fighting on the ground, raising their hands and feet, breaking mountains and seas.




Killing words pierced through the ears, and a ferocious figure staring down at the world came out directly from the center of the battlefield, wearing a golden crown, surrounded by blue, yellow, red, black, and white rays of light, terrifying coercion filled the world, wherever it went, The blood was dripping, and those powerful monsters were like ants in front of her.Even Void couldn't bear her domination and collapsed.

"Your will is very young, you should be a kid. Kid, I didn't call you, why did you enter my world?"

Peacock Ming Wang came to Zi Yan with countless blood and blood and rain, and the terrifying coercion filled the world. At this time, she was not the Ming Wang Buddha in the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom. She was just a demon, a peerless demon king who could fight the heavens and the earth.

She looked down at Zi Yan with an indifferent expression, as if looking at an ant.

Zi Yan's eyes flashed with a strong excitement, and she said loudly: "I entered the Immortal Temple on the way to the sky, give me your inheritance. Your origin is very sufficient, the inheritance should be there, give me a copy first. The five-color divine light of your natal treasure art, and the rest of the treasure art divine power, the more the better. It’s better to hurry up, I don’t have much time to stay.”

A black line flashed across the peerless face of King Peacock Ming, and then he said coldly: "My will is to kill, kill the sky, kill the earth, kill all the arrogant overlords of ancient and modern times, the whole world is my enemy, where is the inheritor? Do you want to inherit? My Dao Lineage, first understand death!"

After finishing speaking, the wings behind the Peacock Ming Wang suddenly opened, and they were tens of thousands of feet, covering the sky and the sun. A cyan and black two-colored light shot towards Zi Yan, and the speed was extremely fast, directly cutting the void into two. A huge crack came to Zi Yan's head.Girls' short stories

"You're a fool, Dad, save me!"

Feeling the strong breath of death, Zi Yan immediately exclaimed for help.


Just when the divine light was about to shred Zi Yan's will, a voice that seemed to come from the Nine Heavens suddenly sounded, and the mighty emperor followed with the sound, directly shattering the two divine lights.

King Peacock Ming's pupils full of Shen Xi suddenly froze, and in an instant, time and space were distorted, and the ancient battlefield in front of him was torn apart.

Instead, there is a vast and boundless ancient heaven, towers and pavilions, and immortal mountains surrounded by fog, guarding the Lingxiao Hall in the center.

In the Lingxiao Hall, Zhang Tian stood aloft, looking at King Peacock Ming who was kneeling below the steps, and said indifferently: "As expected of King Peacock Ming who suppressed one side of the world, just a wisp of will can independently transform his spirit, and he is unwilling to eliminate it, no wonder Qian Qian For thousands of years, no one can inherit your Taoism."

"This is... Desolate Ancient Heaven?"

Peacock Ming Wang's beautiful cheeks were full of astonishment and a bit of fear. Although she was only a wisp of the will of the real Peacock Ming Wang, her body's awe for the ancient heaven was deep in her bones, and even she could feel the same.

"You are a statue that inherits Taoism, so you should abide by your duties, not rebel against the lord. This emperor's daughter likes your five-color divine light very much. I plan to take half of your blood essence, but you shouldn't be malicious, hand over all your blood essence. It's not easy to read your spirit, and this emperor will give you a chance to retain your memory and reincarnate."

Zhang Tian indifferently announced that the words followed the law, and many divine chains of order protruded from the void, and all the blood was drawn out of the body of King Ming Ming.

A wisp of remnant soul floated out and entered the Netherworld with the decree of the Emperor of Heaven, causing another great uproar.

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