Shenjian Hou Qing coughed and said slowly: "Although life and death are important, it is not very good if you really die. So I left three soul arrows in the sea of ​​​​knowledge of my boy, all of them by my martial arts. The will is condensed, and it is not a problem to block the attacks of ordinary legendary kings, which is enough to add three lives to him."

"Ah? This...this is too unfair!"

The surrounding parents immediately shouted, how terrifying the martial arts will of a high-level king is, even if he only retains one layer of strength, it is enough to compete with ordinary low-level kings. Isn't this cheating!

Even Zhang Tian showed a stunned look, and said in amazement, "Is this still possible?"

The Marquis of Shenjian knew that he had missed his mouth, and his face flushed immediately, and he explained, "Could it be that the seniors don't know about this? This trial competition is not protected by divine power like the blood-colored cave, and everyone who has the ability will basically be recognized by the juniors. There are a few wills left in the sea, which can be regarded as the default rules. However, these wills are generally not used for active attacks, and they are basically life-saving charms, so that the younger generation can avoid the worry of life."

The surrounding parents are even more helpless after hearing this. This is the difference between nobles and commoners.Children of noble families are born with strong bloodlines, and they learn family-trained exercises. Even if they need to understand life and death in order to break through the legendary realm, they will also reserve life-saving means in advance, and they will not really die, while children of commoner families can only use their lives to fight that immortal. Machine of the Road.

Zhang Tian shook his head and said, "How can you truly feel the great terror between life and death with the means of life-saving reserved in advance? This approach is like cultivating a flower in a greenhouse, which will never withstand the real storm."

Having said that, Zhang Tian made up his mind, and he will find an opportunity to prepare a back-up for Ruthless Man in a while. Since other people have children, he can't let his daughter suffer.

"Senior taught me." The Marquis of Shenjian showed his approval.

When the other parents heard Zhang Tian's words, they couldn't help feeling a little better.

It's just that they don't know what Zhang Tian's heart is doing at this time, otherwise they have to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

At the same time, the square is shining brightly. Although you need to be at least the core student level of the seventh-level supernatural realm to participate in the martial arts competition, there are many outstanding people in the Tianshen Academy, and there are thousands of Yingyingchaochuo. So many young talents are enough to overwhelm this continent. Most of the ancient shrines.

After these arrogances appeared, they were divided into several camps based on the party, and they vaguely guarded the Zhetian League team at the very center. Everyone exchanged greetings with each other, and some enemies took this opportunity to fight.

"Zhang Ruren is here."

I don't know who said something, and the whole trial square immediately caused an uproar. The crowd seemed to be split by a knife, and a passage was scattered. Countless people turned to their sides and looked at the front of the gentleman's party with awe. It is now. One of the most prosperous Tianjiao in Tianshen Academy, the gentleman's party's Binghuo inspector, Zhang Ruren.

But seeing her beautiful face, her black hair pouring down like a waterfall, draped over her fragrant shoulders, wearing a light blue gown blowing in the wind, she was indescribably calm.The simple and elegant sword that slanted across her waist added a three-point heroic air to her, and it also seemed to remind others that she had the unparalleled swordsmanship in the world. , , .

Chapter 207 The emperor is coming, why use a sword to defeat you

"The Ice and Fire Swordsman of the Gentleman's Party is really unusual. I feel a very powerful pressure from her."

"Only the ninth-level cultivation of the Transcendent Realm? It's still too young, and it can't compare with the top ones. It should be good in the new generation."

"Yeah, Zhang Ruren has risen too fast. He has only been promoted to the Transcendent Realm for a few months, and the top [-] in the core list, which one has not been tempered for more than ten years, and she is not able to compare."

A group of core students had a lot of discussions. Everyone was a genius, and naturally they had their own pride. Although the ruthless people were very popular, few of them were really optimistic about her.

This riot also attracted the attention of the Zhetian League team, Mo Qianye's expression condensed, and he said coldly: "Zhang Ruren, I warned you before, don't come to this competition, since you are obsessed, don't Blame me for bullying the small."

Some people who had heard of Ruthless Man's reputation were planning to go forward to make friends with one or two. When they heard Mo Qianye's words, they suddenly stopped, showing a look of surprise.

"What's the matter? There is a festival between Zhang Ruan and Mo Qianye?"

"I've heard that Zhang Ruren is not afraid of the sky and the earth, and he has lost the face of the Zhetian League several times, and it's true."

"Jie Jie, Mo Qianye has broken through to the third level of life and death. Last year, he ranked eighteenth in the core list. This year, he should be able to make two more. He offended him. Zhang Ruren is in trouble this time."

Many of this group of core students have been practicing outside all year round and performing various tasks. They only come back when the competition is over. Therefore, they don’t know much about the festivals before Ruthless and Zhetian League. When they see this scene, they are all optimistic The look of the play.

"Ta Tata..."

The ruthless man took the gentleman's party all the way to the center of the square, and stood opposite the Zhetian League. He glanced at Mo Qianye lightly, and said calmly, "Where's Yan Qingxuan?"

Mo Qianye's face suddenly darkened. He issued a warning to Ruthless Man, but they asked him about Yan Qingxuan, obviously ignoring him, which was more embarrassing than any retort.

With a cold face, Mo Qianye said gloomily: "Zhang Ruren, don't be too arrogant. If you think that the attack at the Gentleman's Party headquarters is my strength, you will die very ugly."

Ruthless sighed helplessly. In her opinion, although Mo Qianye's cultivation is high, his martial arts realm is very poor and his foundation is not solid. Even if she was two months ago, she could defeat him in ten moves. .

Not to mention that in the past two months, she has absorbed a large amount of energy from the heart of the demon emperor, and the strength of her physical body has been greatly improved, and she has completely digested the sword king's perception obtained from the Star Ten Thousand Swords Map, and the sword intent has been raised to an incredible realm. Two months ago, he had grown stronger by an unknown number of times, and he was already disdainful of Mo Qianye and his like.

But these people don't have the slightest bit of self-knowledge and always want to provoke her.

This helpless sigh undoubtedly ignited the explosive barrel, causing Mo Qianye's anger to rush into the sea of ​​​​consciousness. He was about to make a move, but a black-faced youth with a big shoulder and a round waist suddenly stopped in front of him.

"Senior Brother Mo, you are going to compete for the top ten on the core list this time. It's not good to reveal your strength too early. Leave this Zhang Ruren to me."

The black-faced young man Weng Sheng said something and stood in front of the ruthless man, but when he saw that he was nearly nine feet tall, he was obviously a human race, but he had the energy and blood strength of a vicious beast. The pressure swept out.

"This is Yan Chihuo, who ranks thirty-ninth in the core list. He was born in the Huolian sect. This sect uses fire to refine his body, and his practice is very domineering. I'm afraid his physical body is not much worse than those half-step demon kings. ."

"There are too many masters in the Zhetian League. If you call any of them, they are all on the core list." Literary 2020

"Yan Chihuo has been honing in the Transcendent Realm for nearly [-] years. Although Zhang Ruren is famous, he may not have a chance of winning against such an old-fashioned powerhouse."

A group of core students discussed with each other. This is also a university question that tests eyesight. From the perspective of momentum, Yan Chihuo obviously has a big advantage.

"Zhang Ruren, I heard that you killed Chu Tiange. He ranked forty-sixth in the core list last year. If you can kill him, it shows that you have some strength. Do you dare to try it with me?"

Yan Chihuo showed a cruel look. He followed the line of body training by proving Dao with strength, and his personality was also very domineering.

"Challenge me? Let Mo Qianye go directly, I don't want to waste time." The ruthless man raised his eyebrows and said lightly.


Extremely arrogant!

The core students who were watching couldn't help but take a deep breath. The ruthless man is too arrogant. You must know that although Yan Chihuo is ranked [-]th, he is taking the body-refinement route and his defense is extremely amazing. , did not dare to underestimate him, not to mention that Ruthless's strongest record was only to defeat Chu Tiange.

Yan Chihuo was also stunned for a moment, then he laughed angrily, and ripped open the front of his shirt, revealing a pair of bronze-colored ancient armor, and said coldly, "What a arrogant Sword Master of Ice and Fire, I, Yan Chihuo, specialize in cultivating the method of the body, and again I have newly acquired this royal low-grade treasure armor, I wonder if your sword can break my defense!"

"Emperor-level defensive Noble Phantasm, this is hard to find, even high-level kings may not be able to get it, Huo Lianzong really has a lot of money!"

"With this top-grade treasure armor, Yan Chihuo should steadily enter the top [-] this year, and even rush to the top [-]."

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