
Under everyone's attention, the Demon Dragon Claw and the Golden Divine Thunder collided fiercely, and the entire Demon Dragon Abyss was instantly divided into two worlds.

A world as bright as day, full of gold, majestic.

The other world was shrouded in magic flames, pitch black, and boundless silence.

But this division only exists in one moment, the next moment, the golden light is prosperous, like the emperor of Lingtian Jedi, sweeping across the eight wastes, with the invincible power of the autumn wind sweeping the leaves, and the magic flame field is annihilated in an instant.


With a loud bang, one of the devil's claws of the hell dragon broke at the root, and the monstrous devil blood was swallowed by the golden thunder.

The remaining power of the golden thunder is undiminished, with the invincible power that penetrates the entire abyss of the demon dragon, and presses towards the hell demon dragon cover. Wherever it passes, all the demon flames turn into fly ash, directly forcing the hell demon dragon to the corner. place.

"No, no, spare your life! Your Majesty spare your life!"

At this moment, the Demon Dragon of Hell recalled the fear when it was suppressed [-] years ago. The same was true of the Supreme Human Race at that time, and the invincible destroyer made all his attacks invisible.


Shangguanqin, Ji Feixue and others all showed extremely excited expressions.

The corners of the ruthless man's mouth also twitched, and in the next moment, he seemed to remember something, and exclaimed: "Kellow chalcedony, Dad, leave a keel!"

Zhang Tian's expression changed at the seat of Martial Dao Peak. He was silently watching everything in the Demon Dragon Abyss, and when he heard the exclamation of the ruthless man, he couldn't help showing a burst of speechlessness.

Unexpectedly, the ruthless man also learned badly from that girl Zi Yan, desperate for the treasure.

However, since it was his daughter's request, Zhang Tian naturally had to satisfy it with all his strength, and immediately turned his eyesight into a ray of light and blasted into the magic tower.

In the Demon Dragon Abyss, the golden divine thunder that seemed to be destroying everything suddenly froze, as if being grasped by a powerful hand.


In the dark, an incomparably majestic voice sounded, Zhang Tianhua's spiritual body stood on the void, with a majestic look, holding a golden thunder, slashing towards the hell demon dragon, the god thunder and the dragon body burst at the same time, the whole hell demon. Yuandu was flooded with golden light, making people subconsciously close their eyes.

"Silly girl."

Zhang Tian moved in front of the ruthless man with his eyes closed, with a soft color in his eyes, and pointed at her bright jade-like forehead. Lifelike, reflected in the forehead of the ruthless man, and disappeared in a flash. , , .

Chapter 219 The Demon Lord of Hell who Forcibly Pretends

On the top of the seventh floor of the Demon Refinement Tower, in an endless dark prison, suddenly came the shocked and angry voice of the Demon Lord of Hell:

"Okay, what a terrifying attack that actually killed my mount Hell Demon Dragon!"

The alien man standing outside the prison was also startled, and said in horror: "How is this possible, that hell dragon has existed for endless years, and its strength is almost immortal emperor. In the world, who can kill it? kill?"

"I don't know, this Demon Lord felt a very tyrannical aura of thunder and punishment. It was the nemesis of our Demon Race, which made this Demon Lord feel a little dizzy. It's a pity that every floor of this Demon Refining Pagoda has a ban on it. The divine consciousness cannot accurately sense the situation on the fourth floor."

In the pitch-dark prison, two eyes full of demonic flame suddenly appeared, as if they were suspicious and motionless.

The alien man said in horror: "Could it be the emperor of the ancestors? Or some immortal emperor, who knew our plan and planned to come in ahead of time to stop it?"

The demonic fire in the eyes of the Demon Lord of Hell suddenly soared, and he said coldly: "Hmph, this person is taking advantage of the situation to suppress my mount, this is not a big sin, if he dares to continue to rise, this Demon Lord will make him regret for the rest of his life! "

"Okay! The devil is mighty!"

There was a very excited look in the eyes of the alien man. A true immortal emperor is definitely an overlord-level existence, which is enough to affect the pattern of the entire continent, and it is definitely not comparable to any genius.If they can take this opportunity to kill an immortal emperor of a human monster or a monster clan, even if they let all the geniuses go, they will make a lot of money!

However, what this alien man didn't realize was that when the Demon Lord of Hell said those cruel words, the huge demon body was constantly shaking, clearly because he was extremely frightened, and he was just pretending to be coercive.

After waiting for a while, the Demon Lord of Hell seemed to be relieved and murmured softly: "It disappeared, the breath disappeared, it seems that there is no powerful person breaking in, just a heavy treasure containing the power of divine thunder. Hmph. , good luck for those little kids."

The alien man showed disappointment, and said: "The devil must hurry up, those two peerless talents must die, otherwise we will not open the forbidden magic circle for you."

"Don't worry, this Demon Lord has released all the demons on the sixth floor. As long as they dare to come up, they will surely die!"

The Demon Lord of Hell showed a very confident look. Among the demons on the sixth floor, there were many demon kings and demon saints.

Just as the Hell Demon Lord and the alien man were talking, the Demon Dragon Abyss on the fourth floor also returned to calm, and the golden thunder and all the demonic energy disappeared.

"Senior Sister Zhang, look, there is a keel there!" Ji Feixue said with great surprise.

Everyone looked at the sound, and sure enough, a huge keel was inserted into a stone wall in the abyss.

"Yeah! There is still dragon's blood grass under the magic lake. It's basically not destroyed. It's a miracle!"

Another girl from the Hundred Flowers League also made a major discovery. She pointed at the bottom of the dried-up Demon Lake and exclaimed. There was a patch of algae there, and nearly thirty dragon blood grasses were faintly swaying.

"Senior Zhang must have heard the call of Senior Sister and exerted his divine power to create these miracles."

Ji Feixue said very romantically, how could she just guess the truth.

The ruthless man remembered what Zhang Tian said before: "As long as you think of Dad in your heart, Dad will protect you." ', Xiafei touched his forehead subconsciously, with tenderness in his eyes.

"Senior Sister Zhang, take off that keel and take a look. The keel and chalcedony is the essence of the beasts of the dragon race, and the strong dragons often evaporate it before they die. Even if they don't do this, the dragon marrow will soon solidify. Ineffective." Literary 520 www.bxwx520.org

After all, Ji Feixue came from an ancient clan and knew a lot about these things.

Hearing the words, the ruthless man did not dare to delay, and immediately flew upwards, slashing at the cracked place on the keel with a sword.


The keel was broken, and some pure white spiritual liquid that was as crystal clear as jade flowed out from the gap, and was immediately caught by the ruthless man with the spirit bottle that had been prepared for a long time.

Seeing that these dragon bones and chalcedony tended to condense, the ruthless man did not want to stay any longer, so he flew directly to the bottom of the magic lake, swept half of the dragon blood grass with the sword light and put it in the storage ring, and then rushed out of the abyss. Going to find a secret place to refine, leaving only a voice coming from afar.

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