"The four major killer organizations entrusted the task of assassinating Nannan at the same time. This is a big deal. It seems that it should be the alien who spied yesterday."

Zhang Tian murmured again, with eight points of certainty in his heart, and he was not in a hurry at the moment. He planned to solve the wave of killers in front of him first.

Just as he was thinking about it, Yuxin had already led people to find the first wave of killers.

This is the killer of Shizimen, and there are more than a dozen, all of them lying on the haystack, their bodies are facing the light green clothes, and at a glance, they are no different from the hay.The killers of this force are proficient in the breath-holding technique, which can minimize their own aura, and cooperate with the environmental camouflage to make it almost seamless.

But they forgot one thing, that the enemy this time is not only the ruthless, but also the killers of the other three killer organizations.

Also as killers, although Yu Xin and others couldn't see through the breath-holding technique, they were able to follow the path to find the best ambush route.


Yu Xin gave an order, and a cyan sword appeared in her hand, waved a sword energy from the other side, and instantly crossed the far distance and landed on the body of a cross gate killer, only to see him stand in two.

"What a weird sword trick."

The soul palace killers were shocked, and they did not dare to hesitate at the moment. They used their means to attack those cross gate killers. They were all people who lived on the tip of the knife and licked blood. They knew that they could not hesitate at this time, otherwise they would fall. would be themselves.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Countless magical powers and martial arts were displayed, and they roared directly towards the Cross Gate Killer.These killers never dreamed that the people in the Soul Palace would kill them directly. They were completely unprepared, and seven people died in an instant.

"People from the Soul Palace, you are courting death!"

The leader of the killer on the Cross Gate side roared loudly, and the breath of the half-step Legendary Realm suddenly blocked, and there was even an aura of death in it, and he had already touched the threshold of the Profound Entrance Realm of Life and Death.

"Ten sons Ningfeng!"

I saw the leader of the killer snorted coldly, and put his hands on his waist, he actually pulled out two short swords, and two bloody lights shone out, like two blood-colored snakes, attacking Yuxin left and right, There was no sound at all.

This is one of the top inheritances of the Cross Gate. At the same time, the double sword is equivalent to gaining double the strength. With this move, he has assassinated three legendary kings, so he is very confident. In the legendary realm, there is no one. Can dodge this blow.

Unexpectedly, facing such a fierce attack, Yu Xin did not dodge or evade, and rushed straight towards him. Just as the blood light was about to approach, a yin and yang two-colored orb suddenly came out of her body. It exploded, spun around, and emitted black and white mysterious light, clinging to Tai Chi, the blood light hit it, directly assimilated by the power of yin and yang, and disappeared without a trace.

"What? The yin and yang two-color beads, this is the treasure of the second peak master of Wuyudongtian. It has both offense and defense. How can it be here with you?"

The leader killer showed an unbelievable look of horror in his eyes, and he retreated frantically.

But it was too late. Yu Xin, who was sprinting, suddenly flashed two silver lightning bolts from the soles of her feet, as if stepping on the thunder, a roar sounded, and the speed increased explosively, and appeared directly in front of the leader killer. With a flash of sword light, Dou Da's head rose from the sky, and countless blood spilled.

"So fast! So strong!"

Yuxin's strength shocked the audience, especially those from the Cross Gate, and it was even more unbelievable that the famous leader of the gate was killed by a supernatural warrior in one blow.Literature under Pen 88 www.glgw88.com


Just when these people were stunned, Yu Xin's sword light turned into a cyan color, killing all the remaining Cross Gate killers.


All the soul palace killers looked at Yu Xin's back with a cold feeling. From the beginning to the end of the battle, only ten breaths passed. Except for the word "kill", Yu Xin did not say a word, nor did she say anything. A moment of stagnation.

That whole set of actions, even they can't find a single flaw, let them see what is the real killer pose.

"Keep going!"

Yu Xin said something in a low voice, and directly used her body technique to move forward, and the other killers followed. Although they also lost two people in this battle, Yu Xin has established absolute prestige with her strong strength, and no one Underestimate her.

"Killing decisively, domineering, the inheritance of that person may be very suitable for you."

Zhang Tian stood there, looked at Yu Xin's leaving back, and said something softly.His expression was solemn, and it could be seen that even for him, the weight of 'that person' was very unusual.

Soon, Yuxin and her group of eight rushed to another excellent ambush location. This is a secluded valley and the only way for the city of freedom to go to the Deity Academy. Regardless of the terrain or concealment, it is the best. Ambush location.

"No one, how is this possible?"

A soul hall golden killer made a surprised voice. If he performed the task alone, he would definitely choose to assassinate here.

"There is a bloody smell in the air, there has just been a battle here, everyone be careful."

Yu Xin said in a cold voice, she refined "Blood Nerve", and she knew the way of grass and trees, and immediately found out that it was unusual.

"Haha, as expected of the Soul Palace Killer, the sense of smell is really sharp. I have already sprinkled the lavender, but I didn't expect you to notice it."

As the sound fell, a layer of ripples suddenly appeared in the void, and a middle-aged man in blue clothes stepped out calmly, with a piece of ancient jade hanging from his waist, standing in the sky, looking at Yu Xin with a faint look in his eyes appreciation.

"You have a strong smell of blood on your body, indicating that you have just experienced a killing, but it should not be the target Zhang Ruren this time, it can only be the people of the Cross Gate. Haha, the heroes see the same thing, it seems Let's think about it."

The man in Tsing Yi laughed wildly, and with a wave of his right hand, a crack opened in the void again, and a dozen terrifying corpses fell out and fell to the ground.

"This is the Asura Sect's killer! They were all killed."

"Tsing Yi and Gu Yu, this person is the top killer of Qing Yi Building, Gu Yu King, the king of the legendary six transformations."

"He thought the same as Captain Ruthless, and planned to deal with the killers of other organizations first."

"It's over, it's over."

All Soul Palace killers showed despair, a legendary six-transformed king killer, even a hundred transcendent warriors would never be an opponent. , , .

Chapter 200 Zhang Tian's Shot, Calling Hell Projection


Yu Xin is still a simple word, the soles of her feet are flashing with thunder, and they directly attack the ancient jade king.

"It's your misfortune to meet my ancient jade king."

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