The fifth-ranked Shangguan Qin showed a smile and said heartily: "In this case, the little sister can only accompany the four brothers to play the piano."

The five giants, chatting and laughing, forming their own line, obviously did not regard the rest of the students who participated in the trial as equal competitors, they only had each other in their eyes.

"The fourth-ranked Xiahouba challenged the second-ranked Langku, and the third-ranked Lu Shaoyan challenged the first-ranked Shi Wuhua. These two battles will definitely become the peak duel in the legendary realm, not to be missed."

"The five giants are too terrifying. Even many high-level kings may not be able to reach the ninth-order martial arts will, but their martial arts will is almost perfect. It's hard to imagine how tyrannical they will be after breaking through to the legendary realm."

"Although Langku is strong, the crown prince is unfathomable. Xiahou Ba will probably be embarrassed if he gets his secret fingering!"

There was a lot of discussion among the core Tianjiao. Although everyone was Tianjiao, there were also grades. They were ordinary Tianjiao, world-shattering Tianjiao, peerless Tianjiao, and unparalleled Tianjiao.They only belong to ordinary Tianjiao, while the five giants are world-shattering Tianjiao, and the two are not on the same level.

At this moment, another powerful aura swept in from a distance, as if the sea was roaring, about to drown the world. The terrifying aura made the five giants stunned and looked sideways.Quick Eye 123

"It's Yan Qingxuan! Yan Qingxuan is here!"

"Yan Qingxuan of the Zhetian Alliance, it is said that the senior management of the academy and the Prince Zhetian value her very much."

"Yan Qingxuan and Zhang Ruren are both geniuses that have never been seen in the Academy for a hundred years. They have been rated as peerless talents, and their talents are even higher than those of the five giants."

The Ruthless Man's face that had always been calm as water showed a wave for the first time. Looking at Yan Qingxuan, who was driving the blue light, he only felt like a huge sea dragon galloping in the sea, and his momentum was soaring to the sky.

"That drop of Sea Dragon King's blood was actually refined by her to such a degree that it almost melted into her own body."

The ruthless man secretly said, Yan Qingxuan's strength is much stronger than she imagined.


Yan Qingxuan fell to the ground, and the surrounding water auras turned into runes and flowed into her body like hundreds of rivers and seas. She is a goddess who came out of the ocean, with a solemn face and a celestial appearance.

After settling down, Yan Qingxuan didn't look at anyone else, only looked at the ruthless man, and said coldly with her almost flawless voice: "On the top of the seventh floor of the refining tower, you and I will fight."

The ruthless man's eyes flashed, and three feet of blue silk fluttered in the wind.

"Zhang Ruan and Yan Qingxuan are going to have a battle. This is a battle between two peerless geniuses!"

"This is a continuation of the previous battle of prosperous times. The two peerless talents must be divided into winners and losers."

Xiahouba frowned, and said gloomily, "Young people today are really ambitious. This magic tower is so fierce that even we are not [-]% sure that we can reach the seventh floor. They are quite confident."

Lu Shaoyan said yin and yang angrily: "They are rated as peerless talents, higher than ours. Brother Xiahou should not be underestimated. Don't capsize in the gutter."

"Humph! What a world-shattering arrogance, a peerless arrogance, it's just a joke made up by some boring people. Only strength is the most important thing. A dead arrogance, even if it is unparalleled, what can it do?"

The wolf said coldly, looking at Yan Qingxuan and Ruren with icy and piercing eyes.

Yan Qingxuan and Ruthen seemed to be feeling something, looked over at the same time, then smiled at each other, and looked like they didn't care.

"Haha, did you see that, they didn't take our five giants seriously at all!" Lu Shaoyan said with a smile.

"court death!"

In an instant, the momentum of the five giants and the two peerless geniuses collided in the void. , , .

Chapter 214 The Demon Lord of Hell who was suppressed for [-] years


A huge sound came out, and the main entrance of the originally closed Demon Refinement Tower was suddenly opened, and the monstrous magic power swept out, interrupting the duel between the five giants and the two peerless talents.

"The magic tower has been dusty for ten years, and there must be a lot of treasures in it. Everyone, come in!"

A group of core Tianjiao hurriedly rushed towards the tower of magic refining, all unwilling to fall behind.

Seeing that the five giants stopped, the ruthless man withdrew his momentum and said in a low voice, "Let's go in too."

There is another universe in the Demon Refinement Pagoda. The first floor alone is vast and boundless, with no end in sight, and everywhere is full of demonic energy.

"What a magic tower, it's really magnificent!"

The ruthless man looked around and couldn't help but let out a voice of amazement. It gave her a feeling that it was very close to the ruins of the Demon Emperor.

"The inspector is careful, the Demon Refinement Tower is a treasure left by the founder of the Deity Academy. The demons suppressed here are all captured by him from the Dark Demon Realm of the Great Thousand World, and there is even a Demon Lord who has reached the Immortal Realm. Don't take it lightly. ."

Zhao Cangyu explained softly, walking behind Ruthless like a firm guard, with a very solemn expression.

"The monster from the great world? Then I want to see it."

Ruthless Man's eyes showed an expression of interest, and suddenly his expression became condensed, and he saw many students surrounded by the front, seemingly hesitating and not dare to move forward.

When I got closer, I saw that it was a dark river with a width of hundreds of feet. There was only one iron rope on the entire river. Dark green poisonous miasma floated up constantly, turning into poisonous gas pythons, intruding on the students who wanted to cross.


While the ruthless man was watching, three students walking on the iron rope suddenly fell down, two of them fell directly into the dark river, and the other was helped by a companion and pulled back with a rope Noble Phantasm, only to see a dark purple complexion. Apparently the toxin had already entered the bone.

Another person was about to use his body technique to rush over in one breath, but was directly bitten into two pieces by a demon flooded with azure forests that suddenly appeared in the dark river, leaving no bones left.

"It's terrifying, this is the first floor, the top of the academy wants to kill us all!"

"The python condensed from poison gas is fine, but those monsters are too powerful, comparable to the half-step legend king."

"I don't believe that someone can pass through this dark river unscathed!"

Many students stopped and protested loudly, wanting to wait for others to pass first and kill those powerful monsters.

"Let me do it."

The ruthless man smiled freely and walked to the front, immediately causing a burst of applause.

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