Such control of the power of the gods and thunder at will, so that his whole body is bathed in the golden light of thunder and lightning, like the god of thunder and lightning, making people dare not look directly.


Like a thunderbolt from the blue, a bolt of lightning roared out from Zhang Tian's palm, turning into a golden electric dragon, piercing the Ice Emperor's body directly.


An extremely mournful howl shot straight into the sky, and the body of the Ice Emperor burst into pieces, turning into countless rain of blood, and under the heavy blow of the divine thunder, the soul flew away.

The generation of Ice Emperor who suppressed Dongji and conquered Donghuang fell. , , .

Chapter 211 Like the Emperor of Thunder, Like the God of Thunder, Like the Emperor of Thunder

"Ice Emperor... is dead?"

Everyone looked at Zhang Tian in disbelief, and saw that he was bathed in divine thunder, with golden light shining all over his body, like the Thunder Emperor, the Thunder God, and the Thunder Emperor. Although his expression was weak, he had the might of an emperor who looked down on the world.

It seems that killing the famous Ice Emperor is just a small matter. This kind of unparalleled power is deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone in the audience, and it will never be wiped out.

"Also a half-step immortal emperor, I wonder how Senior Zhang's strength compares to that of the ancestors of Dongming?"

Many bosses of the Eastern Wilderness Ancient Sect Holy Land have this thought in their hearts. The Ice Absolute Holy Land where the Ice Emperor is located is located in the East Pole, which is to the east of the Eastern Wilderness. It is also the overlord of the Eastern Pole region. Even if the Ice Absolute Holy Land collapsed, it would be difficult for them to get a share of the ancient sect holy land in the Eastern Wilderness.

And although the Eastern Wilderness is divided into groups, there is no clear ruling sect, but the Eastern Sea ancestor of the Eastern Sea Holy Land is a half-step immortal emperor, even if he is hidden for ten thousand years, no one dares to underestimate.

The reason why the Ice Emperor did not dare to lead the alien races in the Eastern Pole to invade the Eastern Wasteland with great fanfare is largely because the ancestors of the Eastern Sea were deterred, otherwise, the Ice Emperor alone would be able to sweep half of the Eastern Wasteland.

However, the existence of the ancestors of Dongming also restricted the development of the other ancient sect holy places in the Donghuang, making them subject to restrictions everywhere.Now the situation has finally changed a little. The ancestors of Dongming are no longer the only half-step immortal emperors in Donghuang. If they can attract Zhang Tian to be their backing, they don't have to worry about the ancestors of Dongming anymore.

Thinking of this, the great forces such as the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect and the Killer Whale Clan, who consciously had some kind of friendship with Zhang Tian, ​​all began to boil with enthusiasm, and said respectfully, "Senior Zhang is a virtuous one, help the two tribes of the Eastern Wilderness Human and Monster to kill the enemy. , On behalf of the entire Eastern Wasteland people, I would like to thank Senior Zhang, if you are sent in the future, don’t dare to refuse!”

The rest of the ancient sect masters who had only one relationship with Zhang Tian were not to be outdone. A great sage burst out of the sky and worshipped Zhang Tian respectfully: "Senior Zhang's martial arts reach the sky, call thunder like a god, and serve the East. The unparalleled people who have been out of the barren for thousands of years, we such as the ancient sect holy places admire the majesty, and I would like to invite Senior Zhang to be the Taishang Keqing, the sacred land resource collection, and let Senior Zhang use it."

Sitting on the boss stage, Prince Wei's eyes were bright, and he also put away his dignity and majesty, and said very respectfully: "The younger prince, Zhou Qing, the emperor of the dynasty, see Senior Zhang. It is a pity for the human race to contribute to the prosperity of the country. If the seniors are willing to go to the holy capital, the juniors can protect the seniors in front of the emperor, even if the king is in command, it will not be difficult."

Even the Deity Academy wanted to get involved and build a stronger friendship with Zhang Tian. Several vice presidents stood up and said in unison, "Senior Zhang is a master of good fortune and has unparalleled laws. He is the unparalleled overlord of the human race, the god of the heavens. The academy sincerely hopes that seniors can open up a dojo, practice martial arts, and educate the people of Donghuang.”

For a time, all the powerhouses in the audience bowed their waists for Zhang Tian, ​​including the all-powerful Great Sage, all of them willingly worshipped.

This is absolute strength, crushing all the strong, above the rules!Let others have to bow to their feet.

Especially the arrogance in front of the magic tower, they were stunned and envious.This is the real atmosphere of unparalleled hegemony. The inheritance of resources from various ancient sects is directly delivered to the door. With a single nod, you can become a king under one person and more than ten thousand people, not to mention opening up a dojo to perform martial arts and Taoism. A grand event that can be remembered for eternity.

"Dude, you should be born like this."

This idea popped up in almost all Tianjiao's hearts.

However, in the face of these kinds of benefits, Zhang Tian's expression was not moved at all. He was still in a calm and detached attitude, turning a blind eye to the win over all forces.First Literature Network

Standing in the center of the venue for a moment, Zhang Tian finally took his steps, and the attention of the audience moved with it, as if he was the only beam of light between heaven and earth.

dong dong dong, dong dong dong!

Seeing Zhang Tian coming this way, the hearts of all Tianjiao in front of the Demon Refinement Tower couldn't help beating nervously following his footsteps, full of suffocating oppression.

Stab it!

The sky suddenly split into a black hole, and another violent divine thunder roared down. Zhang Tian held it in his hand, and the huge electric light kept jumping, as if he was holding a sky-shattering gun.

"Gudong, gudong..."

One by one, Tianjiao's scalp was numb with fright, swallowing saliva, and their hearts were about to jump out. The gods are all destroyed, which can be described as terrifying.

As Zhang Tian walked in step by step, the divine thunder that he held in his hand trembled more and more violently, and began to shrink gradually. Zhang, turned into several dozen feet, and finally turned into a golden thunder snake only about a foot long, constantly swimming in his palm.

"I heard that there are elders in other Tianjiao who have given life-saving cards, and you don't know what to tell me. This golden thunder hairpin, you have put it away, and when you use it, just throw it with all your strength."

Zhang Tian walked in front of the ruthless man, and said a little reproachfully, his eyes were full of pampering, he spread his right hand, and the golden thunder snake had already turned into an incomparably exquisite hairpin, shining under the refraction of sunlight. With a very bright light.

The eyes of everyone in the audience were instantly focused on the hairpin, even the supreme sage, his eyes were full of scorching colors. If this treasure was placed elsewhere, they would have used all the power of the sect, and they would definitely To grab it.

This is a treasure that can kill the Supreme Sage with one blow. Even if it is just a one-time consumable, its value is far beyond the extreme holy soldier.With this treasure in hand, it was a shock, enough to make the entire Eastern Wilderness tremble.

What these people don't know is that the most precious part of this hairpin is not its power, but the delicate patterns on it, all of which are the manifestation of the origin of the Thunder Law of Heaven, which is enough to make the ancient Immortal King be tempted by it.

"What a beautiful hairpin."

The ruthless man caressed Zhang Tian's golden hairpin in the palm of his hand, with countless little stars shining in her eyes. Although her heart to Wu is as firm as a rock, she is also a girl and naturally has a love for beauty.

It was only then that Zhang Tian remembered that he never seemed to have given any decorations such as Ruthless Jewelry, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt, and said softly, "Dad, put it on for you."


Facing the eyes of millions of people in the audience, the ruthless nodded shyly, and a red glow quietly floated on her cheeks. , , .

Chapter 212 The happiest ruthless man at the moment

When Ji Feixue saw this scene next to her, thousands of emotions suddenly emerged in her heart, like envy, jealousy, and melancholy, and there was even a complex emotion that she wished to replace.

More than just Ji Feixue, the hundreds of thousands of women at the scene all set their sights on the ruthless man, imagining that they were her, and under the watchful eyes of millions of people, let an emperor who shook the eastern wasteland. Wear a unique hairpin with your own hands.

What a glorious, what an unforgettable moment, a scene that countless women have longed for and fantasized about since they were young girls, but now it is truly displayed in front of them, and even the target male is even more handsome than the object of their fantasy Ten times, a hundred times stronger.

"If Senior Zhang treats me like this, then he will have no regrets in his life and no regrets in death."

This is the voice of all the women on the scene. For this moment, they are even willing to give everything they have.

"Well, it's beautiful."

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