It is conceivable that when such a lucrative task comes out, it will inevitably cause many killers to flock to it.

"Fortunately, there is only one day. According to the rules of the four major killer organizations, if one misses a hit, there will be no second assassination."

Yu Xin murmured, but the worry on her face did not disappear. The task this time was very complicated. Eleven killers had to be dispatched from the Soul Palace alone. Even if she took up the next spot, she would not be able to stop the other ten.

The most important thing is that in addition to the Soul Palace, there are three other killer organizations. How many killers they will send, where they will be ambushed, and when they will shoot, they have no idea at all.

At this moment, a ruthless scream suddenly came from inside the house, Yu Xin felt nervous, and hurried back to the house to check.

I saw the ruthless man forcibly broke into Zhang Tian's room, shook Zhang Tian, ​​and said anxiously: "Dad, go and see Zi Yan, she seems to be out of breath, and I can't even scream."


Zhang Tian rubbed his eyes and sat up in a daze, yawned, and said lazily: "Don't worry, this girl first refined the Dragon and Phoenix Companion Fruit yesterday, and then swallowed the blood of King Peacock Ming, the two origins. It is estimated that he will fall asleep for a while. This is a common occurrence in the demon clan, just like the retreat of the human clan, so don’t worry too much.”

"That's it."

Hearing Zhang Tian's explanation, the ruthless man was relieved. He turned his head and asked in surprise, "Second sister, what's wrong with you? Your face is so ugly?"

"Oh, no... it's okay, I'm going to prepare breakfast first."

Yu Xin hurriedly walked out of the room, for fear of revealing too much emotion.

After a while, there was a fragrant aroma in the hall, and the family gathered around the dining table to eat.

Yu Xin had something in her heart, so she just picked up the rice at will. Seeing that the ruthless man was about to finish her meal, she finally couldn't help but say, "Big sister is going to the academy today?"

The ruthless man nodded and said, "Yes, after all, I am the inspector of the Gentleman's Party. I have stayed in Cang Mang City for too long, and there are many things that need to be dealt with urgently."

Yu Xin bit her thin lips lightly, showing a very embarrassed look. She didn't want to reveal her dark identity as the Soul Palace Killer, so she didn't know how to remind the ruthless.

"What's the matter? Since morning, your face has not been right?" The ruthless man's observation is very keen.

"It's alright, it's just that the spying alien master mentioned by my father yesterday made me a little worried. The eldest sister has a great reputation in the academy and is likely to be targeted."

Yu Xin said slowly, as if she had made a certain determination, her expression became calm.

The ruthless man said with a chuckle: "So that's the case, don't worry, it's not too far from the academy, no matter how arrogant those alien races are, they wouldn't dare to do evil in the Deity Academy."

"Well, dad and eldest sister eat slowly. I remembered that there is still urgent business in the college, so I will go ahead."

Yu Xin hurriedly finished speaking, without waiting for Zhang Tian and Ruthless to react, she got up and put away the dinner plate.Sanjiu Novel Network

She has decided to protect the ruthless in person.

Putting on the costume of the Soul Palace Killer, Yu Xin walked all the way to a hidden place, switched to the 'ruthless' mode, her eyes suddenly became indifferent.

Taking out the bloody jade talisman, I saw that in such a short period of time, another person took over the five-star mission, but the most critical captain position was still vacant.

Because the premise of accepting the task is to be able to withstand the penalty of failure, this is also a qualification, the penalty of deducting [-] points is too high, even the legendary killers, few can bear it.

Not to mention the penalty of [-] points, even if it was a penalty of [-] points for the team members, basically only the golden killer was qualified.

Yuxin tried to apply for the position of captain, but she didn't expect that her authority had been opened to the highest level, so she applied for it directly, which made her eyes flash with fluctuations.

At this moment, a flash of light flashed on the jade talisman, and the last two team members were recruited, showing that they were all ready to go.

Without any hesitation, Yu Xin directly reported her position and asked the rest of the team to come and gather. She was like a strict machine, she had already formulated the plan according to the optimal sequence, and the next step was to strictly implement it.


After a while, the ten Soul Hall killers all arrived, a total of nine golden killers and one silver killer, all covered in the black robes of the five prisons, and their faces could not be seen clearly.

"Meet the captain."

Several killers said in a hoarse voice, their eyes swept across the logo on Yuxin's clothing, and they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, and secretly said: "The symbol of the other shore flower is the ruthless bronze killer."

Although Yuxin did not receive many tasks in Wuyudongtian, she was very famous. Even Ran Feng, the son of the second peak master and the first golden killer, suffered a big loss in front of her. Naturally dare not neglect.

"Heartless, since you took over the position of captain, give an order."

A golden killer said gloomily that he was highly qualified, and was obviously dissatisfied with the ruthless use of special privileges to stand on top of himself as a newcomer.

Ruthlessly wrapped in a black robe, he said in a cold voice: "Zhang Ruren is still in the city of freedom. According to common sense, she should go to the Deity Academy today, and the killers of the other three organizations must be in ambush when she goes to Deity Academy. Going by the road, you first follow me to solve the three killers."

"What? You're crazy!"

"What the hell kind of plan is this?"

"Too naive, she really is a hairless girl!"

Yu Xin listened silently for a while, then suddenly raised her right hand, the yin and yang two-color beads flew out from her cuff, and the power of black and white intertwined, directly strangling the most ferocious golden killer.

"I am the captain, those who do not obey orders will be killed without mercy."

Yu Xin's voice was as calm as water as always, without the slightest fluctuation, but it instantly silenced all the killers. They knew the terrifying yin and yang two-color beads.

"set off!"

As soon as Yu Xin's voice fell, it turned into an afterimage and swept forward, and the other killers followed.

"It turns out that someone in the four major killer organizations commissioned the task of assassinating Nannan. It's interesting, very interesting."

Zhang Tian silently followed behind Yu Xin's group and whispered, his eyes full of cold killing intent. , , .

Chapter 199 Yu Xin's Peerless Killer

Although Zhang Tian has been acting casually, his insight is so sharp, he noticed Yu Xin's abnormality as early as at the dining table, he was very careful, and quietly followed her out, it was indeed a wise choice.

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