When Ruthen and the others touched their eyes, they all felt a terrifying coercion swept over, and the oppressed them even had difficulty breathing.

"This is the skeleton of the hell dragon. It is so terrifying. It has been sitting for [-] years, and its flesh and blood have been dried, but it still retains such a powerful dragon."

"It is said that the Hell Demon Dragon is a magical beast used by the ancient gods to suppress the evil spirits of the underworld. It is one of the most powerful branches of the dragon family, and it is not inferior to the ancient dragon."

"Look, there are dozens of dragon blood grasses."

The girls from the Hundred Flowers League were flushed with excitement, looking at the slightly swaying dragon blood grass in the center of the magic lake, her eyes filled with scorching heat.

Ji Feixue said calmly: "The dragon of this hell dragon is so powerful, maybe there is a dragon bone and chalcedony preserved in the bone, that is the real essence, and it is a hundred times rarer than the dragon's blood grass. If you can refine some keel chalcedony, there is a certain chance to obtain the power of the dragon, forming a keel film on the body surface, and the defense and strength will be greatly improved."

The ruthless man's eyes flashed, and he was about to go forward to pick the dragon's blood grass. On the other side of the passage, there were also more than a dozen figures, each of which was amazing.


Seeing the person coming, everyone in the Hundred Flowers League couldn't help but exclaimed. The beautiful woman standing at the front was the fifth-ranked Shangguan Qin among the core five giants. She was known as the Jade Girl Qin Demon.

"Are you that ruthless man?"

Shangguanqin just casually glanced at Ji Feixue and the others, but after seeing the ruthless man, her eyes narrowed.The Heaven-shaking Sword that Ruthless Man used on the dark river before gave her a very deep impression. The ninth-order perfect sword intent was an achievement that she couldn't even match.Fortunately, the ruthless person's cultivation realm is not high, so she can feel a little relieved.

The ruthless man stopped his body, looked at Shangguanqin, and said in a low voice: "We are here first, the dragon's blood grass and the dragon bone chalcedony are of great use to me. If you don't want to quit, I can only go with you first. It's a winner."


Everyone in the audience, whether it was from the Hundred Flowers League or the people brought by Shangguan Qin, showed extremely shocked expressions, shocked by the ruthless man's domineering.Shangguanqin is one of the core five giants, and has not been shaken for ten years. Ordinary core students do not even have the courage to challenge her, but ruthless people dare to make rhetoric directly.

But what surprised everyone even more was that, facing the challenge of ruthless people, Shangguan Qin, one of the core five giants, was cowardly.

I saw Shangguan Qin showed a wry smile. She originally had a little chance of winning against the ruthless, but after seeing the tyranny of the ruthless, the only chance of winning was gone.The swordsman has a heavy mood. The stronger the edge, the stronger the sword will. The current ruthless momentum is like a rainbow, and the swordsman should add three points of sharpness, which is not something she can deal with.

After thinking about it for a while, Shangguanqin said euphemistically: "You are a peerless genius, I have no intention of competing with you, it is better to take a compromise. There are a lot of devils and crocodiles in this magic lake. You and I have killed more than anyone else. , the loser has to withdraw voluntarily, and the winner can get all the dragon's blood grass."

Shangguan Qin follows the way of the rhythm, and the strongest attack method is the sound, so she is known as invincible in group battles. This way of competition is obviously very beneficial to her.

"it is good!"

The ruthless man responded very cheerfully, which made Shangguan Qin burst into joy.

It's just that neither of the two noticed that the skeleton of the dragon lying quietly in the center of the magic lake trembled very slightly, and a dim light flashed from the dragon's eyes full of magic fire. , , .

Chapter 217 Dad, please protect us.

"Zhang Ruren wants to compete with Senior Sister Shangguan in a group battle, he is simply beyond his own power!"

"That's right, Senior Sister Shangguan's Heavenly Demon's violin sound can mobilize the magical energy, adding three points of power here. Even the top four giants will definitely not be able to beat Senior Sister Shangguan in group battles."

"It's too perverted. The demons and crocodiles in this magic lake are at least half-legged legends. We should be careful with one, but they kill more than anyone else."

The people from the Hundred Flowers League and the people brought by Shangguanqin all retreated to both sides, and there was a lot of discussion, and most of them were not optimistic about the ruthless people.

After all, the swordsman took a single route, and a sword beam swung out, at most, covering a distance of ten feet in a week, while the sound of the Shangguan Qin could reach a hundred feet, and the attack range was not at the same level.

"let's start."

Shangguan Qin was afraid that the ruthless man would go back on it. After the ruthless man nodded, she immediately took out a jet-black guqin. She had a lot of money, and this guqin was also an imperial attack Noble Phantasm. Coercion.

"The sea of ​​magic!"

The name of Shangguan Qin is 'Jade Girl Qin Demon', and the "Tian Mo Qin Yin" is unfolded in one hand, and the hair flutters, and the strings fluctuate, and countless sound waves sway out, as if turning into sharp blades, sweeping towards the magic lake, instantly arousing hundreds of thousands of people. Huge waves.Many devil crocodiles hidden in the magic lake were hit by the sound waves and shattered, turning into a rain of magic.

In just a split second, more than a dozen terrifying beasts were slaughtered a hundred feet away!

"It's terrifying, is this the strength of the five giants? Every sound wave is almost comparable to the top ten of the core list. Layer upon layer, it stretches like a sea of ​​waves. Even if the legendary king is in the sea of ​​sound, I'm afraid It's too hard to resist!"

Ji Feixue murmured softly, her expression very solemn, the means of the five giants, beyond her imagination, to reach this level, they have already broken away from the lowest level of power confrontation, but specialized in 'Profound Truth' and 'Will', pure physical strength , not much advantage.


Seeing the fierceness of Shangguanqin, the ruthless man couldn't help but get serious. He stepped on the ground with his toes, and the whole person swept directly towards the other side of the lake.


It seems to sense the powerful aura of the ruthless, and layers of ripples swayed on the magic lake. Many monsters hidden in the depths were awakened one after another, and the terrifying aura rose into the sky.

"Looking for death, this magic lake is the burial place of hell dragons. It contains very strong dragon blood. There are countless beasts in the profound entrance of life and death.

"It's terrifying, I can feel the breath of at least hundreds of monsters."

Seeing Ruthless Man's actions, many people showed mixed expressions of terror. Looking at the violently fluctuating lake surface, their hearts became extremely nervous, as if they were about to see Ruthless Zhang being brutally divided by hundreds of monsters in the next instant.

"Shuiyue Frozen!"

Just at this critical moment, the ruthless man stepped on the void, suddenly jumped down into the sky, and went straight to the magic lake. He raised the sword around his waist, and used the "Taiyin Falling Moon Sword", wielding a blue sword light, fierce inserted into the magic lake.

In an instant, the endless cold air erupted, and half of the lake surface was instantly frozen into glaciers. Many demon beasts would reveal half of their terrifying beast bodies, which were also frozen and turned into ice sculptures.


The ruthless man's blue silk was flying, and another sword light slashed above the frozen lake. The vast ice lake, together with hundreds of ice-carved monsters, burst with a bang, turning into countless ice chips.Dance in Chinese www.75zw.com

The audience was as silent as death. Those who had planned to watch the ruthless man be dismembered before had their mouths wide open, and their eyes showed extreme horror.

Even Shangguan Qin was stunned and said incredulously: "This is the Ice Element Perfect Sword Intent, you actually practiced Ice and Fire Perfect Sword Intent? This, this..."

Shangguanqin doesn't know how to describe it, evildoer?But it can't be so evil, these giants have spent more than ten years, but they can't hone their martial arts will to perfection. As a result, a rising star directly displayed two perfection-level sword intents in front of her.

People are more mad than people!

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