Another powerful alien has spoken. This is an ancient alien that has stood on this land for millions of years, and no one has dared to provoke it.But when the nine-color sword light passed by, it destroyed all the forbidden air immortal formations, defense immortal formations, and emperor pattern heavenly power of this family.It's like cutting off the hands and feet of this family and tearing off the armor.

Therefore, the Supreme Beings of this family were all angry, and they actually raised ten terrifying wills in one breath, like ten heavenly pillars, using their own body as the formation base, they set up a great formation against the sky, trying to trap this sword light to death.

With this loud shout, many alien races around were agitated, and their wills came out one after another, but they had just emerged, and they saw the sky-defying ban formation condensed in the cloud that was enough to suppress the world, and it was solved like a smashing tree and a rotten rot. Ten Dao Tianzhu collapsed suddenly, as if the sky had been opened with a gap, and countless sword lights vented, swallowing this family.

"It's terrible, it's terrible, it's invincible."

The wills that emerged from the surroundings retreated to the ground again, trembling, and they felt the unparalleled formidable power on that magnificent sword light.

This kind of coercion is not manpower at all, it is the prestige of the emperor, this is the prestige of heaven, and it is the prestige of the unparalleled ancient and modern heavenly emperor.

Burial the Emperor.

This name, which seems to have been forgotten, quietly emerged in the hearts of these alien supreme beings, and used himself to suppress the top [-] alien races for tens of millions of years. The meaning of this name is too heavy, so they have to selectively forget.

Now, under this peerless sword light, they recalled the fear of being dominated by the ancient heaven thousands of years ago.


The nine-color sword beams were no longer hindered, and they unscrupulously traversed this alien land and entered the territory of the Jiaochi tribe, and the indomitable momentum suddenly stopped.

Fear spreads in the territory of this family in an instant.

The ancestors of the Jiaochi tribe were so frightened that they felt a strong killing intent on this sword light.

"Bury... Burial the Emperor of Heaven, Jiaorong of the Jiaochi Clan, see Emperor of Heaven."

An old ancestor couldn't bear it any longer, he bravely turned his will into a spirit, stood under the terrifying sword glow, and saluted respectfully.

"The Jiaochi clan should be destroyed." Diexia Novel Network

A plain and supremely majestic voice swayed from the sword light, and the nine-color sword light burst into dazzling brilliance.

"Do not……"

The Tianjiao in this family roared, and the ancestors of this family roared miserably, but it was of no avail and could not stop this invincible sword.

"Heavenly Emperor, we are all human races, I beg the Heavenly Emperor to have mercy and let me live."

The human slaves in the Jiaochi city towers shouted excitedly one by one. They believed that the emperor who was the holy father of the human race would never sit idly by and ignore their safety.

Unexpectedly, the sword light just paused for a while, and then continued to sweep across the territory of this family, leaving nothing behind.

"A human monk, never a slave."

The moment before the sword light disappeared, this voice resounded through the nine mountains and seas, not only convicting these human slaves who had surrendered to the Jiaochi tribe, but also announcing his return to the whole world.

"It's really the Emperor Burial, I heard his voice!"

"As expected of the Emperor Burying Heaven who suppressed the ancients, as soon as he made his move, he swept across an alien gathering place."

"Emperor Burial is back, the hard days of my human and demon clan are coming to an end!"

"Haha, those aliens, in front of the Emperor Burial, how dare you continue to be arrogant?"

"Human monk, never be a slave!"

"Human monk, never be a slave!"

"Human monk, never be a slave!"

No matter what they are doing at the moment, the two clans of human and monster in the nine mountains and seas are all facing the direction of the ninth mountain and sea, cheering uncontrollably, as if they are welcoming the emperor who has triumphed and triumphed.

Zhang Tian heard all this into his ears, and he could even feel the respect from the heart of these monks and monks, but there was no joy on his face, but a faint mockery.

Before he went into seclusion, the monks of the nine great mountain, sea, human and demon tribes regarded him as a demon, regarded him as a hater, regarded him as a thief, cursed him behind his back, and secretly planned a rebellion.

But after millions of years of his seclusion, the world only circulates his good name, his achievements, and his memory.After his return, the whole world congratulates!

Did he change?

Do not!

It's just that the monks of the human and demon races felt how cruel the nine mountains and seas that he suppressed were not.

"Hail to Sun Dasheng today, it's only because the demon fog is coming back."

Zhang Tian whispered softly, remembering what an old friend had said to him back then.

The old friend told him that his biggest sin against the two races was to suppress all the alien races.

Therefore, he went into seclusion and removed the shackles for all the alien races, so that he has the status quo of the nine great mountains and seas.

"Is this prosperous world as you wish?"

The figures of countless warriors passed by Zhang Tian's eyes, making his expression even colder. , , .

Chapter 203 Daughter Loves Dad, Just Right

Time flies by.

Zhang Tian's life has returned to peace again. Among the three daughters, Zi Yan is like a hibernating raccoon. She only knows how to sleep every day, while Ruthless and Yuxin have also entered the stage of preparing for the academy competition. Time is spent in retreat and enlightenment.

Not only the Zhang family, but the entire Tianshen Academy has entered the warm-up stage before the competition. Tianjiao is thinking about how to get a higher ranking in the competition, while those students who have not made enough progress are sharpening their guns, hoping to pass the assessment.

This is a big event. The Deity Academy has almost gathered the outstanding talents of the entire Eastern Wilderness. Even the elders of the ancient sects, the Supreme Elder, have more than half of them studied in Deity Academy, but after breaking through to the legendary realm, they returned to their respective places. Zongmen.

Just like the Scarlet Trial can roughly rank the arrogance of Lunhai Realm, and determine the hegemon of the future continent.The Great Competition of the Deity Academy is also far-reaching. The arrogant Tianjiao who can stand out in it will also be famous for the sect behind it, and it is also a battlefield where the top sects in the Eastern Wilderness compete with each other.

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