"Hmph, let's first see what skills this little girl has, and dare to challenge us."

Seeing that the Ruthless Man was planning to cross the river, the five giants who were going to act all backed away and watched with cold eyes.


The ruthless man did not step on the iron rope, but flew directly into the air, turned into a fire rainbow, and ran towards the opposite bank. All the poisonous gas pythons were immediately burned and burst when they touched her body protection. 123 Kanshu www.123kanshu.com

"What, Zhang Ruren actually intends to fly directly over, it's too reckless!"

"Looking for death, the monsters in this dark river are attacking based on their breath. The stronger the breath, the more monsters they will besiege."

As if in response to these people's words, just as Ruthless Man rushed to the middle of the dark river, the originally calm dark river suddenly rolled up huge waves, and more than twenty devils rushed out of the water and attacked the Ruthless Man. Come, as if more than [-] half-step legendary kings shot at the same time.

"Good come!"

The ruthless man let out a long whistle, and the ancient sword at his waist came out of its sheath, drawing a huge flame of sword energy, like a fire dragon, roaring above the dark river, illuminating the entire space as bright as day!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The explosion sounded resounding, and all the demonic flood dragons swept by the flames and sword energy exploded one after another, shedding a black rain of blood in the air.

With a single sword, more than [-] demons that were comparable to the half-step legendary king were all smashed!

In an instant, the audience was deadly silent, and even the terrifying and gloomy dark river was quiet, as if shocked, and did not dare to shoot at the ruthless.

Lu Shaoyan and Shi Wuhua looked at each other, and both saw the shock in the other's eyes. I don't know who said something softly:

"Consummate Sword Intent."

As soon as these four words came out, it immediately swept the audience like a gust of wind and waves, making every core student's heart tremble, showing a strong color of shock!

Zhang Ruren's kendo will has reached the ninth level of perfection!

This is a realm that many high-level kings cannot achieve, but Zhang Ruren achieved it with the cultivation of the ninth level of the extraordinary realm.

"As expected of a peerless genius, a new generation replaces the old."

Shi Wuhua, who ranked first on the core list, showed a desolate look. It took him thirty years to break through to the third level of the Profound Entry of Life and Death, and another ten years of hard work to improve his will to the Dao of the Sword to [-]%, which was far from perfection. There was a little distance, and the ruthless man who seemed to be only about fifteen years old walked in front of him.

At the same time, in the top area of ​​the Alchemy Tower, a terrifying voice came from the prison that one party had separated:

"One hundred thousand years, a full one hundred thousand years, this Demon Lord was suppressed by that human clan boy, and he suffered endless pain, and finally got out of trouble. When yin and yang rebelled, it was the day when I washed this world with blood!"

At this time, an alien man in a black robe appeared outside the prison and said, "Junior congratulates the Demon Lord in advance on his successful escape. It's just that you have to remember to honor what the Demon Lord promised."

"Isn't it just killing all the arrogances of the human and demon who entered the magic tower? How difficult is this?"

"It's good to remember the devil. Among the geniuses who entered the magic tower this time, there are two peerless geniuses, namely Zhang Ruan and Yan Qingxuan. Forget about the others, these two geniuses are too great a threat to our alien race and must be To die. Only when these two people die, will the ban-breaking circle we set up outside be activated."

"Don't worry, this matter can be handed over to this Demon Lord's mount Hell Demon Dragon. It has been sleeping on the fourth floor for [-] years, and it's time to wake up."

"Hahaha, hahaha..."

In the void, the sharp laughter of the Demon Lord resounded.

At the Deity Academy, in the audience seat of Martial Peak Plaza, Zhang Tian glanced at the seventh floor of the Demon Refinement Tower, and a cold light flashed from his pupils. , , .

Chapter 215 When staring at the dragon, the dragon is also staring at you

But it was said that the ruthless man passed through the dark river hundreds of feet wide, and as soon as he landed, a flash of light flashed under his feet, and he directly teleported her to the second floor.

"Mistakes, I didn't expect the first and second floors to be connected by a teleportation array."

The ruthless man frowned slightly, so that she could not act with the rest of the Gentleman's Party.

"It's worth it, the college competition is about the students' own strength, so it's better for them to survive on their own."

When the ruthless man thought of this, he no longer bothered, and directly used his body technique to run towards a dilapidated palace in the distance.

According to the information she had learned from Zhao Cangyu, although there are many dangers in this magic tower, it also has many benefits, such as various magic weapons and magic treasures and medicines contaminated with magic energy, which are very rare in the outside world, even if you don't use them yourself. , it can also be sold at an excellent price in the auction house.She was the first person to enter the second floor, so naturally, she had to seize the opportunity to get some good things.


Just as the ruthless man was about to enter the dilapidated ancient temple, the ground beneath his feet suddenly burst open, and four monsters shrouded in demonic energy, like scorpions, attacked the ruthless man from four directions.

"Do you really think I didn't find out?"

The ruthless man chuckled lightly, used the Taiyin Sword Art, and waved out an icy icy sword energy, freezing all the four monsters into ice cubes, and then bursting with a bang.

Her Taiyin Sword Intent and Sun Sword Intent, supported by the swordsmanship of the ancient sword king, had already reached the ninth-order perfect state, and she was only one step away from condensing the sword soul.

Originally, according to the Martial Spirit Demonstration Method of Emperor Burial, no matter if you practice the Dao of the Blade, the Dao of the Boxing, or the Dao of the Spear, what you finally condense out is the Martial Spirit.However, the ancient sword king used his amazing talent to pioneer a line of swordsmanship, and separate sword souls in addition to martial arts, with the same power and effect as martial arts.

Although there is only one step difference between the sword soul and the will of the ninth-order perfect kendo, it is a world of difference.Astonishing geniuses like Shi Wuhua and Lu Shaoyan, as long as they are willing to spend a lot of time, they can always sharpen their will to perfection before breaking through the legendary realm, but it is impossible to condense their martial spirit and sword spirit.

Even if one looks at the entire continent, it is rare that one can condense martial spirit and sword spirit in front of the legendary realm.


The ruthless man originally planned to enter the ancient temple, but suddenly stopped, only to see a black light shining in the pile of corpses of the monsters, but it did not shatter.

When I took it out, I saw that it was actually a piece of magic armor, with a faint black awn flashing all over the body, which looked very extraordinary.

"I can withstand my Taiyin Sword Qi without being hurt, at least it is a low-grade imperial defensive Noble Phantasm. There are indeed many treasures in this magic tower, so I picked up an imperial defensive Noble Phantasm in vain."

The ruthless man said happily, the emperor-rank Noble Phantasm is very rare in the mainland, and the defense type is even rarer. Even the high-rank kings are rarely equipped, and she naturally does not have them.

If the magic scorpion in the magic armor heard this, it would have to spit out a mouthful of old blood.Its strength is no less than that of the Demon Flood Dragon in a layer of dark river. With the combination of Demon Armor and sneak attacks, it is easy to severely injure the powerhouses in the Profound Entrance Realm of Life and Death. As a result, when it reaches the ruthless mouth, it becomes a 'white pick', which also hurts self-esteem too much. .

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