At this moment, Shangguan Qin's mentality collapsed.


Just when everyone was shocked by the strength of the ruthless man, the huge magic lake suddenly rose to the sky, and the hell demon dragon that had turned into a bone-shocked dragon suddenly stood up.

"Death, everyone will die..."

This is the sound of the dragon's roar, which contains violent and infinite coercion. At the moment when the voice is out, the hell dragon has raised a bone-horrifying dragon claw and grabbed it towards Shangguanqin.

"What, isn't this hell dragon already dead? Why is it alive again, no!"

Shocked and angry, Shangguan Qin directly threw up the imperial treasure Qin in his hand, and slammed it on Qin's body with a slap in the face, detonating the consciousness imprinted in it.

In an instant, this imperial treasure shattered, and the terrifying energy erupted, almost like a half-sacred shot, and flew Shangguan Qin upside down. attack.

But the students who followed her were not so lucky. They were all crushed into powder by the claws of the dragon. Among them, there were even two students who had the will of the Great Sage in the sea of ​​​​knowledge and released their body protection in time, but to no avail. , all annihilated by one claw.

"Incomparable, incomparable!"

The figure of the ruthless man retreated sharply, and she felt a very terrifying aura from this hell dragon. It was not even under the previous Ice Emperor. The existence of this level was simply not something she could resist.

Just when the ruthless man had just retreated to the shore, an astonishing scene happened. The huge waves of the entire magic lake turned into countless huge torrents, rushing towards the hell demon dragon, filling its bones, the monsters in the lake, They also burst into pieces, turning into countless pieces of flesh and blood, and the mixed lake torrents became part of the body of the hell dragon.

But in the blink of an eye, the Hell Demon Dragon, which had only skeletons left, regained its flesh and blood, and its body was covered with a layer of incomparably hideous scale armor.

"Conspiracy, this is a conspiracy! The hell dragon is not dead. It turned its own flesh into a magic lake and was actually sleeping. Now it has woken up."

Ji Feixue exclaimed loudly, full of fear.

"I was expelled from my hometown and slept here for another [-] years. Now you dare to break into my territory, you are really killing yourself..."

The hell demon dragon lifted up the huge dragon body and faced the ruthless man. The moment the dragon's eyes were aimed at the ruthless man, it shot out endless killing intent, and a terrifying demon dragon flame sprayed out, covering the entire abyss.

"Dad, please protect us."

The ruthless man closed his eyes slightly and gently took off the golden thunder hairpin from his hair.

At the same time, like telepathy, Zhang Tian's movements suddenly stopped in the audience seat of Martial Dao Peak, and his sharp eyes looked towards the fourth floor of the Demon Refinement Tower, as if he had penetrated through layers of void and landed directly on the Demon Dragon. in the abyss. , , .

Chapter 218 The scenery of the golden thunder hairpin

The magic flames came, and the terrifying momentum seemed to devour the whole world.

This is the Dragon Breath technique, the life-skilling technique of the dragon family. The stronger the bloodline strength, the greater the power of this move.In the realm of the hell demon dragon, even the supreme sage would not be able to retreat completely under the flames of this demon dragon.

"My life is over!"

Shangguanqin closed her eyes in despair, and recalled the not-so-long past in her mind. At the age of seven, she cultivated her body, opened up the sea at the age of fifteen, broke through the extraordinary at the age of [-], and reached the peak of the extraordinary at the age of [-]. She will be the best. All of his youth was dedicated to Qindao.

Unexpectedly, good fortune is so tricky, just when she has accumulated more than ten years and intends to accumulate wealth and become a king in one fell swoop, the punishment will come.To this end, she did not hesitate to destroy the imperial qin that she had obtained so hard, but it was still difficult to escape the fate of her death.

Ji Feixue and the others were also extremely frightened. Under this demonic flame, they were like ants in the vast ocean. They could do nothing but wait for death.

At this moment, a dazzling brilliance suddenly illuminated the abyss, like a divine sword, piercing through the heavens and the earth, opening a huge crack in the sky, and instantly dispelling all the haze.


Feeling this astonishing change, Shangguan Qin, Ji Feixue and others opened their eyes at the same time and looked around with an uncontrollable anticipation.

I saw the ruthless man standing on the ground, three feet of blue silk fluttering in the wind, with the slightly swaying blue shirt, and the inexhaustible graceful graceful appearance, the source of that bright golden light came from her raised left hand.

To be precise, it came from the golden thunder hairpin held in her left hand.That strong divine light enveloped her whole body, making her like a goddess in the Moon Palace, awe-inspiring and inviolable.

"What kind of treasure is this? It has such a powerful aura, and it is countless times more powerful than the imperial treasure. Could it be an imperial soldier?"

Shangguanqin was shocked to the extreme, she never imagined that Ruthless would suddenly come up with such a shocking treasure.As far as she knows, even in the most profound sacred places on the continent, there will be at most one or two pieces of the Supreme Dao Imperial Armament, and it is impossible to obtain an Imperial Armament.

Contrary to Shangguanqin's shock, Ji Feixue and the others all showed ecstatic expressions, and they all said excitedly, "This is a treasure bestowed by Senior Zhang, and I will be saved."

"Senior Zhang's thunder technique is unparalleled in the world. He can kill the Supreme Sage with a single finger, and he will surely be able to subdue this hell dragon."

"With the protection of Senior Zhang's Lei Fa, I will be safe and sound!"

At this moment, the haze in the eyes of all the girls of the Hundred Flowers League was completely swept away, looking at the dazzling golden thunder hairpin in the hands of the ruthless, as if they saw an invincible figure standing in the sky, standing in the sky, holding the divine thunder, breaking the ice domain, and beheading the emperor!

"Jin Lei hairpin, go!"

The ruthless man let out a low voice, and threw the hairpin in his hand to the oncoming terrifying Demon Dragon Flame.


At the moment when Jin Lei's hairpin was released, an imperial might that contained an aura of endless destruction swept out and swept all directions.

The hairpin, which was originally only a few inches in size, suddenly rose wildly, and the mighty golden brilliance shone through the world.

Ten feet, thirty feet, one hundred feet, five hundred feet...

The golden thunder hairpin turned into a golden thunder, which continued to extend, as if to pierce the sky and pierce the sky!

The originally fierce and boundless Demon Dragon Flame shattered and turned into wisps of ashes the moment it touched the divine thunder and golden light.Writing

"What, this... how is this possible?"

There is a very anthropomorphic look of anger in the eyes of the demon dragon of hell. He is the demon dragon of hell. He once suppressed a ghostly place and made countless dead souls unable to escape. The prestige has never decreased, so how can he shrink back in front of a few weak human monks.

The huge demonic dragon claws were lifted up, the power of dragon blood erupted, and countless black demonic flames emerged, surrounding the demonic claws, and fiercely grabbed towards the golden divine thunder.

It was this claw just now that tore apart the will of the two great sages, and now its fierceness is ten times stronger!

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