Feeling Zhang Tian's change, the three daughters asked together.

Zhang Tian retracted his gaze and said with a chuckle, "Someone was spying on the mountain just now. It should be an alien, and I don't know which one of the three of you is looking at."

"Wouldn't it be from the Golden Feather Clan? Last time, the third sister killed a prince of the Golden Feather Clan." Yu Xin said worriedly.

The ruthless man said solemnly: "The Golden Feather Clan has already annihilated the clan, so it won't be them. The person who spied, maybe from the Guiluo Temple, that is an alien underground force, specializing in hunting the arrogance of the two demon clans, the master was very long ago. Just warned me to be careful with this force."

"There is such a hateful force, wouldn't it be to see that my wise and divine martial arts are coming to kill me?" Zi Yan said angrily.

The ruthless man pursed his lips and said with a smile: "It's not impossible. Every time the Scarlet Trial will attract a lot of attention, any Tianjiao who has become famous in the Scarlet Trial will be famous all over the world, and naturally it will become the first choice of Guiluo Temple. , so you have to be careful for the next period of time."

"I'm not afraid of them!"

Zi Yan raised her wrist and said very proudly.

The dragon roared, the family turned to other topics, and laughter echoed in the sky.

At the mountain peak that Zhang Tian had glanced at before, an alien man with a black horn on his head leaned against a stone wall, breathing heavily, and his forehead was covered in cold sweat.

"It's terrifying, it's terrifying. With just one look, I almost crushed the holy bones of my whole body. Where is the Supreme Sage. Damn Guiluo Temple, what kind of broken information was provided, I almost killed this uncle."

The alien man shattered his thoughts until the frost giant flew far away, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and completely relieved his heart, only to find that his clothes were completely soaked in cold sweat.

Looking at the direction the dragon was leaving, a cold look flashed in the eyes of the alien man, and he said in a low voice, "It seems that there is nothing wrong, it should be this Ruthless Zhang."

After speaking, the alien man ran all the way to the wilderness, and after several twists and turns, he entered the ninth mountain and sea world.

It was only then that the alien man truly felt relieved, and removed the disguise on his body, revealing his original appearance.

"You said, you found the person who stole the demon emperor's treasure?"

In the main hall of the Jiaochi clan, a powerful figure like a god emperor sat on the high platform and spoke majestically.

The young man who had just returned from Shengyuan Continent to report stood at the foot of the steps and respectfully said: "There should be no mistake. Ten thousand years ago, the seniors of the clan discovered the ruins of the demon emperor, because it was not yet open. , then reserved the next mark just in case, the famous girl has the breath of this mark on her body.

Moreover, through some means of investigation, I found that the girl also went to the ruins of the demon emperor at the time. After coming out, her strength increased sharply, and she broke through the realm one after another. Obviously, she encountered a big opportunity. The treasure of the demon emperor is likely to be on her body. "

The majestic figure on the high platform shook slightly and said, "If that's the case, why didn't you bring that girl back?"

The young man smiled bitterly and said: "The patriarch does not know, that girl's name is Zhang Ruren, who has a very powerful father. Let alone me, even if all of us hidden in Shengyuan Continent are dispatched, it may not be that person. opponent."

"It's so scary?" 19th Floor Literature www.19wo.com

The majestic figure frowned and said slowly: "This Shengyuan Continent is really not an ordinary small world. Just a saint ancestor is already a sharp-edged man, and he will become a generation of outstanding people within a thousand years. In addition to other hidden The world exists, the price of annexation is too high, and it is impossible for the clan to invest more high-level power."

The young man said: "According to my subordinate's opinion, unless a few ancestors go to the realm in person, it is impossible to be the opponent of Zhang Ruren's father. Ruthless man."

"what do you mean?"

"There are four top killer organizations on Shengyuan Continent, namely Soul Palace, Tsing Yi Building, Shura Sect, and Shizimen, each of which is a big force comparable to the ancient holy land. We can publish anonymously in these four organizations. The task of assassinating Ruren Zhang and recovering her corpse. It will be good to succeed at that time, and we will not be implicated if it is not successful."

The majestic figure on the high platform lit up, nodded and said: "This plan is good, it's up to you to implement it. Don't mention Zhang Ruren's father, just release it as an ordinary assassination of Tianjiao."

"My subordinate understands."

That night, the Donghuang branch of the four major killer organizations, Soul Hall, Tsing Yi Building, Asura Sect, and Shizimen, received an ordinary and unusual mission.

It is common because the content of the commission is only to assassinate a core student in the Deity Academy. There are many such commission tasks every day, and many of them are the descendants of the ancient sect Holy Land.

It is unusual because the commission fee for this mission is very rich, and it was released by the four major killer organizations at the same time, which means that four deposits are required, which is obviously a very urgent task. I hope that the four major killer organizations will compete with each other.

This routine works very well. The competition between the four major killer organizations is very fierce. For tasks that are released at the same time, whoever completes them first will gain a lot of fame.The reputation of the killer world represents a steady stream of orders.

Because of this, almost at the same time as the task was received, the four major killer organizations put the task directly into the urgent sequence. The legendary killer was difficult to recruit for a while, so they arranged for the extraordinary killer to form an assassination team to execute it.

The next morning, when it was just dawn, Yu Xin walked out of the house dressed neatly, planning to meditate in the yard for a while before preparing breakfast.

At this moment, she suddenly changed her expression and took out a blood-colored jade talisman. This is the quest jade card of the Soul Palace Killer. It will display some tasks that have just been released, but only when there is a particularly urgent and very rewarding quest, it will appear. will be prompted proactively.

When the divine sense was penetrated into the jade talisman, Yuxin's expression changed greatly, and she saw that the first task was:

Mission Name: Slaughter Tianjiao

Mission level: five stars

Mission time limit: one day

Mission content: Assassinate Zhang Ruren, a core student of the Deity Academy as quickly as possible, and obtain her body.

Task reminder: This task is released at the same time for the four major killer organizations, and the target is not only Zhang Ruren, but also the killers of the other three killer organizations.

Mission recruitment: one captain (0/1), ten team members (7/10)

Success rewards: Captains add 10000 points, players add 3000 points.

Failure penalty: The captain will deduct 20000 points, and the team members will deduct 5000 points. , , .

Chapter 198 Zhang Tian kills his heart, when the assassination is in progress

"Who issued such a vicious mission!"

Yuxin showed a shocked and angry expression. She had undertaken various tasks in the Soul Palace some time ago, and she knew the rules.

For example, Shao Ming, the director of the blood demon sect, was assassinated before. This person is not only a legendary king, but also has a great background. He is only a four-star task, and the reward is only 3000 points.The task in front of him, just to assassinate an extraordinary realm Tianjiao, was ranked five-star, and the total number of reward points reached a terrifying 40000 points, which was more than ten times that of assassinating Ren Shaoming.

Five-star level, 40000 reward points, this is almost the price to assassinate the semi-sacred powerhouse in the ancient sect holy land.

Obviously, there is a big power that wants to kill her eldest sister, and it is very urgent, not only to offer a reward against the sky, but also to limit it to only one day.

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