The ancient jade king showed a cruel look, raised his right hand, and sent out three fingers, splitting the void, and directly piercing the hearts of the three soul hall golden killers.


Yu Xin's movements fell in the air, and the ancient Jade King seemed to be intentionally not killing Yu Xin. With a flash, he directly avoided Yu Xin's sword and moved behind the two golden killers.

"Do not……"

Before the two of them could ask for help, their hearts were directly pierced by the hands of the Ancient Jade King, and then their entire bodies exploded, sending countless flesh and blood flying.


The last remaining golden killer finally collapsed, and immediately cast a forbidden technique, turning into three afterimages and fleeing in three directions.

"Hmph, if you want to run away in front of this king, you are still a little tender."

A look of disdain flashed on the face of the ancient jade king, he raised his hand and pressed it towards the sky, and the originally thin and abnormal palm suddenly doubled in size. Dissipated without a trace, but the afterimage in the middle was a miserable howl, spilling a rain of blood.

However, after a dozen or so breaths, all six golden killers were killed, leaving only Yu Xin and the silver killer.

At this moment, a destructive aura burst out, rushing straight into the sky, and the sky-high murderous aura firmly locked the ancient jade king.


Gu Yuwang felt a throbbing in his heart, and quickly looked at the source of the coercion, only to see Yu Xin wearing a black robe engraved with the symbol of the other side of the shore, standing in the sky, blue silk fluttering, and the breath on her body was infinitely close to the legendary realm.

"Blood-robbery finger!"

Yu Xin gave a low voice and stretched out a finger, which instantly turned blood red, and the bodies of the Asura Sect and Soul Palace killers who fell in the valley exploded, turning into countless blood mists that converged towards her finger , as if turned into the palm of a ghost, to grab all the blood from the ancient jade king's body, faintly accompanied by the sound of ghost crying and wolf howling.

"The blood robbing ghost finger of the Blood Demon Sect?"

The King of Ancient Jade was well-informed and recognized Yu Xin's moves at a glance, sneering: "It seems that you really have a lot of good things on your body, this "Blood Robber Finger" is the top supernatural power of the ancient blood god. With your current cultivation, even if you are an ordinary legendary king, you may have to avoid the edge for a while, but it is a pity that you met me. Even if that Ren Shaoming did it himself, I would be fearless..."

Halfway through the words, Gu Yuwang seemed to be suddenly stuck in his throat, and a panicked expression appeared on his face.

Under his gaze, behind Yu Xin's back, an illusory figure with a height of [-] feet appeared, wearing a tattered white robe, as if in hell, wanting to return from the world of rebirth, which is very ferocious and terrifying.

This is a normal ghost finger illusion, but at this time, this illusion is a little different. The difference is that the phantom of this reincarnation world is too real, as if it really manifests the hell and the netherworld.

Behind the ten-zhang evil ghost, Senluo Ghost Palace is lined up, the earth is a piece of magma, and countless undead are struggling and roaring in

A black-clothed youth stood on the highest Yama Hall with a ruthless expression. Although he just stood casually, he exuded an invincible aura that suppressed Jiuyou Diming.


The young man in black looked at the ancient jade king, and said coldly, as if it was the judgment of the underworld emperor.


There was hardly any warning. The ancient jade king, who had reached the legendary six transformations, fell to the ground with a bang. His body was intact, but his soul had been annihilated. In those round eyes, there was still a deep fear, which made people look up. The scalp feels tingly at a glance.

Yu Xin's movements did not stop because the ancient Jade King fell, but still urged the blood robbery finger, turning into a bloody hand phantom, pulling the ancient jade king's blood out, and the whole body burst with a bang.For her, this is the only way to eliminate hidden dangers.

The only remaining Silver Killer stared blankly at all this, before saying in amazement for a long time, "Is this Ancient Jade King scared to death?"

Apart from this answer, she couldn't think of any other possibility.

This kind of confusion lasted only for a moment, and the Silver Killer said very excitedly: "Captain Ruthless, you are too powerful. Now that the assassins from the Asura Sect, Shizimen, and Tsing Yilou are all dead, the final reward must belong to us!"

Although her voice was changed to be very low, she could still tell that it was a female voice, and she couldn't help but get excited when she thought of getting the rich reward of 5000 points steadily.

But she never imagined that Yu Xin would suddenly shoot at her and slap her Tianling Gai.


The silver killer's voice was full of doubts, and he fell to the ground unwillingly.

"Because the person you want to kill is my eldest sister."

Yu Xin took off her mask and said softly. Fortunately, she regained consciousness at the last moment, which saved the life of the Silver Killer, and only knocked her unconscious.

Glancing towards the City of Freedom, Yu Xin didn't stop there, grabbing the body of the Silver Killer and escaping into the distance.The death of the ancient jade king just now was too strange, and she didn't want to cause trouble.

The brilliance flashed, and a young man appeared in the position Yuxin had just occupied. The black robe of the outer cover was screeching in the mountain wind. It was Zhang Tian, ​​who had just projected the entire Netherworld, in front of the Netherworld power. Not to mention a mere king of the legendary six transformations, even if it is a true immortal, it will be dissipated.

"These trash fish have been resolved. Next, it's time to find the right master to settle accounts."

Zhang Tian murmured, his right foot gently stepped on the ground, a force of time and space washed away the four directions, and in an instant, time and space flowed backwards.

"It's terrifying, it's terrifying. With just one look, I almost crushed the holy bones of my whole body. Where is the Supreme Sage. Damn Guiluo Temple, what kind of broken information was provided, I almost killed this uncle."

An alien man leaned back against the stone wall, cursing ramble.

At this moment, the void in front of him suddenly cracked a door of light, and Zhang Tian stepped out of it with a cold expression, like a peerless killing god who came out of the ancient battlefield, and the endless murderous aura erupted, condensing into a bloody palm and strangling it. The alien man's throat lifted him directly, and the mountain behind him exploded.

"Tell me, which force is behind you?" ,, . .

Chapter 201 With a sword coming from the west, the world knows the name of the emperor

PS: Happy New Year to everyone.

"'t you already gone?"

The alien man seemed to have seen a ghost alive. He watched Zhang Tian retract his gaze with his own eyes, so he dared to let out a little breath, why did he run directly to him in the next instant.

How did he know that the Zhang Tian standing in front of him at this moment was not the Zhang Tian standing on the back of the Frost Dragon at this moment, but came back from the future one day later.

Traveling through the river of time is just a matter of thought for the characters in the emperor realm, but it is rare for characters who dare to change the past like Zhang Tian.

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