Emperor Pingxin Ming personally broke through the barrier and received the decree of the Emperor of Heaven, and immediately felt the extraordinaryness of this matter, involving the two superpowers of the ancient heaven and the pure land of the Buddha.

It is a big taboo to let the split soul of the Peacock Mingwang Buddha be reincarnated independently. No one wants to let the split soul who knows his secret go out independently, let alone a murderer born in ancient times like the Peacock Mingwang Buddha. Once she is allowed to count this matter , will definitely come to the Netherworld to make a scene.

But the decree of the Emperor of Heaven must not be delayed. It is very likely that this is a move by the Emperor Buried to calculate the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom. She is a little Emperor of the Underworld, how can she dare to destroy it?If one is not careful, the entire Netherworld will be wiped out.

"It's hard to do this."

Emperor Pingxin Ming held the decree of the Emperor of Heaven, and there was a trace of sadness on his beautiful and serene face. He immediately cleaned his face, and said solemnly: "I pass on the order of the emperor, the Netherworld will be temporarily closed for three months, and all those who know about this will be demoted to the undead. , cross the Naihe Bridge, and cross the six reincarnations."

She knew very well that the decree of the Emperor of Heaven had to be implemented, so she could only avoid letting the Buddhist Pure Land know about it as much as possible.

As for Emperor Burial's real intentions and subsequent influence, she didn't want to think about it, nor did she dare to think about it.This is a big game, even if she is involved in it, her life will be at risk. , , .

Chapter 196 The trial ends, the ruthless act like a spoiled child

Zhang Tian naturally didn't know how much confusion his own decree had caused to the Netherworld, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

He stood in the Immortal Temple, silently guarding Zi Yan to accept the inheritance of the peacock statue.

I don't know how long it took, suddenly there was a terrifying oppression in the void, the vast divine power swept from the end of the cave like a tidal wave, and all the affected Tianjiao were all sent out.

Soon these divine powers spread to the Temple of Immortality, and large stocks rolled towards Zi Yan.


Zhang Tian drank a word, all the divine power exploded, turned into a bigger wave, rolled back, and never dared to approach the Immortal Temple again.

After a long time, Zi Yan absorbed all the blood of the Peacock Ming King contained in the statue, and there were five drops. This was a heaven-defying harvest, enough to make many immortals jealous.With the strength of King Peacock Ming today, a drop of blood is enough to overwhelm one world.

"What a powerful Peacock Ming Wang, Dad, I have seen many terrifying pictures..."

As soon as Zi Yan opened her eyes, she immediately spoke excitedly, her eyes were full of excitement. When she accepted the inheritance, she browsed some of the past of King Peacock Ming, and was deeply conquered by the overwhelming strength.

"Don't be envious. One day, you will reach that level, even stronger than her. Now, it's time for us to go out."

Zhang Tian fondly touched Zi Yan's hair, took her into his arms, and a burst of dazzling brilliance burst out.

When she came back to her senses again, Zi Yan had already appeared in the vast city.

"Third sister, you are finally back!"

As soon as they saw Zi Yan, Ruthless and Yuxin immediately greeted them with concern in their eyes.

"I knew that you, a little money fan, would be fine."

The princess of Jidu stood on the Qinglong carriage, showing a relaxed look, her pink lips slightly raised, looking very playful.

Zi Yan looked around in a daze, and saw Ruren, Yuxin, Jidu County Lord, Son of Huang, Hu Dali, Wu Di and others all surrounded by them.

Yuxin explained: "This bloody cave was closed as early as two days ago, and all the geniuses have been sent out, but everyone believes that you must be fine and have been waiting for you."

"Haha, little witch, you really are the arrogance of the world. Don't forget your agreement with me, this is the token of the inner door of Xiangu Academy, my surname is Shi, remember to come to Xiangu Academy to find me!"

The son of Huang rode on the golden emperor lion transformed by the emperor lion, threw a bronze token to Zi Yan, then took out a void-breaking talisman and crushed it, directly breaking through the space and leaving.Obviously, the Golden Lions have acquiesced in letting Emperor Shi'er follow Huang's son to Xiangu Academy.Novel 3800 www.xs3800.com

Hu Dali looked at the bronze token, and said enviously: "This son of desolation has a deep background, and is also a very famous figure in the Ninth Mountains and Seas. You have this token, and it is probably not a problem if you want to join Xiangu Academy in the future. It's difficult, this is a great creation."

The rest nodded in agreement. The talent of the son of the wild is terrible. Coupled with the background of his father, the master of the wilderness, he will definitely become a big man who shakes the ninth mountains and seas in the future. He can have a good relationship with him, but everyone dreams of it. thing.

Zi Yan also solemnly put the token into the storage ring. She also plans to win the Emperor Shi'er from the son of the wild in the future, and then resell it for a good price.

At this time, a giant of the giant spirit clan moved to the side of Jidu County Master and whispered for a while.

The little county owner nodded slightly and said to Zi Yan: "Xiao Cai fan, I have to leave first. I will see you next time when I have a chance. I will send you a few war servants of the giant spirit clan."

After finishing speaking, the little princess glanced at Zhang Tian without a trace, Xia Fei's cheeks seemed to want to say something, after all, she didn't speak, and silently got into the roller blind.

"Senior Zhang, since Ling Ai has returned safely, the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect will retire first. If he has an order in the future, please explain it. I, Ling Shuangxue, will go through fire and water, and I will do it!"

Ling Shuangxue of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect sat on the flying horse, bowed to Zhang Tian, ​​and then left with the team.

On the other side of the Xianling Ancient Sect's team, Yun Xianyun looked complicated, and finally said softly: "If you are visiting the Southern Wilderness, you can come to Xianling Ancient Sect to talk, and Xianyun will pour tea for the Daoist."

This voice was faint and faint, inaudible, and before it was finished, the huge lotus treasure at her feet emitted a faint aura and whistled away.

A huge blood-colored trial has come to an end. The youngest generation of Tianjiao in the mainland has all stood out, and the rankings will soon be spread throughout the continent.

After some parting words, the Zhang family and his party also took the frost dragon to the City of Liberty.This giant dragon can also be said to be extraordinary. It swallowed a demon core that is almost half-step immortal. After more than half a month of refining, it has broken through to the seventh level of the legendary realm, and the blood essence demon power in the demon core. , but not even half of it was consumed.

Standing on the back of the Frost Dragon, Zi Yan looked excited, adding fuel to the experience in the bloody cave, and the bluffing Ruthless and Yu Xin exclaimed from time to time.

When he heard Zi Yan in the Immortal Temple accepting the death-dealing entrustment of the Sea Dragon statue, the ruthless man suddenly became condensed and said solemnly: "Sanmei, what you just said is true? The inheritor who entered the Immortal Temple last year stole the Sea Dragon King. blood?"

Zi Yan said: "Yeah, that's what the sea dragon phantom said, and asked me to tell the sea dragon 'return to the ancestral land and protect the ancestral land', does the eldest sister know the inheritor?"

The ruthless man nodded slightly and said: "As I expected, the inheritor should be Yan Qingxuan, who is now very popular in the academy! She was specially recruited into the Deity Academy last year for participating in the blood test. I used the gentleman's party. The intelligence network found that she has a very pure and powerful sea dragon bloodline, and it is estimated that the senior officials of the academy and the Prince Zhetian value her very much. It turns out that this bloodline was stolen from the statue of the sea dragon king."

Yu Xin's beautiful face showed a hint of worry, and she said softly: "The Sea Dragon King is already at the level of an immortal, and his bloodline must be extremely powerful. Even a drop of blood essence is enough to suppress the Supreme Sage. During the college competition, eldest sister But be careful."

The ruthless man said slowly: "No wonder Yan Qingxuan is so confident, calling the wind and calling the rain in the Zhetian Alliance. But Zi Yan also said that this blood essence is coming from the wrong way, and she Yan Qingxuan can't fully control it. I will make her look good."

After speaking, Ruthless Man looked at Zhang Tian and said coquettishly, "Dad should have noticed something abnormal in Yan Qingxuan when he saw Yan Qingxuan in the inner courtyard last time. He didn't even tell us."

Zhang Tian smiled and was about to speak when suddenly his expression changed and he looked towards a distant peak. , , .

Chapter 197 The Assassination Mission from the Ninth Mountain and Sea

"what happened?"

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