Zhang Tian stepped forward, getting close to the Ruthless Man, he gently put on a hairpin for her, caressed her hair and side face, and praised her softly.

I don't know if this sentence is praising the beauty of hairpins or the beauty of ruthless people.

"Thank you dad."

The ruthless man was extremely embarrassed, and his beautiful face was full of red glow, and it spread down along the snow-white jade neck, until it was hidden in the depths of the collarbone, like a moon goddess who moved the heart of the mortal.

At this moment, she only felt that she was the happiest woman in the world.

"Silly girl."

Seeing the ruthless man looking very intoxicated, Zhang Tian said angrily, rubbed her head again, and said solemnly: "In the magic tower, pay attention to safety, if you encounter an extremely dangerous situation, just as long as If you think of Dad in your heart, Dad will protect you."


The ruthless man took a long tone and took the initiative to bring his cheeks to Zhang Tian's palm, as if he was nostalgic for the temperature above.

"I'll go back first, I wish you a good grade."

Zhang Tian retracted his palm, and before leaving, he seemed to glance at the team of the Zhetian Alliance very casually.


It was as if a thunderstorm exploded directly in the hearts of the students of the Zhetian League, making them feel boundless fear, as if they were in the Jiuyou Demon Abyss.

Mo Qianye, who was standing in the first place, even made a 'click' in his heart, his martial arts will collapsed directly, the divine light in his eyes dimmed, and he knelt on the ground like a pool of mud, trembling.

Everyone in the audience cast pity on him, they know that Mo Qianye has been abandoned, and the will of martial arts is the essence of a martial artist.The broken will of martial arts is ten times more severe than the destruction of Dantian and Lunhai. No matter how much heaven and earth treasures are used, there is no hope of breakthrough.Le Wen's novel www.lwxs.net

The most important thing is that Mo Qianye was in such a hard time, but he couldn't seek revenge at all, and even if the family behind him was a little colder, he might have killed him directly to eliminate the estrangement in the hearts of Zhang's father and daughter.

"Hey, I agreed to let my daughter compete freely among her peers, but I still can't hold back. I must pay attention next time."

Zhang Tian shook his head, stepped on his feet, his figure suddenly melted into the void, and in the next instant, he appeared in the original seat.With a move of his right hand, the cup of tea that Xuerong'er brought appeared in his hand again, still steaming from it.

Taking a sip of the tea, Zhang Tian showed a soothing look, and at the same time, an invisible wave swept out of him. After sweeping over, the restless parents around were all calmed down, and they started talking and laughing again.

Time passed slowly, and more and more trial students gathered in the square. It was almost the last moment. Five tyrannical lights appeared from different directions, swept across most of the square, and almost came to the front of the magic tower. There are five figures of four men and one woman.

But seeing the spirits of these five people rolling like wolf smoke and rushing into the sky, the five people joined forces, and they faintly suppressed the power of all the heavenly talents in the audience, and they were extremely powerful.

"The core five giants, they have come, no wonder the Deity Academy will bring out the magic tower, this competition is a grand event that has not been seen in a century."

The Marquis of Shenjian let out a burst of exclamation, and seemed to be extremely shocked.

A woman beside her asked curiously, "The core five giants, what are those? The top five students on the core list?"

Seeing that Zhang Tian also showed interest, the Marquis of Shenjian quickly explained: "Not only that. The core list of Tianshen Academy is compiled once a year, and these five people have occupied the top five for ten years, and the sixth It has opened a large distance, and no one can surpass it, so it is called the core five giants, and its status in the academy is even higher than that of many true students."

A man exclaimed: "How is this possible, no matter how big the giant is, how can it be compared with the true students of the legendary realm?"

The Marquis of Shenjian shook his head and said: "You guys still have too little knowledge and don't understand at all. For the real Tianjiao, the cultivation realm in a short period of time is not important. In fact, as long as these five people are willing, they can break through to the legend at any time. However, they have been in a constant state for ten years, in order to lay a solid foundation, constantly temper the will of the martial arts, and strive to break through after the will of the martial arts is completed, and directly condense the martial arts with the help of the short-lived epiphany of life and death!

This is a great courage, great perseverance, a feat that only the world-shattering genius can make.Once they break through, the combat power will immediately be comparable to that of ordinary high-level kings.After all, Wuhun is the root of the martial arts set up by Emperor Burial, and it is very difficult to condense it. Many high-level kings do not have Wuhun yet. "

"These five people actually intend to cultivate the will of the martial arts to perfection in the Profound Gate of Life and Death. It's too terrifying! No wonder they are called the Big Five."

Many people couldn't help but exclaimed. Although they were not high in cultivation, they still understood the basic knowledge of Martial Dao. According to the Martial Spirit Demonstration Method originally created by Emperor Burial, condensing Martial Spirit has become a hurdle that all cultivators must overcome.

Basically, after reaching the Lunhai Realm, the martial artist must begin to hone his martial arts will at the same time as he cultivates.The will of martial arts is divided into [-] to [-] levels. Only when you reach the [-]th level of perfection, can you condense your own martial soul. Based on this, you can prove the way of the emperor, the way of the immortal, and the way of the emperor.

Normally speaking, it is very rare to be able to reach the sixth-order martial arts will in the legendary realm. With the help of the short-lived epiphany that breaks through the legendary realm, one can reach the seventh or even eighth-level martial arts will, which is considered a middle-ranking among the legendary kings.

And the core five giants actually plan to temper the will of the martial arts to the ninth order and then break through the legendary realm, which is completely beyond their comprehension.

This is the arrogance of the world, and it cannot be measured by the rules of ordinary people.

Hearing this, Zhang Tian couldn't help but look towards the field and nodded slightly. The strength of these five people was barely qualified to be a whetstone for the ruthless. , , .

Chapter 213 Shocking, peerless, unparalleled

At this time, in front of the Demon Refinement Tower, a group of Tianjiao also exclaimed for the arrival of the core five giants. Many people showed admiration. These five people are the first echelon of the core, and they have dominated the core list for ten years. He has become an idol in the hearts of many students.

"The latecomers of the Zhetian League have met Senior Brother Xiahou."

The team of the Zhetian Alliance stepped forward and bowed to a man wearing a golden jade robe and a crown that reached the sky on his head.

This person is extremely burly and majestic, and he has a tenacity like a pine tree. His fingers are abnormally thick, and he is obviously practicing fingering supernatural powers. An important member, the confidant of Ye Bufan, the Crown Prince of Zhetian, has a very high status in Zhetian League.


Xiahou Ba nodded slightly, not caring about these students, but turned his head to look at a slender and sullen man next to him, and said coldly, "I haven't seen you for a year, Brother Wolf's breath is even better than three points, it's really gratifying. Congrats, I wonder if your wolf claws will be as sharp as last year."

The surrounding core students suddenly heard a soft cry. Unexpectedly, as soon as they entered the stadium, Xiahou Ba, who was ranked fourth, sent a gauntlet to Langku, who was ranked second. Obviously, he wanted to snow the shame of his defeat last year.

As the name suggests, the wolf withered man is very thin and has long arms and legs. He is an iron-boned ghost wolf, and he is also the only monster among the five giants. The stunt of fame is the ghost wolf's claws, which is comparable to the attack of the emperor. The Noble Phantasm, combined with the incomparably fast speed, makes it hard to guard against.And let the person he catches die within three breaths of blood. In terms of cruelty, he should be the first of the five giants.

Hearing Xiahouba's provocative words, Langku opened a gap in his eyes, revealing a faint blue light, and said darkly, "Brother Xiahou dared to challenge me, I am afraid that he did not want to rely on his famous stunt "Batian Finger" "Let's go. I heard that Brother Xiahou was summoned by the Prince of Heaven a month ago and obtained a secret fingering method. It seems that the rumor is true. It is too naive to just want to beat me with a fingering method that I have only practiced for a month. already."

"Humph! You'll know when the time comes." Xiahouba showed a cold and arrogant look, obviously bearing great confidence.

Lu Shaoyan, the white-robed swordsman among the five giants, also showed a hint of fighting intent, and said to the silent, arrogant young man in black: "Shi Wuhua, since Xiahou Ba is going to fight with Wolfku, you and I will also decide a sword fight. Let’s make an appointment, how advanced is your saber intent?”

Shi Wuhua's expression was indifferent and calmly said: "Ninety-eight percent, you can enter the legend this year."

Lu Shaoyan's eyes flashed, and he said solemnly: "As expected of the first swordsman, my sword intent has reached [-]%, but I have other adventures and may not lose to you."

The martial arts will of the two was almost perfect, and they banged against each other in the void.

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