Therefore, when this big competition is coming, many talents who have experienced outside have also returned and worked hard for nearly a year, in order to be a blockbuster in this dynasty.

In addition to the Tianjiao who participated in the competition, the major sect holy places and ancient families also sent experts to watch the battle. The city of freedom, which is closest to the Tianshen Academy, suddenly became very crowded. Legendary kings can be seen everywhere on the streets, making many Local practitioners hide in their homes and dare not go out.


On the day of the Great Competition, the door of the ruthless man shattered without warning and turned into countless sawdust. Anyone with a little eyesight could see that this was not smashed by an external force, but exploded from the inside, which is by no means unusual. means can do it.

Yu Xin, who came to watch in a hurry, suddenly lit up, looking at the ruthless man who came out in high spirits, she said in surprise: "Eldest sister, have you practiced that trick?"

She knew a long time ago that Ruthless Man is specializing in a lore sword style, which is ten times more domineering than the emperor-level swordsmanship.

The ruthless man walked out and said with a chuckle: "I think I have practiced it, thanks to my father's help. I got a lot of swordsman's kendo insights from the Star Ten Thousand Swords Picture before, but I have never been able to convert it into Strength, this lore sword move is a good start. Maybe in the future, I can use this sword form to create a sword technique that is exclusively for me."

"That's great! I'm here to wish the eldest sister to win the championship." Yu Xin smiled very brightly. She had no blood connection with the ruthless person, but she did not lose anyone in the family bond.

The ruthless man smiled calmly, and asked back, "How is the second sister preparing?"

Yu Xin said softly: "I have already made the greatest preparations. Originally, I did not intend to participate in this competition, but Elder Yunxia and Xiaozhufeng have high hopes for this competition, so I can only do my best. already."

"Where are you two murmuring? Didn't you say you want to take a walk to the academy? If you don't go, it will be too late."

Zhang Tian leaned against the door and complained angrily.

"Come, come." Love Me Novel Network

Ruthless and Yu Xin looked at each other and smiled, then walked towards Zhang Tian, ​​grabbing Zhang Tian's arms from left to right.

"You two."

Zhang Tian felt the very tight arm that was being held, and shook his head involuntarily. These two girls were not at all aware of it. With their worldly beauty, walking on the road like this, I don't know how much impact it will cause.

"What's the matter? It's only right that my daughter loves her father."

Ruthless and Yu Xin laughed at the same time, and regardless of Zhang Tian's protest, they forcibly dragged him out.

In terms of appearance alone, Zhang Tian is enough to be worthy of either Ruthless or Yuxin. Coming together will give people a stunning feeling of a match made in heaven.But when the two daughters went into battle together, Zhang Tian couldn't resist.

Along the way, unsurprisingly, there was a focus of attention from all walks of life, full of envy, jealousy, and hatred. It was a [-]% turnaround rate. While Zhang Tian enjoyed it, he couldn't help but be speechless.He could see it. Ruthless and Yuxin knew that this effect would occur, and they were clearly trying to trick him on purpose.

It was not until they entered the academy's Martial Dao Peak that Ruthless and Yuxin let go of their arms, one of them went to the square to prepare for the competition, while the other went to Xiaozhu Peak to meet Fairy Yunxia.

Zhang Tian was missing these two troubled daughters, and most of the eyes that came together disappeared at once. Only some women still looked at this side, especially many young girls. For Zhang Tian This slightly cold and arrogant, but also elegant and leisurely temperament like a dust sword fairy, has no resistance at all.

But because of the girl's restraint and innocence, no one dared to speak up for a while.

Zhang Tian breathed a sigh of relief here, and looked at the entire Martial Dao Peak.

As the first major department of the Deity Academy, the Martial Dao Department is naturally incomparably majestic. The huge square alone is enough to accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, and there are stair-like seats all around, and there are also some terraces. The pavilion, floating in the air, is very beautifully decorated.

"Please... Excuse me, sir, are you here to visit the martial arts competition?"

Just when Zhang Tian was at a loss, a soft and glutinous voice suddenly came from the side, and there was a strange fragrance like a moose and a musk deer.

Zhang Tianxun looked around, and saw a beautiful girl standing in front of him who only reached his shoulders, with an oval face, slightly ruddy, looking pure and cute, wearing a short-sleeved Xia shirt, revealing two white arms like jade, it is worth a visit What is mentioned is that her ears are slightly pointed, and a snow-white plush tail is dragging behind her, which is obviously a member of the demon clan.

"I'm the student in charge of reception. Please show your seat card, sir, and I... I'll take you to take a seat."

Seeing that Zhang Tian didn't answer, the girl just stared at her, blushing even more, she finished speaking quickly, and glanced back quickly.

Not far away stood two girls wearing the same short-sleeved shirts. Seeing the girl looking back, they immediately waved their hands vigorously. The expressions on their faces were very rich, as if they were cheering her up again. , , .

Chapter 204 The Ten Thousand Races Congratulate Senior Zhang

Zhang Tian stunned: "What seat card?"

The girl was also stunned for a moment, and said strangely: "It's the number plate for allocating seats, don't you?"

"That... no."

Zhang Tian showed a depressed look, these two girls were too unreliable, and no one even thought of preparing a seat card for him.

"It doesn't matter if you don't, I'll take you to find an unallocated seat first, and then fill up a seat card for you."

The girl looked at Zhang Tian with a hint of hope in her eyes.

"Well, then I'll trouble you."

Seeing that the matter could be resolved smoothly, Zhang Tian showed a smile like a spring breeze, which made the girl's face even redder, and the snow velvet tail swayed slightly behind her.

Seeing the girl walking towards the seat with Zhang Tian, ​​many girls around showed expressions of disappointment and regret, and dispersed.

"Sit here, sir, I'll go and fill up the seat card for you, and I'll be back in a while." The girl pointed to an empty seat and said.

"Okay, trouble you, my name is Zhang Tian, ​​I don't know what your name is?"

Zhang Tian sat on his seat and said with a smile.

" name is Xueronger."

The girl shyly said something, and walked quickly to the outside of the arena.

"Okay, brother, you have a good hand in picking up girls! There are few people in the Xuehu clan, but all of them are beautiful women. If you can enjoy one, it will be a boundless blessing."

Suddenly there was an envious voice next to Zhang Tian. It was a middle-aged man with a frivolous look in his mighty appearance, winking at Zhang Tian.

"Disgusting, this is the Deity Academy, you must have children to see the big competition, so you are not afraid of shame!"

A forty-year-old woman in the back spat lightly, even looking at Zhang Tian with contempt.

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