Except for the four devil scorpions lying in ambush at the entrance of the ancient temple, there are no other monsters around. The ruthless man entered the ancient temple directly, and walked out disappointed after a while. Although there were some things in it, they were not attractive to her. Wearing the magic armor in the blue shirt in the ancient temple is also a defensive treasure.

In the next period of time, the ruthless began to scavenge the second floor area. Unfortunately, her luck seemed to have run out. She searched six ancient temples in a row and killed hundreds of monsters, but she never found anything good. Most of them It is the material of the Heavenly Rank, the King Rank, or the precious medicine with a low age, and together it is not as precious as the Emperor Rank Demon Armor that was originally 'collected for nothing'.Written Literaturewww.bxwx.co

Seeing more and more people entering the second floor area, the ruthless man didn't want to stay any longer, and rushed towards the third floor entrance.

The magic circle guarding the entrance of the third floor is a large group of magical energy, which will transform into corresponding monsters according to the number of rushers. As long as the monsters are defeated, they can enter the third floor through the black fog.

When the ruthless arrived, there were dozens of people struggling to fight. Although these monsters were all condensed with magical energy, their strength was not weak at all, and they were endless. They couldn't pass through like a dark river.


The ruthless man's escaping light flew to it, without stopping at all, it directly slashed out a blazing sword light, split the entire black fog into two, and passed through the middle.

The surrounding Tianjiao watched this scene in astonishment, and could only sigh that the boss is a boss, and there is no need to follow the rules.Let you be messed up, I will cut it with one sword.

The third floor is obviously several times larger than the second floor, with more ancient temple ruins and more powerful monsters.

"Fuck, who is this, who dares to control the light in the Demon Refinement Tower!"

"It's too ostentatious, it's just that I don't want to die fast enough."

Some Tianjiao who were struggling with monsters, seeing many monsters being attracted by the escaping light, couldn't help showing schadenfreude.


There was a sudden explosion in the flames, and a powerful sword intent rose into the sky. All the besieging monsters, before they could get close, were directly swallowed by the sword glow and turned into flying ashes.

The escape light dissipated, revealing a ruthless man with a depressed look.Obviously, she also got nothing on the third floor.

At this moment, several figures ran towards her, and the leader was Ji Feixue. As soon as she stood still, she said with a little joy, "What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet Senior Sister Zhang here. I plan to go to the Demon Dragon Abyss on the fourth floor to pick dragon blood grass, is Senior Sister Zhang willing to accompany her?"

"Dragon Blood Grass?"

Ruthless Man's eyes lit up. It was a precious medicine ten times more precious than Blood Bodhi. It could greatly enhance the physical strength. He nodded immediately and said, "If it's not too troublesome, let's go together."

"Senior Sister Zhang's martial arts is sky-high, and with you accompanying us, it's too late to thank us, why would it be too much trouble."

Seeing the Ruthless Man agree, Ji Feixue and several girls from the Hundred Flowers League showed surprises.

Ruthless and Ji Feixue opened the way, and the group entered the fourth floor area smoothly. It didn't take long before they came to the abyss of the illustrious Demon Dragon.

The ruthless man walked to the edge of the abyss, turned his eyesight to look into the depths, and suddenly felt a shudder, his whole soul seemed to be pierced.

As if when she was looking at the magic dragon, the magic dragon was also looking at her. , , .

Chapter 216 One word shocks the five giants

"It must be a hallucination, right?"

The ruthless man let out a sigh of relief, a look of surprise in his eyes. According to what Zhao Cangyu said, countless powerful demons were suppressed in this magic tower, but they were basically trapped in prisons above the fifth floor, and it was difficult to escape. .

And the reason why this hell dragon is on the fourth floor is because it is dead and buried in the abyss.How can a dragon that has been dead for [-] years have such a powerful aftermath.

"Senior Sister Zhang, are you alright?"

Seeing that Ruthless Man's face was wrong, Ji Feixue and others immediately asked with concern.

The ruthless man raised his hand and stroked the golden thunder hairpin that Zhang Tian gave her, his mind completely calmed down, and said slowly: "The dragon blood in this abyss is very full, and many powerful monsters are entrenched in it, you follow me, Don't take it lightly."

This abyss is full of demonic energy, and the visibility is very low. Ruthless and others went all the way down, and soon came to a fork in the intersection, and some demon corpses were faintly seen lying on both sides of the intersection.

"The blood of these beasts hasn't dried up. It's obvious that they just died not long ago, and they were fatally hit by one blow. Someone should have come ahead of us, and they are top-level masters, at least in the top ten of the core list."

Ji Feixue made an assertion after carefully examining the bodies of those monsters.

For a time, the expressions of everyone in the Hundred Flowers League became very ugly.This dragon abyss is extremely dangerous, and now there are powerful competitors ahead. If they want to win, it is easier said than done.

"Go this way."

The expression on the ruthless man's face did not change in the slightest, and he directly chose the side of the road without the corpse of the beast.



As soon as they entered this narrow cave, the ruthless and the others heard a shrill roar, which seemed to contain some kind of secret technique, causing their eardrums to sting so much that they felt like they were about to burst.


In the darkness, four fierce demon wolves suddenly flashed out of the shadows, and opened their sharp claws that flickering cold fronts and grabbed the ruthless man. They hid in the abyss of this demon dragon for a long time, absorbing a lot of dragon energy and blood. It has also mutated and become more powerful. This claw alone is enough to abolish a Tianjiao of the first layer of life and death profound entrance.


The ruthless man's sword light swayed, and the four demon wolves were killed at the same time, their bodies split in two and fell on both sides of the road.

"Bang! Bang!"

On the other side, Ji Feixue punched like the wind and smashed the two demon wolves who were trying to sneak attack from behind into the stone wall, causing the entire cave to tremble.

Just like this, the ruthless man and Ji Feixue walked through the entire cave almost without stagnation, and the moment they stepped out of the entrance of the cave, their eyes suddenly opened up.

Although there is still a lot of blood, it is much stronger than the darkness in the cave, and it basically does not affect the line of sight.

Therefore, when the Ruthless Man and his party looked at the middle area, they took a deep breath at the same time.Hot Books www.rdshuku.com

I saw that at the bottom of this abyss was a huge magic lake, and the hell dragon was lying in the middle of the magic lake, which was several thousand feet long. All the flesh and blood had been weathered, leaving only the white bones.These bones are huge and meandering, as if the giant pythons are always together.

The huge dragon head was facing them, the head was slightly raised, and there were two hundred-zhang long dragon horns on the top of the head, like a pillar of the sky, the demonic energy raging in the empty dragon's eyes, it seemed that two groups of demonic fire were burning .

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