As soon as this statement came out, the audience was shocked.

At this moment, an extremely terrifying coercion suddenly descended from the Nine Heavens.

"Zhang Tian, ​​get out of this Emperor!"

The cold voice resounded through the world, and at the same time, a thousand-mile glacier broke through the void, penetrating the entire academy, reflecting a peerless figure, stepping on the ice.

In the sky above the square, all the suspended towers and pavilions were disturbed, and a strong sense of consciousness was protruded.

This is the Ice Emperor, the Ice Emperor is here! , , .

Chapter 209 The battle between the two emperors, the world respects me like a god

"Sure enough, it is the Ice Emperor, who can actually pierce through the void with the law of ice!"

"Millions of miles of ice, under the whole world, only the Ice Emperor has such unpredictable means."

Everyone looked away, watching the figure standing above the glacier approaching step by step, but seeing that he was wearing a silver robe, with cold eyebrows, a rough face, and a silver crown on his head, as bright as an emperor, although he was only eight feet away. The body looks like a hundred feet tall.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Every time he took a step, the glacier behind the Ice Emperor would collapse suddenly. Every step, seemingly calm, moved hundreds of meters away in an instant. In the blink of an eye, he reached the sky above the academy, and the powerful pressure was unscrupulously vented.

"Horrible, terrifying!"

"Is this the coercion of the Supreme Sage? It's so powerful! I am the Supreme Sage, but I didn't even have the courage to take action before this oppression."

"It's no wonder that the Bingjue Holy Land is located outside the Eastern Wasteland, but it can coerce the entire Eastern Wasteland. Who is the enemy of such divine might?"

A loud exclamation resounded in all directions. This was not the exclamation of an ordinary passerby, but an exclamation from those in the suspended towers and pavilions.These people are all big figures in the holy places of the ancient sects. They are used to seeing the powerful people in the holy realm, and they are even big saints themselves, but under the pressure of the Ice Emperor, they are like ordinary mortals, feeling heart palpitations and shocking.

On the BOSS stage, the eyes of Prince Wei, who was wearing the golden robe of the four-clawed python dragon, gleamed in his eyes, and said solemnly, "I didn't expect the Ice Emperor's cultivation to be so advanced, beyond the scope of ordinary supreme saints, it has already reached If there are no restrictions on the Consummation Realm, I am afraid that there will be another half-step immortal in the mainland after a thousand years!"

"Consummation Supreme Great Sage?"

Although Prince Wei's voice was low, it was very clearly introduced into the ears of every strong person on the scene, making them feel horrified. The Supreme Sage is already an extremely terrifying figure, while the Ice Emperor is the supreme of the supreme, with a snap of his fingers. The invincible strength to destroy the Holy Land.

If he were to be promoted to the half-step immortal realm, who else would be able to restrain him in the entire Eastern Wilderness?

Thinking of this, everyone's faces turned gloomy.The Ice Emperor has an alien bloodline and is the master of the Holy Land. If he rises, it will be a disaster for both the Holy Ancestor Dynasty and the major ancient holy places in the Eastern Wasteland.

"The Ice Emperor has the bloodline of the Ice Spirit Clan, which is of great help in comprehending the laws of the ice system. In terms of the power of the laws, he has reached the realm of immortality, and now his cultivation has reached the perfection of the Great Sage. Although Zhang Tian is also the Supreme Sage, I'm afraid it won't be the opponent of the Ice Emperor."

The big people present sighed, they hoped that Zhang Tian would win, but from the reality, Zhang Tian obviously had a slim chance of winning.

"Zhang Ruren, do you see it? This is the end of your father and daughter to provoke powerful enemies everywhere. Do you really think that no one in this world can stop you?"

Feeling the terrifying aura of the Ice Emperor, Mo Qianye suddenly became arrogant and sneered.He had been holding back against Ruthen before. On the one hand, he did not want to reveal his combat power before the big competition, and secondly, he was also afraid of Zhang Tian who was behind Ruthen, but once today was over, he would no longer have any scruples.

"Zhang Ruren's father actually has a grudge against the Ice Emperor. He is courting death. The Ice Emperor is someone who has dominated the East Wasteland for thousands of years."

"I didn't expect to see a supreme saint fall today."

"Zhang Ruren has set up too many enemies in the academy. If her father dies, her fate will never be good."

In the face of everyone's whispers, Ruthless Man's heart did not fluctuate, and he even wanted to laugh, laughing at the arrogance and ignorance of these people, self-righteous, and even thought that a mere Ice Emperor could threaten her father.

Looking at Zhang Tian's position, the ruthless man's eyes could not help showing a hint of expectation. She hoped that her father could tell the millions of people at the scene with facts how ignorant their thoughts were, and how they were sitting there watching the sky.

"Zhang Tian, ​​you destroy this emperor's treasure in Cangmang City, and destroy this emperor's clone, this is a big sin!"

"Now that the emperor is here, do you have to hide your head and show your tail?"

"Zhang Tian, ​​this emperor invites you to fight here, do you dare to answer?"

In the sky above the center of the Martial Dao Peak Square of the Deity Academy, the Ice Emperor stood on a huge glacier, his black hair fluttering, making people feel the urge to worship.

Almost subconsciously, everyone looked in Zhang Tian's direction, like a lighthouse in the dark night, pointing out the direction to the Ice Emperor.

In an instant, the Ice Emperor looked at the situation, and the terrifying ice law came crashing down. In terms of the power of the law alone, even if it is half immortal, it is far inferior to him. His ice law is so strong that it can almost freeze time.

However, everyone was shocked to find that in the face of such a heavy pressure, Zhang Tian didn't move at all, and he didn't move at all!Even the old god was sipping his tea, looking at ease.


Putting the teacup down, Zhang Tian raised his head and looked at the Ice Emperor. In an instant, everyone's hearts were lifted.

"You stand in the middle of the crowd, but you can't detect the breath of this emperor."

"You are full of power, and you can't make this emperor move."

"Your ice laws can't even freeze the tea in the Ben Emperor's cup."

"Even so, do you still want to challenge this emperor?"

Zhang Tian's speech was slow, but it was incomparably clear to everyone's ears, as if his voice was the only one left in this world.

A drop of cold sweat emerged from the Ice Emperor's forehead.

He felt a tremendous pressure, which was unprecedented in ten thousand years.Not to mention, Zhang Tian in front of him has no spiritual power fluctuations in his entire body, just like a mortal.

His dignified Ice Emperor actually felt oppression and fear in front of a mortal.

The Ice Emperor forcibly suppressed the throbbing, showing a hideous expression of anger. He is the Ice Emperor, suppressing one side, how could he shrink back in front of these countless pairs of eyes.

"Humph! This emperor suppressed the East Pole land for three thousand years, how can you pretend to be a ghost. If you have the guts today, you will break the ice river of this emperor!"

The Ice Emperor gave a loud cry, and the law of the infinite ice system erupted, as if the sky and the earth were frozen, and the entire Deity Academy was instantly condensed into a glacial world.Freeze everyone, everything, everything!

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