There was another burst of amazement around, and everyone showed envy.

"It's interesting, let's try it with you."

Looking at the treasured armor on Yan Chihuo's body, the ruthless man was also a little interested, stopped Zhao Cangyu who wanted to take action on her behalf, shouldered his hands, and took a step forward calmly.

"Not drawing your sword ahead of time is your biggest mistake!"

Yan Chihuo roared wildly, smashed his giant fist out, and directly performed his ultimate move, a huge circle of ripples spread in the void, faintly accompanied by the sound of dragons and tigers roaring.

"Too weak. If you defeat you, why use a sword."

Seeing Yan Chihuo's shot, Ruthless Man shook his head in disappointment, stood still, and slammed out with a punch.

In an instant, the phantom of the God Emperor appeared, with the ruthless man's fist as the center, a circle of golden fists burst out, instantly swallowing Yan Chihuo's fist, and venting the powerful momentum, smashing into Yan Chihuo's chest.


A sound of broken bones resounded throughout the audience, and Yan Chihuo's royal-rank treasure armor showed an incomparably clear fist mark, and he himself flew out, spewing a large mouthful of blood in the air.

As powerful as Yan Chihuo, he was smashed to death by a ruthless man without the slightest resistance! , , .

Chapter 208 Zhang Tian, ​​get out of this Emperor!


Yan Chihuo flew upside down and smashed to the ground fiercely, smashing a human-shaped pothole several feet deep on the ground paved with blue rock, and blood gushed wildly.

"It turns out... you can't stand it with a single move?"

"Zhang Ruren's punch can actually pierce through the defense of the imperial armor. It's terrifying. The power of this body is comparable to that of a demon king."

"Zhang Ruren is known as the Sword Master of Ice and Fire, and he almost exploded Yan Chihuo before he could use his sword. If he did, how terrifying would it be?"

All the onlookers were horrified. Although they knew the reputation of the Ruthless Man, she had not risen for half a year. She even killed Yan Chihuo, a veteran powerhouse, with one punch. Who can believe it?Some people who bet that ruthless people are not as good as Yan Chihuo, even felt that their faces were swollen.

How did these people know that the physique of the ruthless man is the legendary fairy body, and it is also the head of the immortal body, the immortal body of the immortal. Primordial relics of the same order.

Not to mention, the ruthless man had refined a lot of blood bodhi before, and was swept away by the energy in the heart of the demon emperor day and night. This is a great good fortune, making her body reach a terrifying level.

In the punch just now, she only used a third of her force. If she used the undefeated imperial fist with all her strength, even if a half-step demon king stood in front of her, she would be beaten alive.


"Yan Chihuo's cultivation technique is very domineering, and coupled with the imperial defense Noble Phantasm, he is expected to hit the top twenty-five this time. Zhang Ruren can kill him in seconds with one punch, I am afraid that his own strength is already in the top twenty, no wonder he dares to provoke head-on. Mo Chiba."

This punch made many core students who didn't know much about Ruthless Man felt a sense of awe. They were all true geniuses, but Ruthless Man's strength convinced them.

Standing behind Ruthless Man, Han Yue, Lin Kun and others also felt a sense of being out of touch. They were witnessing the rise of Ruthless Man with their own eyes. This kind of speed of progress like a sky-high speed made them unable to even have the courage to catch up. .

"This is the legendary genius of the world. It is destined to overwhelm the same generation and dominate the world. All those who have been surpassed by her can only watch her back gradually drift away until they disappear."

Many people can't help but feel this kind of emotion. They see that unique temperament in the ruthless man. This temperament has nothing to do with cultivation, nor is it limited by cultivation. of invincible luck.

The last person with this kind of temperament was named Ye Bufan, and now he is the most eye-catching saint in the Deity Academy.

"Damn, she's progressing so fast!"

Mo Qianye's face was very ugly. At that moment, he took a step back unconsciously, and even a crack appeared in his martial arts will.

He knew that he had a fear of Ruthless beings, and if he didn't cut off this fear, even if he had reached the third level of the profound entrance of life and death, he would never be able to advance to the legendary realm.

Thinking of this, Mo Qianye couldn't help but take a step forward and shouted: "Okay! It seems that you are determined to be the enemy of the Zhetian League. I will teach you a profound lesson today."

As soon as the words fell, a violent aura erupted from Mo Qianye's body. It was the coercion of the powerhouse at the triple peak of the life and death profound entrance, the strongest coercion in the legendary realm, causing many core students with insufficient cultivation to retreat.

"Mo Qianye, how dare you use the Zhetian Alliance to crush Senior Zhang's daughter, you are courting death!" 202 e-book

Just when everyone thought that another war was about to break out, a woman's rebuke suddenly came from outside the crowd, and then a ferocious aura that was extremely terrifying, as if an ancient beast was looking down at the common people, swept in.

Under this aura, the aura created by Mo Qianye was easily torn to shreds, like an ant that blocked the path of a lion and was trampled to death!

"'s scary."

Everyone hurriedly turned their bodies aside and was swept away by the breath. They only felt that they were being stared at by an ancient beast, not an ancient relic, but a pure-blooded immemorial comparable to a real dragon and a unicorn. Ferocious beast!

If Yan Chihuo, who specializes in physical exercises, is said to be like a lake, then the power of qi and blood rushing from behind is comparable to a river, vast and boundless.

"It's Ji Feixue from the Hundred Flowers League!"

"It turned out to be Ji Feixue. I heard that she has awakened the blood of the gods and demons. The power of her body is not under the pure-blooded ancient beasts."

"Hai Wuya, who ranks fifteenth in the core list, is said to be unable to stop Ji Feixue's three moves."

Under the amazed eyes of everyone, Ji Feixue took a group of the core students of the Hundred Flowers League and strode to the center. Her qi and blood were several times fiercer than a month ago, and she had already broken through to the second level of life and death. Just standing there at will, it is like a peerless god king who looks down on the world.

"When I was in Ji Feixue, I met Senior Sister Zhang, and I was instructed by your commander before, and I was able to awaken the blood of the ancestors. I always wanted to meet Senior Sister, and today I finally got what I wanted."

Ji Feixue, who was in the limelight, actually took the initiative to walk in front of Ruthless Man and bowed deeply.Although she was older, her cultivation base was stronger, and her qi and blood were even more vigorous, she lowered her stance and called the ruthless person senior sister.

This move immediately caused an uproar in the audience, especially the respect revealed in Ji Feixue's few words, obviously Zhang Ruren's father was of great help to her.

After saying this, Ji Feixue turned around abruptly, looked directly at Mo Qianye, and said solemnly: "Mo Qianye, I warned you before, my Ji family is greatly favored by Senior Zhang, if you dare to treat Senior Zhang's daughter It's not good, I won't let you go. Even if the family behind you is like a chicken in front of Senior Zhang, how dare you be arrogant here."

At this time, many people have already learned the background of Ruthless Man through communication, and they secretly looked at Zhang Tian's position in the audience, with deep awe in their eyes. A Supreme Sage is even more oppressive than a powerful Holy Land. force.

Many people cast sympathetic glances at Mo Qianye. Although this person has a great background, he is still a block away from the weight of the Supreme Sage. I am afraid that this time I have to admit it.

But he never expected that after hearing Ji Feixue's words, Mo Qianye was not only not afraid, but sneered: "Ji Feixue, Zhang Ruren, the two of you dare to oppose the Zhetian Alliance, and the only one you rely on is Zhang Ruren. It's just heaven. But I can tell you very clearly that Zhang Tian is no longer able to protect himself today, because he has provoked people he shouldn't!"

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