
The frost covering Zhang Tian's whole body was torn apart, a cold look appeared on his face, he slowly stood up, and an invincible aura that suppressed the world erupted from him.

"You keep claiming that this emperor, what qualifications do you have?"

"Do you know what the word emperor means in ancient times?"

"Today, I will let you see what is the power of the emperor—"

"Ray comes!"

Suddenly, the void trembled, and countless divine thunders were brewing in the clouds, blasting hundreds of thunders, filling the room with daylight.

Zhang Tian stood among the group of thunders, controlling the thunder and lightning, like a god! , , .

Chapter 210 Controlling thunder and lightning, slaughtering emperors like slaughtering dogs


Hundreds of bucket-thick golden thunderbolts fell from the Nine Heavens, like huge golden pillars smashed down, the thunder rolled, and the glaciers covering the boundless earth collapsed instantly.


The power of the law was broken, and the Ice Emperor spit out a mouthful of blood, with a look of horror in his eyes.He was fighting the Glacier Domain, which was consuming his source, but he was broken through in one sentence, and he was powerless to fight back.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The thunder and lightning raged, like a thunder prison descending, blasting all the glaciers into ice chips, and letting everyone in the audience break free.

But in the next instant, this happiness turned into boundless amazement.

Who could have imagined that the battle of the two emperors had just started, and they were so quickly divided, and the winner was Zhang Tian, ​​who they were not optimistic about before.

"One word calls for divine thunder, there is such a terrifying power of law in the world!"

"The Ice Emperor is simply mad. If Senior Zhang hadn't broken the Glacier Domain with his thunder, I don't know how many people would have been frozen to death."

"Strong, too strong, I felt the boundless aura of destruction in this thunder method. If he had the heart, he could destroy the Deity Academy in a single thought."

Everyone was talking a lot, looking at Zhang Tian with a look of admiration for the gods.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. Although many people were amazed at Zhang Tian's cultivation level before, but after all, they only heard of his name, and it doesn't feel very real. Now, I have really seen Zhang Tian's shot, and I have seen Zhang Tian's words break the ice of the Ice Emperor. Only just now did the realm know what a terrifying existence these supreme figures were.

"No, it's impossible!"

The Ice Emperor roared loudly, the anger in his eyes was about to swell to the sky, his hands slammed into seals and pushed flat, and a huge glacier rose from the ground, surging, like an ice dragon, pressing away towards Zhang Tiangai.

"The little skill of carving insects, just with this ability, you dare to call me the emperor?"

Zhang Tian's expression was cold, he stepped forward step by step, his right hand raised his hand, and a violent golden thunder pierced through the heavens and the earth. He held it in his hand, as if he was holding a peerless sword, and slashed towards the ice dragon.


The explosion resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the imposing ice dragon was directly beheaded, and the huge ice body burst into pieces, turning into countless ice cubes.

Divine Thunder sword brilliance remained unabated, and continued to slash towards the Ice Emperor fiercely.

"No, break it for me! Break it for me!"

"I'm the Ice Emperor, suppressing one side, mere thunder and lightning, get out of here!"

Fierce icebergs erupted from the Ice Emperor's palm, slamming into the divine thunder sword light in mid-air, and the oscillating void rumbled and trembled, as if it was about to shatter.

But the golden thunder sword light did not move at all, and all the terrifying icebergs shattered under the sword light, directly blasting the Ice Emperor into the next mountain. 80 Novels www.80xiaoshuo.com

"Unstoppable, unstoppable!"

"The Ice Emperor who suppressed the East Pole Land for three thousand years was completely defeated. This East Desolation is about to change."

"Half-step immortal emperor, Senior Zhang is definitely a half-step immortal emperor, my human race has another half-step immortal realm powerhouse!"

"Donghuang actually has a half-step immortal emperor. This is a great blessing for the human race. It must be reported to the emperor immediately. Even if it cannot be used by the court, it must be handed over."

Looking at Zhang Tian, ​​who is as powerful as a prison, countless thoughts flashed in the hearts of the major forces. There is no doubt that today's battle between the two emperors has far-reaching effects, and it will not take long for it to spread throughout the entire Eastern Wilderness. , and even the entire continental pattern will undergo some changes.

As the witnesses of this war, they have a unique advantage. If they can seize this opportunity of replacing the old with the new, they may be able to ascend to the sky in one step.

"I'll rub it, I actually took the shoulder of a half-step immortal emperor just now, and I took it twice!"

The Marquis of Shenjian was stunned, and he was terrified until this moment.His most proud achievement in his life was to hold the Yinshan Great Array with one arrow, so that the [-] alien army did not dare to advance. , the gap between the two is like a cloud and mud.

The most important thing is that he was the closest to Zhang Tian, ​​and he also felt the deepest impression of Zhang Tian's momentum at that moment.Under that invincible momentum, he even felt that even if Zhang Tian wanted to destroy the entire continent, it would be an easy task.

He is a prince of a party, with more than [-] strong troops under his command. He has formed an invincible army formation. He has always been dismissive of personal competition, but Zhang Tian's strength has made him shaken. In the face of such a supreme figure, even if there is a strong army Wan, how can it be?


A loud noise came out, and on the mountain next to it, countless cold ice formed in an instant, like a flower of ice ridges blooming on the mountains, and then burst with a bang.

"Zhang Tian, ​​today's affairs are not over. When this emperor breaks through to the half-step immortal realm, I will come to you to settle the account!"

With the impulsive force of the blasting ice, the Ice Emperor turned into a blue residual rainbow, desperately fled to the distance, and an angry roar came from a distance, in stark contrast to the majestic and majestic image that came from a quarter of an hour ago. .

As soon as this move came out, the onlookers were even more emotional, especially those big figures sitting in the castle in the air, all of them showed very relieved expressions.

As the lord of the East Pole, this Ice Emperor often leads the alien tribes in the East Pole land to loot the Eastern Desolation, relying on his supreme cultivation. The cultivation base can only be endured, and now watching him flee in embarrassment, I feel very happy.

Standing in the center of the square, Zhang Tian glanced at the Ice Emperor lightly, without saying a word, he only spread his right hand, and another divine thunder was in his hand, and threw it towards the back of the Ice Emperor fleeing.

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